pretty little things

Today I want to share some recent treasures.


Is this not the BEST idea? It is a perfume pendant by Esme Jewellery which I’ve filled with my current staple scent.


There’s a little roller ball inside which you take apart, spritz with your scent then put back together…perfume touch ups on the go housed in a super pretty pendant. Stephanie is a genius!


I really, really love the concept of this, it saves lugging a bottle of perfume around all day and is so easy to use!
Thank you to Esme for sending me one to test out!
The pendants cost from Β£24.99 which I think is pretty damn good; the quality and weight on the pendant is incredible and it came beautifully packaged with a spare perfume capsule.

What colour would you pick?
And what perfume would you put inside?

Next up is my new Daisy Chain Dream crown from Crown and Glory . As soon as I saw this on twitter I knew it HAD to be mine, so I made a sneaky pay day purchase.


(‘scuse the socks, I hadn’t decided on shoes!)



I’m going to try it as a wrist wrap too!

It’s official, I love Crown and Glory (and I know a lot of other bloggers do, too!)

And oldie but a goodie, this will forever be my favourite ring.


The end!

41 comments for “pretty little things

  1. those perfume necklaces are a clever idea. The blue one looks really nice, reminds me of a duck’s egg.

    Your daisy chain crown is just PERFECT for you!

  2. I love the idea of putting perfume in a necklace, so nifty! Great post πŸ™‚

    Becca x

  3. what a lovely idea! I’d choose the white one- and put my spring scent in it- Miss Dior ChΓ©rie.
    I love your ring too!

  4. aww you so need a daisy crown:p love the top gorgeous.

  5. i love your top. you look great in jeans!

  6. The perfume pendant is ingenius!

  7. i really like your blog.
    great pictures.
    check out mine.

    hope you will follow me πŸ™‚


  8. Wow! I love the pendant its fab! I may have to get one! :o) I also love your blog! I am new to blogging and therefore I dont have many followers – so please feel free to pop across and follow me :o)

    C x

  9. The perfume necklace is a genius idea, love it. The daisy headband is so you.

  10. That perfume pendant is so neat! I love the blue color. My favorite scent, that I just never get tired of is Esmee Lauder’s Beyond Paradise, I have a few others I adore, but this one is the best!

    Love today’s outfit! The ruffle top is so pretty<3

  11. Such sweet choices! Love the head band on you, you’re all festival-ready now. xxx

  12. I love the idea of that perfume necklace – it’s so pretty and so handy too!

  13. Its good to see the old ideas are still being produced. I have a vintage heart shaped pendent which can hold perfume too. My girl brought me it and its filled with his aftershaved, so nice to just have it to get a little whiff of him!

  14. these things are so totally cute! i must admit, i’m pretty jealous hehe. also, feel free to enter my Dior giveaway xx

  15. What a fab idea. Really like the neatness of it.

    Love the hairband.

    X x

  16. I like the black one best, it’s actually difficult to find a nice sized black pendant.

    I’d like to see them in some nice jewel colours though. A red, green or purple one would be great.


  17. Oh wow I’m amazed at those perfume pendants (clearly I’m easily impressed!) – I might have to check them out and invest in one. I love your ring too! xx

  18. Ann

    What a cute idea! I think the white one would be my favorite, but they all look so pretty! Maybe it’d get me to wear more perfume… Somehow I always forget to put it on!

  19. That necklace is such a good idea! I wish they did one in red though, the colours are too girly for me πŸ™

  20. Ooh the perfume pendant is very clever, I’d have a blue one and I’d spritz it with some gucci flora.
    The daisy crown is adorable πŸ™‚

    Fiona x

  21. Great idea and it’s pretty but I probably wouldn’t wear it- it’s too chunky (what size it in real life- tis hard to tell). I really love your crown!!!

  22. love the hairband! amazing blog, following!!! xxxxx

  23. Ooh perfume necklace, what a clever idea! I’d have to stick some Miss Dior Cherie inside I think.

  24. Love the necklace idea!

  25. That perfume pendant is brilliant! It looks really cute too πŸ™‚

    Also love the daisy headband!

  26. necklace is gorgeous πŸ™‚ x

  27. The hairband really suits you – i tried one on the other day and my boyf said “it’s a bit…….jesus”. pfft.

    It looks lovely, and I think i might just have to ignore him and buy one! x

  28. That pendant is a fab idea, i do love the pink.
    The headband had to be yours! x

  29. MJ

    That ring is lovely!

  30. The perfume pendent is such a good idea! Definitely worth a buy and so perfect for travelling.
    And your ring is so cool.

  31. That pendant is ingenious! All of the colours are lovely and I especially like the one with extra diamantes.

    Thanks for your comment wishing me well in exams! Can’t wait for them to be over, feel so worried and unprepared! Eurgh!

  32. I love the headband, perfect for summer

    Bhav x

  33. awesome headband, it was made for you! The perfume necklace is intriguing..

  34. I love the daisy chain crown, how cute!! Also, that perfume necklace is GENIUS!

  35. I love posts like this and that daisy headband is so cute and how cool is your ring?! I need a holiday to! xxx

  36. Anonymous

    That daisy crown is so ‘fairy! πŸ™‚

  37. i am completely obsessed with that little necklace because of the egg. also, where did you come up with the title of your blog?

  38. Love the daisy crown and your necklace is gorgeous x

  39. Great man This blog is fully read all article is ok easy understandable. You keep update the blog this is one of the great job man. I should pass the url to my friend for gatering some news from this blog. Good keep it up.

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