Monki Business

Dress: Monki at ASOS
Flipflops: Havianas via Sarenza
After featuring this dress when I posted my ASOS voucher giveaway I immediately used the voucher I was gifted to make a purchase. So far out of my comfort zone it may as well live on another planet I knew I’d find a way to make body-con work for me.
And it did. I’m still not 100% sold on it but I survived a day in Bristol wearing it, and a heatwave induced afternoon and I didn’t feel like the whole world was stopping to point and laugh. Move over skater dresses, if Monki continue like this there may well be a new obsession, especially as my weight increases and I get more curves to show off. Shopping…just one of the may reasons why recovery rocks.
Happy Friday folks,
what a week it’s been; epic thunderstorms (that I pretty much slept through), hot and sticky weather and the arrival of the Royal Baby just about skims the surface. Add in every day life stuff like work and a trip to the dentist and you can see why I am (along with the rest of the world) ready to welcome the weekend.
What have you got planned? I’ll be with the boy again, what we do entirely depends on how lazy we feel, hopefully we’ll get organised and head on down to Bristol’s Harbour Festival which looks set to be pretty good. 
Have a good one whatever you do!

20 comments for “Monki Business

  1. Haha! I always sleep through thunderstorms, even the really heavy ones that make it onto the news!! Love this dress on you it’s great to see you in something more figure hugging! Enjoy the weekend and the festival, if you make it 🙂

  2. stunning dress, plus you look so confident in it. Good for you missy! x

  3. This dress is snazzzzzay! I don’t tend to do bodycon but when I do it’s always with something patterned – somehow it gives me a bit more confidence. I’m more concerned about the lines made by my knickers!
    Incredibly I don’t own any Monki.. that may need to be rectified soon.

  4. Liz

    Love the dress! I’ve also been sleeping through all the thunderstorms, I’m one of those people that can sleep through anything. Hope you have an awesome weekend xx

  5. That dress looks like it was made for you Laura!

  6. You look FANTASTIC in that dress!! Its such a gorgeous print!! x

  7. I love the print of the dress 🙂 it’s been a while since I’ve vivtsed your blog sorry :< I hope youre well though 🙂

  8. you look absolutely love your dress, need to check out monki to see what amazing pieces they have

  9. Twit twoo, you look amazing!

    Maria xxx

  10. Gorgeous dress, you look amazing in it

  11. You’re so gorgeous. Looking good!

  12. This dress looks incredible on you. You have the perfect figure for it. You should be pleased with how far you’ve come.

  13. oh. my. goodness. This looks amazing! If people did stop and stare it would be because you look hot!

  14. This looks amazing on you Laura, and you’re looking so well 🙂

    Jess xo

  15. Well obviously this dress was made for you! Have a lovely weekend. X

  16. I missed the Harbour Festival because I was too busy cleaning! Lame but I feel sooo much better for it 🙂

  17. You look gorgeous Laura 🙂 this dress and the shorter length suits you so much!! xx

  18. this dress looks awesome on you! you really pull it off 🙂 x