Matchy Matchy

I never, ever thought I’d buy in to the co-ord trend when it first gained popularity. It seemed to be made up entirely of tubes of lycra and suited to those at least a decade younger than myself. As it picked up momentum though, and more wearable pieces filtered through to the high street I found myself falling for the mix and match approach- what greater investment than an outfit that also works perfectly as separates?

Top & Skirt: Primark (last summer) | Boots: Dr Martens

The last time this set featured on the blog things were looking a bit more formal. This time I decided to make things a bit more fun and funky with the addition of my bright pink Docs, rediscovered at the back of my wardrobe and worn with everything and anything since.

The bubblegum brightness of the boots picks up the pink detailing in the co-ord perfectly and seriously, who doesn’t love a pair of Dr Martens? Since my rediscovery I’ve found myself coveting several new pairs, not least this amazing pair of oxfords– so perfect for the warmer, sunnier weather!

I’ll be on the lookout for some more matching sets as we roll steadily towards Summer- speaking of which, how exactly is it April already? Roll on the long weekend and the start of all those glorious bank holidays. It’s less than a month until my Birthday too, I’d best start making some plans to celebrate turning the grand old age of 28!


7 comments for “Matchy Matchy

  1. I felt similarly to you until I found my Henry Holland one recently. This one is gorgeous and yes, the pink dms go brilliantly!!x

  2. You look amazing I am loving this outfit, the boots go perfectly I love them!

    ♥ Cateaclysmic ♥

  3. I’ve only just learnt what it means!

    Buckets & Spades

  4. That’s such a pretty co-ord! x

    Josie’s Journal

  5. This is one of the most pretty co ord sets I’ve seen.

  6. I love this look! Such a pretty print. xxx – a fashion, beauty & lifestyle blog

  7. wow! I kind of wish I had this exact outfit too;) And I do like the idea of being able to wear it as a dress or seperately. I imagine the top would look amazing with a black pencil skirt and the skirt would look great with a simple top with a nice collar or something.

    Also, love the Docs. Perfect choice!