Levis x Hello Kitty

I guess this outfit is my version of “jeans and a nice top” now that I’m over 30 and pretty anti-social (I much prefer an early night in comfy pjs than crawling home in the small hours dressed up to the nines and my wardrobe very much reflects that).

This hoodie was a fortituous find as I thought that I had missed out on the rather fabulous Levis x Hello Kitty collaboration/that I wouldn’t ever be able to justify spending the money on it. A visit to Clarks Village came good though as not only did we find my dream hoodie at 20% off, but Bob decided that I simply must own it and treated me.

The jeans are another recent find. I really struggle with jeans, I strongly dislike how I look in them, and find that most pairs just leave me in a pit of self loathing after about five minutes. In desperation I took to social media to see what jeans people were loving and took up Sophie’s recommendation of the New Look Lift and Shape skinny jeans, which are affordable, flattering AND comfortable.

I’ve really neglected the more personal aspect of blogging lately. It’s all lifestyle/life advice type content because I just haven’t been in the right headspace to put myself out there at all.
October was a hard month, historically it always has been for me and it’s taken quite a lot of inner strength (stubbornness) and support from Bob to get through. It’s November now though and it’s already shaping up to be a better month, and I have a renewed determination and motivation to get to my final targets in terms of health and wellbeing (and what better time of year to be trying to gain a few kilos right? Extra warmth and so many seasonal foods about).

We’re just coming to the end of a super chilled out weekend, one we both needed after a horrible week. There’s been time with my family, time curled up watching movies and drinking gin, good food, many laughs and a hefty dose of productivity around the house.

So that’s kind of where I’m at lately. Struggling with myself a bit, but ploughing through. We have such a busy month coming up with various commitments and a week away up with Bob’s Mum as he turns 30…and then before we know it we’ll be in full blown Christmas madness. I’m really hoping I can get some better posts up…gift guides, wish lists, wedding planning updates…

What have you been up to lately? Watched any good films/TV series? Recommendations welcome.
Until next time…

4 comments for “Levis x Hello Kitty

  1. I have issues with jeans too. I don’t find them comfortable. I couldn’t wear these as they are just too skinny for me-I get itchy legs! The sweater and boots are gorgeous!! Winning combo. Sorry you’ve had a hard month.

  2. AvatarAmsley

    I hate jeans as well. They never fit right and I just feel gross in them.
    Thinking of you. I hope things are going ok and you kick November’s butt!! Xx

  3. Early nights in PJs (and watching NetFlix) sounds cozy and comforting.
    Your white Levis x Hello Kitty graphic hoodie contrasts with and complements your pretty red hair and your New Look Lift and Shape medium blue skinny denim jeans beautifully.
    I no longer drink but still like tonic water on the rocks (without the gin).
    I’m always looking for new TV shows and movies to watch on NetFlix,
    but I’m sure you have already seen what many of the ones I like are,
    since I have Tweeted many TV+movie FFs on many Fridays on Twitter.
    Have a fab November! xx 🙂

  4. LOVE this outfit, something I totally wear all the time haha!
    The Hello Kitty hoodie is so cute, my old one went missing a couple years ago so I think I should replace it soon … doesn’t matter how old I get I still wanna get all the kitty stuff xoxo