just a simple outfit post

Here’s what I’m wearing to start off a new week.

The dress is from a shop called Yellow Shop in Bath. The boots, longsleeve top, socks and bag are all from New Look (obsessed). My tights are from the now closed down Ethel Austin and my necklace is by the fabulous Kerry of PennyDog who makes some of the quirkiest jewellery around!




(Not entirely sure what I was doing here?!)

And to cheer you up on this dull and dreary Monday, here’s Flash looking adorable


Have a great week! What are you up to?
I have appointments, and plan to spend some quality time with my Brother who is home for the week πŸ™‚
I also have some reviews coming up on the blog.


63 comments for “just a simple outfit post

  1. Love the outfit! And the cat;)

    Have fun with your brother!

  2. You’re not the only one newlook obsessed I saw that bag and I’m gutted I didn’t get it!

    You look lovely as always =)

    My week shall be spent catching up with work, writing lesson plans and teaching!

  3. have a fun week with your brother! adorable cat, love animals!!! the outfit is pretty, bold florals and it suits you so well!

    xxx Charlie

  4. Curtsy’ing? XD Very cute! πŸ˜€

  5. You always look super cute in purple πŸ™‚ And flash is adorable too…I want a pet!!

    Maria xxx

  6. I love that shade of purple of your tights!

  7. You look great! And flash as well, what a beautiful cat.

    Have a good start into the new week!

  8. awesome combo!! you look so pretty! πŸ™‚ the colors really flatter your skin well πŸ™‚

  9. loking like an adorable ballerina πŸ™‚
    And flash is perfect in that photo ^^

  10. really cute! nice curtsy (no idea if that’s how you spell it)!

    oh, and your cat looks like my cat! same colour and eye-colour, except my girl has bigger ears and more hair coming out of them, LOL!

  11. love the florals my dear!! you look fabulous πŸ™‚ x

  12. Your cat is gorgeous! And I love your satchel bag, they’re the best. Your flowery dress is beautiful too. xxx

  13. Good start of the week with your outfit!



  14. Love your outfit darling! Mwah xx

  15. Love the colours in your dress and the tights work perfectly. Cute bag and an even cuter cat xoxo

  16. ooo love the dress. i LoVe winter when i can wear boots with dresses or skirts πŸ™‚

  17. wow this post…I love your blog…my name’s martina and I come from Italy…I would like you visit my blog and if you want…follow me!I wait you and your tips…kiss kiss ^^

  18. You and Flash have both brightened up my day. xxx

  19. ~k

    I love the floral print on the dress! Very cute!!

  20. Love the print dress.

  21. love the tights all the colours work fabulously xxxxx

  22. the dress is lovely with those tights – i’m not that obsessed with new look recently, btu i did get some fabulous faux fur mittens the other day from there! πŸ™‚ xx

  23. I love the way the dress looks with the tights. And Flash is adorable! I love cats.


  24. I haven’t been by in a bit. You’re looking good! How do you feel?

  25. adorable pose you!
    Your kitty…those eyes~WOW!


  26. I love this outfit; the colours work so well together. The dress is stunning, all those flowers! And the New Look bag is perfect for colder days like today xx

  27. Gorgeous girl and what a cute cat πŸ™‚

    β™₯ Leia

  28. Have fun!!! lovely dresss and the cat is beautiful!!


  29. looking good, Mr. Flash! πŸ™‚ x

  30. Cute, cute outfit!! And Flash is adorable πŸ™‚

  31. The dress looks amazing.

    And Flash is really cute πŸ™‚

  32. thank you darling! the dress is from SeppΓ€lΓ€.

  33. Love your dress it looks really pretty!

  34. love your dress! and flash is so, so cute (:


  35. Kb

    Love the layering (as always the tights are fab) and thanks for your comment! I need to do so much Uni work this week but am heading back to London in a few days, so am v.excited!

  36. That dress is so pretty! And your cat is so cute πŸ˜€
    Fiona x


  37. lovely dress!
    flash looks so cute in this pic!

  38. don’t you look gorgeous! I love that dress.

    And your cat looks like my cat!! x

  39. You look lovely! πŸ™‚

  40. looking beautiful as ever! sigh, i miss my cat… xxxc

  41. love your outfit, you look really lovely πŸ˜‰

  42. I love your dress & tights! That last picture is great!

    KF x

  43. You look absolutely beautiful. I love that dress too! Can feel a trip to Bath coming on…

  44. ooh you look very pretty, love the bag πŸ™‚ x

  45. What a cuddley adorable cat! I love how your outfits always seem so cheerful and uplifting!

    Eternally yours,

  46. Meg

    What a cute cat! And an adorable dress!

  47. that dress is so cute. you paired it up great with that boots! ?:D im tottally digging this outfit! <3 i love everythin with tights.


  48. that dress is so cute. you paired it up great with that boots! ?:D im tottally digging this outfit! <3 i love everythin with tights.


  49. that dress is so cute. you paired it up great with that boots! ?:D im tottally digging this outfit! <3 i love everythin with tights.


  50. I love that dress. Definitely something to brighten up these cold, dreary mornings. Looks great on you.

  51. omg how cute is your cat! Love your outfit, those stockings are super cute xx

    If you haven’t already, don’t forget to enter my Zoemou Necklace Giveaway @ http://thriveonnovelty.blogspot.com/2010/11/zoemou-necklace-giveaway.html

  52. Love this bohemian style on you!

    I hope your week is off to a fabulous start…cheers: Evi

  53. Fairs and candyfloss are always good fun πŸ™‚ xxx

  54. that bag s beautiful n u look amazing πŸ™‚ so happy looking.

  55. Such a pretty floral dress, dearie:)


  56. Super duper outfit lady πŸ™‚
    P.s sweet cat!

  57. Anonymous

    Haha. Great last pose. I’m glad you’re bros around for a visit! πŸ™‚