No time for the blues

River Island dress (last year), Tabio tights, Laura Ashley scarf (c/o)

This dress originally came with a faux fur collar but I didn’t think it was quite cold enough to require that yet so subbed it for this gorgeous scarf which was a gift from the Laura Ashley blog birthday party. Still firmly on the tights wagon I dug out this Tabio pair which will always be a favourite. As it was an afternoon of pottering around the house I decided to give up on footwear and prance (oh I wish I could prance) barefoot-ish.

Thank you for the well wishes on the foot. Physio was great and although it is going to be a slow process and I’m still needing crutches it will gradually get better! My goal is to be in heels for the work Christmas party on the 14th December…before that if I can help it!

Happy Friday; we’re here again! What are your weekend plans? Mine involve a trip to a giant Asda and a family pub lunch…bliss.


14 comments for “No time for the blues

  1. family pub lunches are the bessssst!
    Nice to see you wearing a scarf x

  2. I love the colour of that dress with your tights! xo

  3. I love the contrast of the red and blue tights:)

  4. love the scarf, Laura Ashley is always one of my favourite haunts.

  5. That scarf is a dream!

    I love all the colours you’re wearing, I’d never dream to put them together but it looks excellent on you!

    Amy x

  6. Very chic gorgeous girl <3 I hope that you can make your 14th dec hope! I imagine, given your gorgeous shoe collection that it's driving you to despair to not being able to indulge in wearing them. BIG love <3

  7. That scarf is beautiful, such lovely colours!

    Maria xxx

  8. Lovely colour combination Laura.
    I’m going to be getting out of the house as much as possible this weekend as my heating is broken. Brrrr!

  9. Vix

    Fantastic colour combo, one of my personal faves! x

  10. AH! I love the blue with the orange tights! You look so bright and fresh!


  11. oooh lovely colour combo! This is a very “whistles” look, love it x x x
    XO Amie

  12. Anonymous

    I love your tights. You’re such a beautiful girl. I love watching you. That guy, a couple of days ago, was right. Never stop wearing tights, that’s why you’re my queen. Besides, I love your comments, you have ‘that’ thing!

  13. Mat

    get some shoes on dude, it’s nippy!

  14. Love this outfit what a fantastic match I love the colours together. Those tights are an amazing colour. I so wish I had the guts to wear coloured tights as they look lovely on you x