The Big Reveal

Further to yesterday’s post, here are the 2009 Strictly Come Dancing Celebrities

Another exciting reveal in my world is that I got my official college results today

ohhh I am so, so happy.

Finally visited the new Bristol Primark today
one word. AMAZING.

Outfit post tomorrow, promise

24 comments for “The Big Reveal

  1. Hey hey! Thanks for the comment.. I dont watch a lot of reality TV or TV for that matter.. hehe..

    Im not sure about how good the results you got are because Im not familiar with the system you use but you’re happy so Im assuming its good! hehe..



  2. wow congrats on your results.
    well done you x

  3. Well done on the results, thats bloody fantastic!! x

  4. Congratulations, hope you’re really proud of yourself….I’m a little bit excited about Strictly as it means my tele nights are set right up until xmas..

    Love Jojo xxxxxxx

  5. Congrats on the Distinction!!

  6. distinction?!!!! congratulations!!! mwa

  7. congrats love!!!

    thanks for ur recipe, im just made it with my mom last days, and it’s very delicious, i love rice crispy 🙂


  8. That sucks… I can’t wait the video in Canada 🙁

    Congrats on the exciting college new!!!

  9. congrats, distinction sounds like a good thing?
    well done, you certainly seemed to work for it all year!

  10. I am glad you had a great time at Primark 🙂
    looking forward to your outfit posts 🙂

  11. MJ

    Hate reality TV, to be honest, but… Jo Wood! Awesome! Well done on your results, too.

  12. Congratulations on your college results, you must be so proud! I hope you’ve treated yourself to something pretty as a reward for your hard work! xxx

  13. Congrats on your Distinction, darling!
    And thanks for your sweet comment 🙂


  14. Congratulations, darling! We knew you could do it! 🙂

  15. Ahhhhhhh can’t wait to see your Primark finds. I have to remember to visit one the next time I’m in the UK!

  16. Hey!! Smarty Pants! Congratulations!! Can’t wait for your outfit post! xxoxoxo

  17. Well done you clever thing! What are your plans now? Ha the Primark is amaaazing xx

  18. E

    Good luck with your results!! If I learned one thing, it’s that college is fun no matter where you go.

  19. well done – I think your blog is really stylish and unique – I’d really appreciate if you would become a follower on my blog – and comment on some of the posts

  20. congrats with the results!:) i’ll stop by tomorrow to see the outfit post!

  21. It says “not available in your area”, aw, boo. 🙁
