Weekend Wearing

This weekend was all about the comfort, old favourites and dressing for the bloody awful weather.
It was a great weekend though; the famous (infamous?) Best.Friend. has passed her driving test and so we ventured further afield than normal and squeed over baby bunnies at the garden centre and hit the jackpot on the 2p machines. She also came with me to see my grandparents, and just because we had the car and we didn’t have to carry things, we spent a small fortune on crap in Tesco (anyone else do that?)



I also managed to get out on my poor neglected bike yesterday. I really need to stop being lazy and use the poor thing more!

This week should be fairly quiet, apart from today where I’m working all day, I have no overtime and will be doing my usual half days…that’ll be strange, I’ve got used to working a “normal” amount now, but I daresay the break will do me good.

Tomorrow has been declared “tattoo tuesday“. Needless to say, I can’t wait (although don’t get too excited, it’s only going to be a small, meaningful piece of ink).

22 comments for “Weekend Wearing

  1. I think both outfits are super cute and relaxed looking:) And I can’t wait to see your tattoo! xx

  2. Excited about your tattoo, can’t wait to see it! šŸ™‚ It sounds like you had the relaxing weekend you needed which as good

    Maria xxx

  3. Can’t wait to see what tattoo you get!

    ā™„ Leia

  4. Kat

    Great outfits, as usual! Can’t wait to see the new ink, I need to book my next one! I’m obsessed šŸ™‚


  5. LOVE those trousers!! x

  6. Ink? Wow, look forward to finding out what you have planned:)

    Glad to hear I’m not the only one neglecting my bike, it’s been nearly 4 years since I last rode it.

  7. Looking forward to the new tattoo! Those trousers look so comfy it’s unreal!

  8. oo I’m excited to see this tattoo!

  9. oh my… you’re going to get a tattoo…?!

    and yeah I sometimes spend a small amount on crap in Asda, when we go over there which is very rarely as we go to sainsbury’s (which is v. expensive…) or, when we’re skint, morrissons x

  10. I know what you mean! Definitely need to get my bike out some time soon! And I live in Cambridge – the bike central of the UK!!! šŸ™‚
    Love those coloured tights!
    http://www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3

  11. It’s always so exciting when a friend can finally drive! I love your pants – the print is fantastic! šŸ™‚

    sorelle in style

  12. Lovely outfits – how miserable was the weather at the weekend!
    I laughed about your Tesco comment, I always overspend in there when I go in with friends!
    Looking forward to seeing the tattoo – hope it’s not too painful xx

  13. Vix

    I remember when my friend passed her driving test, it was any excuse to go for weird and wonderful jaunts to far flung places.
    Love the splash of pink in both outfits, really good with your hair. x

  14. Bex

    Looking fantastic as usual!
    Thanks for the lovely comment šŸ™‚ I’ve given you a blog award by the way šŸ™‚ xo

  15. Lovely bright outfits! Good to hear that you’re going to get using your bike! It was such a great present.

  16. Oh that’s exciting news about the tattoo! Can’t wait to hear more.

  17. Cute outfits x

    I know what you mean re buying rubbish in Tesco…x

  18. Ooo tattoo tuesday sounds very intriguing! I can’t wait to read and see more!

  19. Ooh, excited about your tatt! x

  20. Jen

    Very excited about your tattoo! Eeep!

    Love both outfits. Your hair is looking amazing. x