Nine UK fashion blogs you need to be reading

I’m really pleased with my latest piece for Riddle. It’s great to be able to get bloggers involved and it was a pleasure to work with some of my favourite ladies to bring you this list…at Riddle we are always looking to get bloggers involved and there are exciting things ahead, if you’d like to be a part of it you can contact me on or keep an eye out here or on my twitter.

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As you can see we left the last spot blank, we want to know who YOU would pop in the top spot- why not share this post on your blog or social media and let them know?


3 comments for “Nine UK fashion blogs you need to be reading

  1. Love all of these especially Temporary Secretary and Charissa Rae!

  2. Am honoured to have been featured Laura, thank you so much! <3

    You did an amazing job with the article; so many lovely UK bloggers on that list I adore and a few I can't wait to check out!

    Looking forward to all the exciting stuff coming up regarding Riddle, can't wait 😉

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  3. Will deffo check these out thanks x