Sarenza A-Z: Dune

Week four of the Sarenza* A-Z and this week my chosen brand is Dune; a brand that has vaguely been on my radar for a couple of years, mainly thanks to my over-consumption of fashion magazines and yet, until I became a Sarenza Ambassador, I didn’t pay it an awful lot of attention. If you are a bit like I was and are yet to take a closer look at Dune then let my favourites help you along…

*Please note that these shoes are all in the sale and therefore sizes available are limited*

1. Hockey, £45…how perfect will these be for Spring when it gets here? A gorgeous splash of colour to brighten up these gloomy days.

2. Whirl, £42.50. If they have your size in stock I recommend snapping these babies up. I own a pair and wore them to my work Christmas party, they are insanely sparkly, very comfortable and attracted a LOT of compliments.

3. Bellini, £32.50…sequins for every day wear…YES PLEASE.

4. Mercury, £148.50, a bit of an eye-watering price but these are a classic that will never date. The brown version are cheaper, but I love the boldness of the black.

5. Hilly, £69.30 because this girl loves her animal print I couldn’t not include this pair.

Have any of these caught your eye? Let me know if you snag a pair in your size!


27 comments for “Sarenza A-Z: Dune

  1. Stunning! The first pair are especially incredible.

  2. I actually really like the red pair which surprises me as they’re not really ‘me’…maybe I should give them a go! x

  3. That first pair have my name written all over them.

  4. love the ballarina and the leopard boot!

  5. Really like the flats!

  6. My mums always loved Dune shoes, I love the Whirl ones xxx

  7. I think those red shoes are quite fantastic !

  8. Sequinned ballet pumps! That there is almost as good as a hug on a bad day, well a hug on your feet anyway. In love <3 Hmmm, to splurge or not to splurge. I knew about Dune because of a friend of mine being a fan of theirs. <3

    Happy Monday gorgeous x

    Oh & I have awarded you the versatile blogger award. x

  9. Red shoes, red shoes, red shoes… <3 did I tell that those red shoes are just lovely adn perfect???

  10. Dune would have been my first choice too! 2nd place for Dr.Martens? Eleanor@Sarenza xxxx

  11. Cannot get over the ‘Whirl’ pair. Must have them!

  12. i love the first pair, a thick heel and bright colour = perfection…..still a little pricey for me atm though :/ x

  13. I LOVE Dune. They have the most comfortable flats

  14. Gorgeous shoes!


  15. Great selection. I love Dune shoes, eps. those riding boots…

  16. Gorgeous shoe choices as ever – love the red ones especially!

  17. Hey hun, I have awarded you the versatile blogger award 😀 details on my blog xx

  18. Like teh black boot, all time classic.

  19. So sparkllyyy! I love the chunky heel on the first one!

  20. Gorgeous shoes! ♥

  21. Love the sequin flats and of course, the leopard boots <3 xx

  22. oh love the boots but yikes! the price is beyond me..

  23. Those red shoes!!! I die!

    Maria xxx

  24. Looooove the leopard print pair!!!!


  25. Ooh I love the first pair! Dune is one of those places I have to avoid cause of the amount of pretty shoes! 🙂

  26. I love the Hockey and Whirl pair, wish I could afford them!! xx