may days

Dress: New Look
Tights: c/o Stockings HQ
Boots: Yull
Such a shame to still be wearing sleeves this late in May, I am not impressed with 2013’s attempt at Spring/Summer so far. Still, at least the fact it’s not bare legs weather (for me anyway) yet means I can still embrace tights which I’m really getting back in to. Stockings HQΒ is a new find for me and somewhere I will frequently be haunting to stock up my collection which is somewhat diminished from what it once was.
I hope the week is getting off to a good start for everyone. The weekend already feels like a distant memory but we have a long one ahead which I fully intend to embrace and I have fingers and toes crossed that the sun shines like it eventually did last weekend, perfect for chilling with Boy and celebrating Ellie’s birthday.
Sorry my blog posts are a bit lacking lately, I think once I’ve caught up on posts I’m going to take a week or so break to refresh and think up some new content…I’m boring myself so I can’t imagine how anyone else feels.
Still, maybe I can make it up to you with my Warehouse One of a Kind Denim giveaway?

22 comments for “may days

  1. love this pretty dress and those awesome tights! ~I kind of fancy a pair for myself but I think they’re a bit too sexy for my usual style.

  2. Absolutely love this dress – it’s so beautiful, as are you. Don’t worry about your blog, it’s awesome as always x

  3. Gorgeous dress, I’m loving those tights xoxo

  4. Your tights are so cute! And I think your blog is fab as always xxx

  5. This weather is definitely lacking! Rain in May, and not a sign of the sun anywhere! That being said, you look lovely and your dress is so pretty, I love it πŸ™‚ I hope you’re feeling more inspired soon, and have a good week xx

  6. Love the dress, and it looks fab with your hair colour πŸ™‚

  7. Well hello there foxy lady! Loving this dress.


  8. Here the weather is awful too πŸ˜‰ but I agree, now we can still embrace thighs. Besides, yours are soooo amazing! And the dress is lovely too πŸ™‚

  9. I love this outfit, you have some of the greatest tights ever! πŸ™‚

  10. LOVE this look. I’m thinking.. that film I never saw, blanking on the name, I think the director was French, Louis Malle? Pretty Baby? With Brook Sheilds, in the 70s. I never saw it, but it was in a brothel in New Orleans.. great look, esp. the boots. I’ve got a similar pair, from a church yard sale near my family beach home on Long Island, and I was HOPING to wear them with floral dresses and bare legs, but you’re right, the consolations of this weather is tights.

    and those are great ones.

    Okay, it’s been ages since I’ve been on yours or anyone else’s blog, and that one word caught my attention. BOY. Happy for you, Laura. I want to hear more about this Boy. Guess I”ll have to scroll back a bit in time. xo

  11. This dress is so pretty on you, Laura! I love the tights too, you should be happy it’s shit weather here so you get to wear them!

    Corinne x

  12. I know the weather is starting to freak me out a bit. One week where I can wear a light jacket and then the next, I am back in thick tights and winter coats! Love that dress on you – the print is awesome!

  13. Love this dress on you. There is something so unique about it in comparison to many other floral prints.

  14. Beautiful! And just a little bit raunchy!
    Love it.


  15. No I am not impressed with spring so far either but this dress is the perfect answer for what to wear. Love the tights with this dress, a great outfit!

  16. Your New Look floral print dress and Stockings HQ tights are gorgeous. I love the look. Your hair looks pretty too.

  17. Love the dress and tights, I wish I was brave enough for them! You look great. Glad things are going well with the boy πŸ™‚ xx

  18. Stunning dress, so pretty. The weather is just getting ridiculous now; we might as well live in our A/W clothing all year round!

    Your blog is perfect as always πŸ™‚


  19. Great outfit ! Love the tights with it!

  20. This dress looks lovely on you.

  21. Those tights are so you – and you are so not boring Laura, I don’t think you ever could be xxx