Outfits and Jewellery (for sale)

Turns out I was too lazy (er, in too much of a foul mood) to post yesterday, but here are my long ago promised outfits.


This was Monday, I think. I love this dress but never really know what colour tights to pair with it…I’m thinking perhaps navy would work? Of course, having to wear tights in August is a bit much anyway!


This is today, the dress is one of the things I bought in Primark on Tuesday and cost the grand sum of £5 (reduced). I *almost* didn’t buy it, but seeing it on, I’m glad I did. It came with the belt, and although I’m not usually a belt person I do like this one.

I’ve made some new jewellery this week too, which I’m offering up for sale here. These charms are fantastic, each one opens up to reveal an extra detail.
If you want to buy, please e-mail me laurabudd1@hotmail.co.uk
I ship worldwide and prefer paypal for payment.


I’m not entirely sure this will ever sell, as it’s going to be priced at £20 UK/£22 overseas,
this is purely because of the cost of these charms and the weight of the bracelet


However, if you DO buy it, you can have a necklace free.


Acorn necklace,


Complete with squirrel!

£8 UK/£9.50 elsewhere



Gift box


With a beautiful crystal bead, which is somehow magnetic as it doesn’t fall out when opened!

£8 UK/£9.50 elsewhere.

I hope everyone is having an awesome week!

37 comments for “Outfits and Jewellery (for sale)

  1. The Primark dress looks good ! Cute charms too!

  2. cute dresses loving the top one wit the strong shoulder:)xx

  3. I’m not coming to the UK again without tights,it s too cold to go out without! You paired the first one nicely, I love the colours!

  4. Eve

    Lovely post! Navy tights would look great with the first dress!
    I love all of those necklaces! Especially the acorn one!


  5. oh gosh I wanted that bracelet so much, I am sad to see it’s gone…
    and your new dress is amazing! love that belt so much!
    have a lovely day darling, xoxo

  6. That acorn necklace is too cute! (:

    La C.

  7. Kb

    I love the navy dress, you’ve styled it really well.

  8. Yup, your new dress does look great! It’s a good thing you bought it 🙂

  9. Love your dresses. I think the first one goes well with the tights you have on. I actually LOVE those tights!

    And your jewellery is amazing. How do you make it? With such intricacy. Wow, such a gift!

    thanks so much for stopping by!

  10. that acorn necklace is too cute.

  11. i like the 2nd dress with the belt. You made some really nice pieces.

  12. that floral dress really suits you!!! <3

  13. i love your fragility … it’s so sensual and beautiful! xoxo

  14. The squirrel is so cute!!

  15. you make the most beautiful pieces. I esp love the acorn!

  16. cute dress! , the second one!
    love it with this belt!

  17. cute dresses..very girly..love the accessories too 🙂

  18. I really like your style. It’s so girly and pretty. Acorn necklace is amazing!

  19. That belt you’re wearing is so lovely 🙂

  20. I love that navy dress! I hope people buy up your jewelry. I’m loving my teacup!

  21. I do like that blue dress on you. Very nice ^^

  22. Beautiful jewelry! You are so talented. I love your dresses as well, especially the second one. You are gorgeous, like a model. 🙂

  23. Meg

    That Primark dress is cute and you got a really good deal!

  24. i think you should add black pumps and a jackie o floppy hat to your navy blue dress.


  25. Would definitely wear that dress with navy tights…will give it a whole new look to the raspberry ones. And I can’t believe that other dress was a fiver?!!? that’s ridiculous, so nice, even the belt with it, and the belts that come with dresses are usually so rubbish!

    nicola xx

  26. I love the dress, and the charms are adorable. I can’t believe you made them.


  27. Hey girly!!

    How’s it been going? I love those two dresses-love the first one, especially the color, and I probably wouldn’t be able to pull off the second one, but you look SO incredibly gorgeous in it!! Did you add the belt yourself?
    Navy tights would deffo work, but I think white tights might look really cool!

    xox, mavi

  28. your belt is awesome. the acorn is really something. our pieces are all so unique. little keepsakes.



  29. j’adore the outfits and esp the first tea dress….so gorgeous especially with the lavender/purple tights.

    And that acorn necklace is sooo cute….I loves it 🙂

  30. i LOVE the navy dress. it looks amazing on you

  31. Wow your jewelry sales are going so well! =D so happy for you! heh goshh i’ve missed reading your blog! but my bad too. been so tired out from school >< man you always get the nicest stuff from Primark. How’s life been for you lately? =)

  32. Anonymous

    That jewellery is beautiful! I love the dresses too. 🙂

  33. Nice outfits, I think black tights will look good too! & I love that studded belt!

  34. Très beaux bijoux et j’aime beaucoup la robe