Sarenza Sunday- creature of habit

I think it’s crystal clear by now that when browsing A/W shoes I will always head straight for the ankle boots. I should probably try and break this habit but they are just so versatile, and when Sarenza stock what must be thousands of styles it’s pretty hard to avoid them!
This week I’ve got my beady eye on the Pagon boot by I Love Shoes (what a fitting name for a brand!) which cost £58.70
I love the contrast between  the patent and suede- I think these are the perfect work to party boot to be honest.
They also come in red and brown but I love the classic black. These may well be seen on my feet in the near future.
Sarenza– Forever destined to make me mentally bankrupt.

6 comments for “Sarenza Sunday- creature of habit

  1. These are so lovely!

  2. These are so SEXY!
    Following you on GFC…Hope you return the Love and Support too 🙂 Follow back!

    Red Alice

  3. Love the contrast, so cool <3

    Sophie xo soinspo

  4. Gorgeous! I’m a total boot person too