silvery blues

The one thing I bought whilst up in Birmingham was a pair of Toms; ever since I saw my cousin wearing a pair a few months ago (hey Mina!) I started coveting them, and while browsing the Schuh website and finding the silver sparkly ones, my mind was set.
I’m torn between thinking they are one of the ugliest shoe styles around, to being one of the most awesome! What I do know is that my feet are in heaven, they are SO COMFORTABLE; and I really, really love the fact that for each pair you buy, Toms donate a pair to a child in need (see here for more on that). How do you feel about Toms?

Yesterday I wore them with a blue dress from Clothing at Tesco and Navy tights from Boots. I’m pretty sure my feet won’t be wearing anything else for a little while, despite my somewhat extensive shoe collection!

I’m really enjoying having a few days off work, it’s been a much needed chance to relax; yesterday I did a lot of therapeutic clearing out of things with my Mum (mindful that my Nan is most likely shaking her fist at me from heaven for the amount I threw away) in preparation for a fresh start and clean slate in getting myself sorted. I’ve been thrown a lifeline and I’m damn well going to take it and get my life on track once and for all (I just need to get my head around putting on a couple of pounds).
On the subject of getting healthy, I’d really encourage you to check out my cousin’s blog…she’s embarking on her own journey, and I would love it if some of you wonderful people who’ve shown me love and encouragement could share a little with her, too. We’re determined to make our Nan proud of us.

I finally got my hair back to red, too. Five months of faded ends and horrendous re-growth has finally come to an end! Next week I am planning adventures in dip-dye, but that is going to wait until after my friend’s wedding this weekend…

enjoy this much needed beautiful weather folks, I’m really looking forward to a sunny day shopping in Bath tomorrow! Don’t forget to check out the fab giveaway in the post below!


22 comments for “silvery blues

  1. I bought a pair earlier last year and they are still going strong, to bloody comfy for words!

  2. Oh i love their sparkle and they look comfy

    | Bright Green Laces |

  3. they make me think of practical cinderella shoes. How lovely.

  4. I love Toms, they are a fantastic brand and I love the silver pair you have chosen. They look great with that dress. Are they comfy? Looking forward to seeing your dip dye hair , have a lovely day in Bath, looks like you are going to have fab weather!

  5. I love Toms, your silver pair look fab! x

  6. Lucy

    I can’t quite decide whether I love them or hate Toms!

    I need to have a good clear out too, just need to summon some energy first…..

    Lucy xx

  7. I love Toms, I have had the same black pair for just under two years now..! However I originally bought one size too big!

    So i will definitely be purchasing the correct size for the summer.

    I think they look great when they are warn out and falling apart.

  8. Angela White

    I’m sitting on the fence about Toms too. I can’t decide if I like them or hate them after trying on a pair and realizing that they are actually comfy shoes. I like the sparkle in your pair. I didn’t know that they donated a pair to a poor pair of little feet elsewhere – thats really nice.

  9. I think the concept of Toms is brilliant, and i’ve heard from friends both male and female that they are comfortable so I think I will definitely get a pair once pay day rolls round! x

  10. I’m not sure about the Toms thing really, on the one hand I think it’s great they donate a pair for each pair sold. But I’m just not drawn to them.

  11. I’m torn about Toms too, I like that they are for a good cause and they look super comfy but I’m not sure they are really my syle.

    Have fun shopping in the sun – well jel!

  12. Anonymous

    please stop doing a duck impression 🙁 otherwise I love your shoes

  13. I think I hate them. But then they look really good on some people (you being one of them) so I’m undecided!


  14. I’m undecided on Toms, I’m not keen on their design but then everyone says how comfy they are and your sparkly ones look really nice!

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  15. I am trying to do a clean-up at the moment too, I even threw away a few old perfumes (it’s hard to throw out something so expensive, but I never wore them anyway). I might try to start picking just a few things to get rid of each week, to make the task seem less scary! I have wayyy to many clothes that I really don’t need anymore!

  16. I can’t work out if I like Toms or not – they look a little odd to me. Nevertheless I do love the colour of yours!

  17. Love this outfit! Blue is definitely the colour I wear the most, the Toms are cute too 🙂

    Have a great time in Bath tomorrow. My Dad lives there & I love visiting, lots of lovely shops & places to eat 🙂

  18. I’m so torn about Toms shoes, while I absolutely love the idea of them I just think they’re the ugliest shoes ever although I must admit your sparkly pair does look super cute on you and they do look really comfy!


  19. I’m someone else who is undecided on Toms, I love that for each pair sold, a pair is donated to someone in need, but I’m not sure the design is really for me.
    I know you gran will already be proud of you looking down on you with bursting heart, so don’t worry about that, instead concentrate on doing what you have to do for yourself.

    Gems x

    Fashion, Well Done

  • I own too many pairs of sparkly shoes, they are amazing xx

  • I keep thinking about getting the crochet ones. They look so comfy and I love the ethics if the brand but I’m just not sure if they are me. They look great on you. X

  • Those Toms are too cute! I want a pair.