The Bluebeards Revenge (a review)

So a couple of weeks ago I posted a picture of a product and left you guessing as to what it was. Today I am revealing all…

Introducing The Bluebeards Revenge.


Originally aimed at men, the brains behind The Bluebeards Revenge discovered that it was actually women behind their bumper sales.

This is a shaving cream that claims to reduce stubble by 40% over the course of 60 days. It was first thought that women were purchasing this for their husbands but it has since been discovered that actually, they want in on the action and have stubble free legs and underarms for longer too.

The magic ingredient of this cream is Decelerine which targets hair follicle growth and weakens new hair formation. As well as inhibiting growth it is also shown to have a soothing and moisturising effect on skin.

The company use totally recyclable packaging and is suitable for vegetarians as well as been paraben free. A percentage of every sale goes to charity supporting injured fire fighers.

I was sent a tub of this to review, having worked with Nick on the blog before (wickedelic lingerie).



If I’m 100% honest, I was incredibly sceptical. I hate shaving my legs (yet I’m not organised to remember to book regular waxing sessions) and something that could reduce the amount of re-growth really did seem too good to be true. However I was prepared to give it a go…and I’m honestly glad I did.

From the first shave my legs were smoother than they had been in a long time, and re-growth seemed to be about 50% slower than before.
I’ve used it several times since then and I remain impressed! I can really see why so many ladies are jumping on to this product.


The cream itself is lovely. It has a smell like old fashioned soap (you know, the white powdery bars!) and a lovely iridescent sheen to it.
You only need to tinyest amount, about the size of a small almond, and it lathers up suprisingly well; better than many cheaper shaving foams I have used.

A tub will cost you Β£14.99 from here which might seem pricey but should last you at least 5 months (as you’ll be needing to shave less frequently and you use such a small amount!) You also get a free shaving brush with all orders, which you can use to apply the cream, although personally I go the messy route and use my hands!

For more information on Bluebeards Revenge and to learn more about it you can check out the website

So, that was a bit of an epic post for a wet and miserable (AND COLD) Tuesday. I hope everyone’s week has got off to a good start. We have cold germs in the house and I am doing my very best to avoid them!

Outfit today is my trust floral harems from Matalan and a loose fit tee from Uniqlo (plus several other additions as the day has progressed!)



32 comments for “The Bluebeards Revenge (a review)

  1. I’m totally intrigued and will be putting a pot on the Xmas list πŸ˜‰

  2. I am getting some of that it sounds amazing! πŸ™‚

    You match your bedroom! =)

  3. it really sounds too perfect, but I’m glad it turned out to be a great product!
    NEver heard of it, so thanks for sharing*
    loving that simple outfit πŸ™‚

  4. love the floral trousers sweetie! more pictures!!

    xoxo Mode Junkie

  5. i like the flower print on your skirt



  6. Cold, cold, cold here too! Brrrr.

    Love the harems πŸ™‚ They’re so cheerful and bright.

    The shaving cream sounds intriguing. I just use cheapo conditioner usually as it’s so much cheaper than proper shaving foam, but I do like the prospect of something that’s hair reducing as well.

  7. The Bluebeards Revenge cream is intriguing. Shaving is such a pain. It’s nice that it’s suitable for vegetarians. I wonder whether the flat rate shipping applies outside of the U.K.?
    The floral print on your harems is gorgeous.

  8. Slower regrowth sounds great! But Β£14.99? Maybe with some Christmas money I will splurge. I tend to electric shave these days as Im lazy, I stole my husbands shaver as mens ones are far better than womens ones! Im really liking that multi chain necklace on you.

    Daisy Dayz Home
    Cross-Jones-Photography Home

  9. I’d never think of using a product of men but this review has swayed me. I shall have to keep an eye out. Thanks for your comment on my blog.

  10. D.

    The photo of this outfit is the best so far!

  11. My order will be going in soon, anything that saves time (and hassle) sounds like a win. Love the look of the brush!
    ps. love your necklace xx

  12. I am DEFINITELY getting this product. I’m so glad you profiled it!

    Love your outfit today!

  13. i’ve used men’s shaving cream tooo (gillette) and even tho it doesnt smell as good as the ones for women, it works better!!!

    im glad im not the only girl to thinks so πŸ™‚

  14. Good cream or not, I know I’d give it a try solely because of the way the packaging looks – I love this skull and bones haha

  15. Ohh I like the sound of that ~ I think I have a cunning plan, I will buy some for my hubbie for Christmas and just borrow it πŸ™‚
    Kandi x

  16. Think that’s an xmas present for the boyf sorted. πŸ™‚

    And just seen your previous post, I used to LOVE shopping in the Yellow Shop in Bath.


  17. hmm that really does sound too good to be true! i might have to invest after reading your review though. love your floral harems πŸ™‚ x

  18. Oh wow, I might have to try that out after that glowing review dear! It does sound too god to be true but I’ll take your word for it…

    Sally x

  19. Wow, it sounds like a miracle! Anything that means less shaving is always a plus in my book!

  20. Wow, sounds like a great product! I think it’s so funny that it has a big ‘For Men’ in the title, and it’s been women using it all along!

  21. Wow so informative, thanks for sharing! I had never heard of this! xoxo

  22. you look beauitful Laura! x

  23. I have never heard of that product, but think I will try it for my underarm stubble. Thank you for sharing the knowledge. Have a great week, sweetie!

  24. I love this necklace btw πŸ™‚

  25. Love those floral harems. xxx

  26. oh whant an good and random idea. i do think my fiance would be concerned if he found this used and in the cupboard

    Bright Green Laces

  27. oh this is so cool ^^ one of my friends likes using mens chaving cream for herself tehe :p

    and i like ur outfit ^^

  28. Interesting product! I am quite intrigued by the skull and crossbones packaging too. Those floral harems mix together two great trends x

  29. love the packaging!I wanna try it it sounds like a treat! x

  30. Anonymous

    Can you buy this in uk shops too?

  31. Liking the sound of this! Anything that means shaving less ofton is good in my books!