letting the skirt do the talking

Hello, and Happy Monday.
I am having the worst possible day *screams*
so I do hope everyone else is having a somewhat better start to the week.

Thankfully I took photos before my mood turned sour,
my outfit today contains the most black I have worn in quite some time, but with a skirt this patterned, I thought it needed to speak for itself.

I did wear a tuxedo jacket (also black) when I went out,
oddly its not all that cold right now, or at least, I’m not…so I was pretty comfortable.
(Normally I’m the one with her winter coat on from September 1st)





What’s everyone up to this week?
A quiet one for me, rounding off with a Halloween get together with friends on Saturday night.


80 comments for “letting the skirt do the talking

  1. Ooh, I think this may be one of the first times I have ever seen you with your hair down – it’s lovely. Especially adoring the second picture – love the movement. I’ve got a full week myself – studying, homework, blogging, deadlines…then Halloween! Oh, I still have no clue what I’m going as. Are you dressing up? 🙂

  2. That’s a lovely skirt. Not too bad here just lots of work.

  3. you look beatiful, dear! I love your hair and that skirt is awesome. I wish I had your figure 🙂
    I hope you feel better soon. xxx

  4. The photo of you twirling is so happy! Really, one of my favourite outfits of yours so far.
    I can’t believe you’re in a bad mood now… Cheer up, I did. I had my car window broken last night after fashion week, AND the burglar step with muddy shoes all over the seats AND the rain come in. But what is done, is done.
    Hope you cheer up beautiful!

  5. work work work as always for my week. But im loving that skirt very gypsy-esq very cute on you.

  6. Your skirt is lovely and yes it does speak for itself:)

  7. I hope your day gets better and doesn’t have an impact on your whole week – you deserve to be happy all the time 🙂

    Love this outfit, especially the skirt, it’s magical!

    We have ‘reading week’ at university this week, so no lectures for the next five days – unfortunately I have lots and lots of essays and reading to do…nightmare! But I’m also going to take this week to just really enjoy myself – it’s my birthday on Halloween, so I deserve to have a week of doing the things that I want to do!


  8. I love your skirt! You look so pretty in it and the shape really suits your fab figure! XXX

  9. Lovely outfit, hope you cheer up soon! Bad moods suck!
    I edited my latest post with a little congratulatory message to you so that may perk you up 🙂
    Hope your bag arrives soon! The chappy from Voucher Codes is dealing with it all.

  10. Love. That. Skirt. It is absolutely gorgeous!

    Not much going on for the week. Hopefully enjoying what’s left of the nice weather!

  11. OO I m sorry for your day!But makes you appreciate more the good ones as I remind myself!
    I love this skirt every time I see it!:)

  12. That skirt is stunning, gorgeous! Really love that last pic of you!


  13. Kb

    You look great, hope everything is ok. I’m going to a Halloween party too at the weekend, excited!

  14. love the simple black top – & where is this tuxedo jacket?! sounds adorable!

    hope your day gets better ~

  15. Wow the skirt is fantastic and you look fab in it!

  16. love the skirt 🙂

  17. Gorgeous skirt, it looks like a perfect one to spin around in haha
    Oooh have a fun Halloween! What you dressing up as?
    Unfortunately I am missing it but I cant complain cos I will be in france lol
    Have a fun rest of week, hope it gets better than you rubbish Monday morning! 🙂

  18. wow you’re gorgeous! the skirt is super!

  19. “Before this river there comes an ocean, time to put your heart out on the floor-ooh baby…”

    You are simply beautiful, totally and utterly through and through. The twirling photo made me smile so much.

    Hope things improve a little- or i shall be forced into singing you 80’s classics and we both know that is a bit of a disaster!


  20. Lovely skirt, I hope the rest of you week picks up.
    You always look great anyhow, your so pretty a very natural prettyness to 🙂

  21. Gorgeous skirt! Love the pattern! AND holy hannah you are tiny 🙂



  22. you always have the most colorful/gorgeous skirts!

  23. sosorry to hear your week started out badly .. my day is going ok … hopefully it ends so too.

    love the print of the skirt couldnt help noticing how incredible thin your eaistline is ..any tips for me ? i can never get my waist so thin.. legs yes but waist 🙁

    on halloween im hoping a party pops up and early on im gonig trick or treating with my little cousin .. hoping to get some money for unicef. donations i mean

  24. You look beautiful!! I hope you have a better rest of the week 🙂

  25. I love the twirly picture – so carefree. Cute skirt… I’m wondering what shoes/boots you wore with it?

  26. great skirt! and I love your hair in the last pic!

    Have a great week ahead!

  27. Gorgeous skirt. The colors are amazing. It looks fantastic on you. I’m sorry you are having such a bad day. I hope it gets better.

    PS. That closeup photo of you is INCREDIBLE. Why you are not a model is beyond me.

  28. I love every outfit you post! And the palette cost around £12 including P&P, you can find cheap ones on ebay usually coming from Hong Kong 🙂 ♥

  29. What an amazing skirt! Surely, as gorgeous as you look today, your Monday is bound to pick up!


  30. Hi, thanks for the comment, my week started like yours! lol

    come check the new posts! ^^

    Link me, follow me
    @ MaisonChaplin.blogspot.com

  31. Pretty girl! I love the second picture x

  32. i hope you’re having a better day! i love your outfit :o)

  33. Jen

    Sorry you’re having a bad day 🙁 *hugs*

    I adore that skirt!!

  34. Love the colours in your skirt set against the black, nicely done! Has it got mirrors on it, such beautiful fabric. Gotta say in the portrait last photo your bone structure looks incredible!

  35. that skirt is gorgeous! and i love your hair when its not pulled back.

  36. E

    That skirt has the most beautiful print! And look at you skinny mini – you have the tiniest waist I’ve ever seen!

  37. Loving the skirt!
    Sorry to hear tht your Monday was so bad. Mine was all right, but start up issues hehe.

  38. Hey! Nice pictures, great blog btw, check out ours whenever you want, we invite you to follow it.

    PS: you’ve got beautiful eyes

  39. aahhhh laurie, what a lovely skirt!! :)) x

  40. your skirt is so cute. i love all the colors and the print.

  41. Oh yeah, I’ve heard many people talking about Halloween but here in The Netherlands we don’t celebrate this kinda ‘event’.
    My week is again going to be very busy busy busy. And stressful.
    I like the close up pic of yours. I’m guessing you’re quite (too) short to be a model. Otherwise you’d be on Jak&Jil like…like all the time.

  42. love that awesome skirt :))

  43. ohhh… I forgot about Saturday…you should recomand us a costume ^.^

  44. the skiirtt!!! beautiful bohemian

  45. Sorry you had a bad day…you look great though! You should wear your hair down more often. I love the bright pattern on your skirt!



  46. Love your skirt, I have one similar but am never sure what to wear it with, but I think you’re right, needs to be black really… that’s where I’ve been going wrong.
    Your hair looks gorg down! x

  47. very nice. i like it 🙂 can i haz ur eyebrows? pliiiz 😀 love the shape of them…

  48. beautiful skirt, perfect with anything black, so all people just focus to the skirt, Im not okay I’ve got midterm this week, wow time is soo fast >.< xxx

  49. beautiful skirt – looks like it’s a fun one to twirl around in too!

  50. Lovely skirt, Honey!


  51. Eri

    Hi Honey,

    The last picture of yous is ana amazing shot! You are so gorgeous…

    Much loving your skirt too. I love it’s print.

    See you soon.


  52. the skirt is so playful! i love it!

  53. Anonymous

    i wonder…do you have any kind of addiction, fetish or obsession with tights???

  54. Anonymous

    Lovely skirt. I hope you feel better soon and get that glow back in you! x

  55. I love the skirt-hope you have a great time on Halloween 🙂

  56. love love your face and the skirt, xx

  57. thank YOU, too! ; )


  58. I love the print on that skirt! It looks so pretty. I hope your day gets better!

  59. Your hair is so akin to keira Knightlys here-I love it!
    Also love the summery bohemian styles , but in Autum shades.
    The Fashion Tape.

  60. Very pretty skirt. It’s set off perfectly by all the black. I hope you’re having a better day today!

  61. You are really beautiful, but oh so skinny! Love the skirt <3

  62. your eyelashes are really nice in the last picture!

  63. Love the close up beauty shot, prettyful! 🙂

  64. loving your skirt xxxxxx

  65. Love this last photo of you! you look amazing, so nice to see a close up! 🙂 also i feel your pain i also had terrible monday, i broke my boyfriends bedroom mirror 🙁 7 years bad luck? pretty superstitious.
    magpie-girl.blogspot.com xx

  66. darling hope you had a better day than monday!

  67. pretty outfit to start the week.

    am always so tired to start monday. I don’t know. But i love Tuesdays and saturdays. weird.

    i love your skirt.

    I Am Denise Katipunera

  68. I love this outfit! That is such a gorgeous skirt. It looks fun to twirl in, as you show in one of the pictures, so cute! You look really pretty. I’m sorry that you had such a terrible Monday, hopefully the rest of your week is far better!

  69. Meg

    Love your skirt. It’s really pretty!

  70. you are sooo skinny and beautiful, I love it!!!!

  71. you’re so beautiful

  72. Love you skirt! You look great!

  73. Wow, I love your skirt, it’s gorgeous!!

  74. Amy

    You look so beautiful! I hope your day got a little better. 🙂



  75. Anonymous

    All gypsy-like! I love it.I’m not up to much…Got the flu or something…Cough cough.-Feather

  76. Hey really this skirt suits on you.

    Lingerie forum