Jetting Off (on the cheap?)


With the seemingly never ending rain and grey skies, my mind has once again turned to holidays. I am so disorganised though, I’ve never had a job where I work more than weekends so booking time off was something that hadn’t really occurred. Amazingly, on checking the holiday rota in the office today I have somehow scored a week off in July AND a week in October.

Temptation is creeping in to jet off somewhere hot and sunny, and with websites galore offering cheap holidays it could soon become more reality than fantasy. I do have a few hesitations though.

– Going it alone. As much as I’m craving sun and sea and some peace and quiet, could I stand more than a day of my own company? Especially on foreign shores where I am un-blessed in language and common sense skills. Have you ever been abroad alone? How did you find it?

– Money/hidden costs. Sure the holiday might be cheap, but what about hidden costs? What sort of budget would I plan for?

– Packing. I do not have a holiday wardrobe. And cannot afford one.

– Swimwear. I do not have a beach ready body.

What do we think? Would you do it?

I’m thinking perhaps I’m better off planning for October rather than July, more notice for a friend or two to get some time off…


Oh help.

(sponsored post. I do accept sponsored posts, but only if they relate to me…which this one did. I’ve done nothing but tweet about/complain loudly about my lack of holiday for weeks)

14 comments for “Jetting Off (on the cheap?)

  1. I’ve been on holiday by myself in the UK quite a few times now. Haven’t gone solo abroad but it wouldn’t bother me – I’m perfectly happy in my own company.

    As for cost etc, it kinda depends where you go, when you go and what you want to do. October will be way cheaper than July (unless your week off is half term week) and if you pick a quietish location and don’t spend loads on booze (which I doubt you will!), it’s just a case of self catering for a week. Not that pricey really.

    Oh and I know it’s a horribly British-centric thing to say (and maybe I’m picking the wrong places to go on holiday) but it’s very rare to go to tourist destinations where people don’t speak English, so I wouldn’t worry about that.

    ps – no-one thinks they’ve got a beach-ready body! But on holiday no-one cares what anyone else looks like, they’re all too busy enjoying themselves in the sunshine.

  2. I love going on holiday alone you can do what you want, eat where you want, see what you want basically do everything to your own schedule without worrying about pleasing everyone else.

    Depending on what sort of holiday you want you can get some great deals if you look in the travel agents, definitely aim for October because it will be waaay cheaper and yes you’ll be able to find sunny places in October!

    As for a holiday wardrobe who says you need a whole new wardrobe you’ve got plenty of amazing and cute dresses that will make awesome holiday wear, no need to buy anything new save your money for when you get there!

    I have a bunch of helpful holiday links I posted on my blog

    I’m also in the middle of writing up about my adventures abroad alone so keep an eye out for them or just look through my Frequent Flyer & travel tags xoxo

  3. Yeah have to agree October would be cheaper seeing you avoid the summer school holidays – its just working out what kind of holiday you want. Given the chance i’d love to go away and I think I could do it alone x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think jetting off for a holiday sounds like a perfect idea. In October you are starting to catch the end of the season in Europe though, so you might be better off travelling a bit farther afield for guaranteed warmth. I am thinking of travelling alone this summer – just to a yoga retreat or something…think I would end up going bonkers though. I think it would be better to go with someone – language barriers can be rubbish. I’ll come with you ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I think jetting off for a holiday sounds like a perfect idea. In October you are starting to catch the end of the season in Europe though, so you might be better off travelling a bit farther afield for guaranteed warmth. I am thinking of travelling alone this summer – just to a yoga retreat or something…think I would end up going bonkers though. I think it would be better to go with someone – language barriers can be rubbish. I’ll come with you ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Hmm, tough one. I went abroad on my own to France (to live) but I spoke the language (kind of) and I didn’t have a choice in the matter so…lol. A holiday on your own might be enjoyable but personally I think it would be better to go with someone else, especially if you go abroad.
    As for hidden costs, if you struggle to keep costs down you can always buy food at supermarkets and cook in your apartment/eat very cheaply rather than spend a lot on food every day. I think food is what you spend the most on when away.
    Nobody has a beach ready body ๐Ÿ˜‰ Either go to the beach early in the morning when it’s quiet or tell yourself than nobody is looking at you and just enjoy being at the beach.
    Hope you manage to find a good deal ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. The only place I’ve been alone is Indonesia and then I was there to study so I had a purpose. It was scary at first being in Jakarta- so I would avoid massive cities on my own. I think I would do it although I would somehow coherce friends to come with me if poss!

  9. You should go for it, it would be fab for you and its best to do these things while you can rather then regretting it later xx

  10. I actually could’ve written this post about 10 times over the last couple of years. It’s something I debate ALL the time, yet never seem to come to a conclusion on.
    Maybe we should go on holiday together? That would solve both our problems!

  11. Anonymous

    1) Just do it! You’ll find you enjoy it more than you think, and you will amaze yourself with your ability to do it all by yourself. As well as being a lovely holiday it will be great for your self confidence! ๐Ÿ™‚ Most places, people will speak some english, and I got by fine in Prague where they don’t and I didn’t speak any czech. Pointing at items on a menu was an adventure that turned out well. I like to try to learn the phrase “Can you speak english” in a language, as it usually gets a better response than just assuming people do.
    2)When I travel I pre-book my flights and accomodation. Apart from that the only essential spends are on food and transport. As someone said, food can be as cheap or expensive as you can afford. Public transport is usually inexpensive, and a quick search will give you an idea of costs for your location. Sightseeing is then a matter of knowing your daily budget and choosing activities that don’t break it. Allow yourself at least one splurge, so you can do something exciting.
    3) What is a holiday wardrobe? I travel heaps and I don’t have one. I suspect only the very rich do, and even then, who could be bothered segregating their wardrobe like that? Just take a range of your clothes that are weather appropriate, and go!
    4) Yeah, no one has a beach body. Fake it. Just walk around like you think you’re the bees knees, and anyone who bothers to look at you (very few people), will think that you are. After a short while you will have forgotten your awkwardness anyway and will just enjoy soaking up the sunshine.

  12. The Canary Islands : )

  13. i was thinking about going on holiday on my own for quite a while but I’m not sure I could handle it… Try to talk a friend into coming together? That’s my plan ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. If you don’t have a holiday wardrobe and don;t want hidden costs, self catering somewhere sunny is ideal- swimwear plus keeping food costs low. Hidden costs are usually only whatever you eat and drink, plus maybe deposits for a safe in the room or whatever (20 euros ish).

    Southern Spain and the Canary Islands are awesome in October, and going it along can be blissful. Worry not about language, so long as your polite to them, most people will be happy to help you in English and common sense- well you made it to 23- you’ll be fine. DOITDOITDOIT!