
Jumper: TK Maxx | Skirt: c/o Phase Eight | Boots and Tights: New Look

I have worn this outfit before, sometime at the beginning of last year when I thought that everything fitted nicely. I’d not worn this skirt since then and I was a bit apprehensive as I had convinced myself that it’d no longer do up (I should note that the day I wore this/wrote the post I was having a huge crisis of confidence about myself. Recovery ups and downs eh?)
I was pleased to discover that not only did the skirt still do up, it actually fitted me as this style of skirt should. Same with the jumper which I still regret not buying in navy too.
I got so many compliments on this outfit from people at work, both colleagues and patients that it made me realise just how screwed perceptions can be sometimes. I probably thought I looked better last year than I do now (and part of me probably always will) but other people clearly thought otherwise. I am struggling a lot at the moment as my goal weight nears ever closer, and I’m sorry to make this a post all about me- as people seem to think I do this far too often, but recovery isn’t all yummy food and living life…there are still days where I want to hide from everything or shrink my world back down, the difference being that I actually know my life is better as it is today, and that these thoughts and feelings are irrational. It doesn’t make them any less difficult to deal with at the time though.
On another note. I love these tights. I had forgotten all about them actually. The downside is you get a funky pattern on your legs at the end of the day…but it doesn’t hurt and is cheaper/less permenant than a tattoo.
This outfit combines all of favourite colours right now. Apart from black. Which isn’t a colour, is it? I seriously need more navy in my life.
Well, it’s off to work for the morning soon. After my coffee drinking, porridge and toast eating, mad panic about what to wear next hour.
Have a good one folks
What do you regret not buying?

14 comments for “Re-Fit

  1. Ani

    Absolutely love collar detail and colour combination!

  2. Lovely outfit, it really suits you – the colours look fantastic on you x

  3. I’m sorry that things are tough, I know it’s not the same but I’m really struggling lately as well. With my body, and confidence in general.

  4. You look so gorgeous in this outfit! That jumper is really cute on you. I know how tough it can be, but things will get better, try not to worry too much 🙂 And it’s true that your own perception can be so skewed sometimes, so try to remember that too.

  5. Great outfit; I love the jumper! xxx
    The Jolly Fashionista

  6. I love that wine colour with your hair! I’m sorry things are tough, I have no idea what recovery must be like but I’m sure it’s the most difficult thing in the world. Sending lots of love and never apologise for your blog being all about you…it’s YOUR blog! xxx

  7. You look lovely Laura, and I’m sorry to hear you’ve been having some ups and downs this week, that can’t have been nice for you when you’re in recovery, and don’t ever apologise for posting whatever you want on your blog, because it is all about you! Hope you’re ok now. – Tasha xxx

  8. This outfit looks perfect on you, Laura! I love that jumper, looks very snuggly on youuuuuuu!!!!

    Corinne x

  9. I love the fit of this skirt on you, it’s so flattering! You look as cute as a button and as snug as a bug in a rug. 😉

    Tara xo

  10. I’m a little bit in love with your jumper. This outfit looks amazing on you! x

  11. You look absolutely gorgeous Laura, I adore the colour & the embellishment of the jumper, perfection <3

    Sophie xo soinspo

  12. You do look gorgeous in this and I am glad that you rational mind is able to overcome your irrational mind, even though it’s having a good go at making you feel insecure about your weight. You are doing so well and YOU ARE ALLOWED to talk about yourself on your blog, do not apologise- it’s yours!! I much prefer honest posts like this to all the sponsored stuff! A stunning outfit!x

  13. Jez

    Love the jumper! Looks lovely on you. 🙂 xo