last night

I survived the hen night last night, woo-hoo.
It was a lot of fun, despite not being able to drink. I was a bit lame though at left at 11, just as the others were hitting the bars. I’m not a fan of clubs and bars, well, I am, but not when I’m the only one staying sober. By that point I was being attacked in all directions by negative body image and feeling tres insecure, so in a way I was glad to escape and get home and sleep.

I didn’t get very good photos of my outfit,
the dress actually has more detail at the back than the front, in the form of a zipper and a tie back. I also wore a black tuxedo jacket, but failed to snap a photo. I’m sure photos from other people will start surfacing before long though, I totally forgot my camera was in my bag and didn’t take any.



I love this dress, it’s New Look limited edition and I almost bought it a while back, though I’m glad I didn’t as this was given to me for free by a friend!
It did give me no end of hassle though as I hate where it falls on my thighs and feels it makes me legs look, well, chunky.

C’est la vie. I ignored those thoughts for the most part and concentrated on having a wicked time, which I did
(especially as I was out with relative strangers, the hen do was for a colleague of my Mum’s, but I’ve been adopted in to their social group it would seem…the people are so lovely and so hilarious)


My makeup looked more dramatic in real life. Though I can never get super bold, bright eyeshadow like other people seem to be able to. Any hints and tips?

and I arrived home from work/seeing my grandparents yesterday to find a package from an awesome friend in the USA who saw these tights and “just had to get them” for me.


I was looking through my tights drawer yesterday (yes, I have an entire drawer!) I have over 20 pairs that I regularly wear, though 1/4 of those are black/nude and 8 un-opened packs! Addict, much?

My only other recent aquisition is a penis shaped straw, sneakily stolen from the hen do…
no-one needs a picture of that though, do they?!

Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend!

*edited to add this*

Please, take a visit to Valentine’s blog and read, consider, and pray for all those affected.

51 comments for “last night

  1. Anonymous

    Lemon aid by benefit as a primer first, makes color pop. dont be afraid to be liberal with shadow, define with liquidliner for more dramatic piercing looking eyes.

  2. MJ

    I really hate hen nights myself. Cock-shaped straws and L-plates are my pet hates – but I hope you had a great time! You certainly looked great. When I want a colour ‘pop’, which I rarely do, I use those eyeshadows from that weird goth-brand (it’s name has something about stars in it, I think) in New Look – the colours are always really really pigmented and strong. But use with caution!

  3. amazing dress !!!lovely tights!!!

  4. Love the dress, and those tights – wow! lucky you!
    I always feel a bit awkward in clubs and bars because I don’t drink. Glad you had fun though!

  5. I love that tights! How sweet of your friend:)

    Glad you had fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

    xx from Madrid

  6. Great tights!! And your legs look FANTASTIC, they are the furthest thing from chunky (believe me, I know!!!).

    As for eye makeup – the way I have in the past got it really bold is to use a damp eye applicator thing to do it – this is from trying to make my face up like facepaints. It goes on properly bold. Recommend playing with it first!

  7. NO no no chunky legs anywhere to be seen ! Dont be so silly ๐Ÿ™‚

    The dress is lovely!

    Oh the tights are fab I love Betsey Johnson ones!

  8. chunky legs? oh darling, you have a wonderful figure and look so adorable! love the tights, too.

  9. You look fab, i love that dress. I like really bright eye make up, i just layer it up and MAC eyeshadows are the best with Urban Decay liners x

  10. You do NOT have chunky legs. I do get what you mean, though–I’m skinny myself but I’m always complaining about my tummy, earning me dirty looks from… er, not skinny people!

    Love the new tights!

  11. I ADORE your hens night dress….ahhh tis gorgeous, young lady.

    And lol at the penis shaped straw. Requisite for every hens do. I’m sure I still have the one I got for a friend’s hens do somewhere in the house.

    p.s. love your sharing of your tights collection. Glad I’m not the only one *cough*….we’re not bizarre, are we? ๐Ÿ™‚

    have a great one

  12. Hi there!

    I dont know what Im trying to do by leaving this message. I certainly dont mean to cause you any form of sadness. But perhaps, in this simple manner.. Id be able to extend further help.

    I just thought that people, the world over might want to know what happened. Even through a single person’s perspective. I hope that it might move them and start a chain.. of good thoughts and prayers.

    So there it is. I hope you help me spread the word. Ive written it all down. On my blog.

    Thank you very much, dearest!


  13. Wow, that dress is gorgeous! <3

  14. I wish I had a tights drawer! i love that dress!

  15. there is absolutely no way your thighs can look chunky! you look lovely, thats a very cute dress and im sure it looked great with the tux jacket! x

  16. haha, I’m the same with tights… my mother works for a hosiery company! I have a whole drawer and several unopened packets… ridiculous, haha.


  17. Girl, your legs look like they go on forever! Love the dress…and I wish I could have seen you in real life: You look gorgeous in that portrait photo:)

    I need to get myself some tights now :b

  18. Very nice ! I love your dress – the polka dots are too adorable. And your tights are super cool. Can’t wait to see outfit posts!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  19. that purple dress is fantastic on you

  20. penis shaped straw? haha

    glad you had fun at the hens night. love your makeup! and i love love love stockings. can’t ever have enough! x

  21. i love the shoulder-design of your dress! ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. hmmm… when I do tv filming the make-up artist does my make-up sooooo strong that I look like a damn vampire. really white skin and super dramatic lips but when the camera starts rolling and I look back on the footage, it looks really normal. I guess thats what’s necessary to look normal on camera because of the lighting.

    the best tip for dramatic eyes is that you are used to looking a certain way, so… take a small step at a time, widen the boundaries of eye shadow towards your eyebrows. Try and use 3 or 4 colors to blend in so it doesn’t look that one dimensional.

    whew… that was long, love your dress and come on… you look super skinny! love those hen nights.

  23. well, you’re right, hen nights are often a strange moment to go through. But believe me that’s same for bachelor parties. So pathetic ๐Ÿ˜‰

  24. the dress looks great on you, silly ๐Ÿ™‚ and those tights are so cute!! i love the floral pair. for super bright eyeshadow, you could wet your eyeshadow brush? or get liquid eyeliner xoxo

  25. How perfect is that dress? Love polka dots and this colour. Cute and lady-like at the same time!

    And I’m not a make-up person, but you totally nailed that look.

    And penis-shaped straws? Really, hen dos have to get a bit classier, like NOW.

  26. Bright colored dresses are so pretty on you! How lucky are you to get those awesome tights from a friend, too? ๐Ÿ™‚ Not sure about makeup tips. Let me know if you find out. I would say primer and blending?

  27. what a very amazing friend! xox

  28. Aww hope you are feeling better like I am – though still sound croaky! And you lucky moo – Betsey Johnson tights??

  29. The color suits you well <3

  30. Great post!
    Love that dress and those checkered tights look awesome!

  31. Kb

    You have fabulous legs, so don’t worry. Love the tights your friend got you, so thoughtful. I bought some tights in Italy that I’ll be sharing too. I had to relocate my tights from a drawer to a behind-the-door storage thingy, which is practically filled!

  32. I think your make-up looked lovely. You have beautiful eyes. I don’t even wear eyeshadow – just mascara and eyeliner – because I lack the patience to perfect it. Though I would love to try a smoky eye someday! ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. You look so gorgeous, darling! Love that dress! And yay for the tuxedo jacket too!


  34. Your dress is adorable! I love the bright color against the black tights – very cute!
    Have a great day!

  35. Dude.
    Betsey Johnson tartan tights???

  36. Jen

    I love the makeup, it’s a great look for you! ๐Ÿ˜€

  37. lovely dress and I can’t believe someone sent you those tights, so lucky!!!!

    thinking about all those people affected. so sad. x

  38. your dress is super cute. i keep on seeing images of those affected in manila. it is so sad and tragic. a little prayer for all.

    btw, good luck on the diamond giveaway.

  39. that dress is sooooooooo cute!!! I love polka dots and anything in the pink color family!!!
    and great makeup, it makes your eyes really shine!

    Enter my Giveaway

  40. I looove hen nights! That dress is gorgeous, I think the length is gorgeous on you too. Loving the tights, im addicted too, majority of mine are black or opaque colours, I want more variety

  41. I love the color of your hair. So pretty!

  42. Sorry you are sick too hun! Feel better! You look lovely btw! ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. you have the most amazing features ever – so delicate & gorgeous darling! (:

    bisous, xx

  44. Eri

    You look great as usual honey, and those tights are really cool, great gift.

    See you soon.


  46. I love that dress – it looks stunning on you! A great colour and cut – so pretty! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Also – those tights are fabulously great, I can’t wait to see how you style them

  47. I hate it when you say you have body image issues. You have a beautiful body, and even if you were chunky (which, by the way, you’re not), you would still be soso beautiful. I hope you are feeling better today. I’m sending positive thoughts!!

    x’s and o’s


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