Let’s talk about dental health*

Guys, let’s talk teeth; not the most thrilling subject I admit, but after yet another toothache saga and an ongoing war with my teeth I figure it’s an important issue and one that is often skipped over.
I totally took my teeth and dental health for granted, up until my late twenties, despite years of abuse and general self-neglect I had no trouble with my teeth at all and just assumed things would carry on that way.
I was wrong, so very wrong!
Turns out that over a decade of eating disordered behaviours had stripped my teeth of enamel leaving them super sensitive and prone to breaking and getting infected. I’m now a frequent flyer at the dentist (outside of my 6 monthly check-ups) and if I had my way I’d have the whole lot taken out and dentures fitted just to get rid of the problem.
It’s not hard to take care of your teeth, and here are some simple steps you can take to maintain good dental health.

  1. Brush at LEAST twice a day; yeah it’s a ball-ache, but you’ll regret it in years to come.
  2. Pick your products; I always use this Colgate sensitive pro-relief as it works wonders for me. Long before this blog post this was my go-to toothpaste and I won’t stray. I also use an anti-septic mouthwash as I have a long-term infection in my front teeth and this combination means I can eat and drink without fear of major pain or yet more antibiotics.
  3. Floss; I hate flossing, I really do, but short term pain for long term gain, trust me.
  4. Limit acidic foods and drinks; acid is what destroyed my teeth so now I am really careful to limit how much I consume to protect any enamel I have left.
  5. Befriend your dentist; my six monthly check-ups often reveal problems before they’ve become a problem meaning less invasive treatments and good advice for keep things stable.

What are your top dental health tips and go-to products?

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