Red Nose Day Hits the Catwalk!

A lot of you will already know that Vivienne Westwood have teamed up with Comic Relief to launch a range of iconic T-Shirts for Red Nose day.
(and for those who didn’t yet know…she has!)

For the first time, Red Nose Day T-shirts have hit the catwalk at London Fashion Week. Seen at Vivienne Westwood’s Red Label Autumn/Winter 11 Show last night, the Shakespeare and Hogarth T-shirts were styled up with the latest looks. Designed by Vivienne Westwood especially for Red Nose Day 2011, these T-shirts are an eclectic collection of striking black and white prints that represent a unique fusion of humour and iconic historical images. The designs feature Rowan Atkinson as ‘Edmund’ & Miranda Richardson as ‘Queenie’ from the Blackadder series,William Shakespeare,The Laughing Audience by Hogarth, a punk girl and a Louis XVI lady. To own a piece of fashion history, whilst supporting Red Nose Day, get your limited edition T-shirt now. Priced at £9.99 for unisex or £14.99 for the fitted styles with at least £5.00 going to Comic Relief. The T-shirts are available now from TK Maxx Stores nationwide and online at Red Nose Day is on Friday 18th March 2011.

I love the designs on the tees! So quirky and oh so Vivienne! I think my favourite is the Shakespeare one. I don’t live near a TK MAXX so haven’t yet picked up a shirt for myself (but I plan to order online soon) but I’ve seen them in person and they are just awesome!

Which design is your favourite?





If you already have a tee, how have you been wearing it?


33 comments for “Red Nose Day Hits the Catwalk!

  1. haha, I love the blackadder one, such a craic! I’d wear mine tucked into a simple black skirt! 🙂
    hmmm, a vivienne westwood tee or a red nose… what shall I buy….?!?!

  2. I saw these today in town and the Shakespare one is my favourite one too. Just a shame its in a manly shape. I think I am going to get one on payday.
    I brought the Stella McCartney red nose t-shirt a few years ago and still wear it all the time.

  3. I got the Blackadder one a few weeks ago and I utterly love it. I was stuck between that and the Queenie one but I wouldn’t object to the Hogarth one or the Louis XVI lady either!

  4. Haha the Shakespeare one is just classic!

  5. i love these tees really need to buy one soon incase they sell out

    the blackadder one is my fave 🙂


  6. I love the shakespear one I just wish it was the same shape as the rock! x

  7. Saw these instore the other day. They are just fab aren’t they. x

  8. The punk one for me, true to our Viv’s origins. I’d have to get the scissors out on it before I wore one and customise it. xxx

  9. hello’s hun aaaaahhhh ive missed you!!!and this whole blogalaxy lols. how are you?????good i hope. I’m on the mend again now and really hope i’ll be able to meet u by march time fingers crossed!!!:)
    the tee’s are fab blackadder has got to be my fave.
    oh crap i need to charge my laptop back in a mo!

  10. They look fab, liking the Shakespeare one too! Not sure where my nearest TK Maxx is though 🙁 xx

  11. i’ve got that pollypocket (below)!!!it was one of my first its on display in my room (i like havin them as decoration–OK the truth is when i get bored i play with them hahahah.nooo only kidin!)the second one i got as a kid was a pollypocket castle clock that has a secret garden where the batt’s are….they are never ever going on ebay EVER.lols

  12. How wonderful! the shakespare one is my favourite too.



  13. They have most of these in the TKM in the Mall in Bristol – I could happily own most of these. Love Viv! Btw, quite excited that i’m not the only person who likes Dickens – who knew!? x

  14. Kim

    I bought the Queeni tee a couple of weeks ago and I love it! I’ve been wearing it, highly unimaginatively, with jeans and a cardi. Inspiration, thy name is certainly not Kim! xxx

  15. Wow! Love them! I haven’t seen them before.

    We all used to be great fans o blackadder so getting those tshirts will be a must in our house!

  16. I love that Viv has designed this collection because it makes Comic Relief a bit more cool and stylish!

  17. Ah i love these, love the last one something cheeky about it!xx

  18. Can’t believe I didn’t know about this. They’re very cool. I will definiltey be checking them out. I love the Shakespare one.

  19. Love them all they are so cute I cant really pick a favourite.

  20. i love the punk and the shakespeare one ^^ but i doubt i can get one 🙁

  21. i should get the blackadder one for hubbie, he’s a huge fan!

  22. I think this is such a good idea, so funny too! My favourite out of the collection has to be the Punk one, i’ve never really been into all things ‘Punk’ but this just jumps out at me! xx

  23. I now have to get myself am edmund blackadder tee. Amazing!

  24. OMG i love the red nossee on iconic figures ahah this is cheeky and so brilliant!
    Great post!

  25. omg these are so funny!!

  26. I’ve never bought one before but I am most definitely tempted this time…Looove them! I adore Vivienne Westwood so this collab is amazing!

  27. they are great! I like shakespeare’s too..

  28. love the second one!
    i would wear it with a red velvet bow tie and jeans!

  29. AHH These are awesome!! I have to have the Shakespeare one – so hilariously great.

  30. Shakespeare- pure classic xx

  31. i noticed these in tk maxx a couple of wks ago, i’m not really much of tshirt person, but if i picked one it would be a queenie one..