Snacking Saturday; snack of the week

Officially addicted.

What’s your snack of the week?

Would anyone be up for a snack swap if I could somehow arrange one?


22 comments for “Snacking Saturday; snack of the week

  1. I had some of these just last week they are so good.

  2. Yum! I’m currently addicted to Pumpkin Seeds! x

  3. The m&s wasabi peas are the best bar none!

  4. These sound really good !

  5. i’m addicted to untoasted muesli! and i love snacking on walnuts, almonds and berries 🙂

  6. I was snacking on these last weekend!
    I would love to do a snack swap with you!

    (I have Larabars….!)

  7. I tried wasabi pringles in Switzerland a while back. My tastebuds will never be the same!

  8. My snack of the week is definitely Doritos and dip! Can’t get enough!

  9. Snack of the week is a naughty one- chewing nuts- those really chewy bits of caramel/toffee covered in chocolate. Found some in the Pound Shop and fell in love!

    I’d be in for a snack swap (I’m not always so naughty with my snacking either…)

  10. I would love to do a snack swap with you! <3
    Wasabi anything is good in my book

  11. ooh wow, I wonder what these taste like :)!

  12. I’ve never tried Wasabi Peas – may have to give them a go! My ultimate snack is Walker Thai Sweet Chili Sensations with Sour Cream and Chive Dip. Nom nom nom!x

  13. I’ve been living on unbaked chocolate chip cookies. When they are uncooked, they feel like fudge.

  14. is this an international snack swap? i’m in the us and my whole foods has the most amazing roasted seaweed snacks, raw chocolate & raw crackers (local!!) -melissa

  15. yuummm! such an unusual snack but they sound soo good!you have the best snack ideas!!!

    thanks for your lovely comment <3

    claire xo

  16. You have such healthy snacks, i feel so ashamed of myself. Currently munching on gold bars and kitkat. ugh.

  17. Definatley up for a snack swop!

    Could have sent mine this week though as it’s been ice cream! The joys of having a new ice cream maker. Yummy.

    X x

  18. Someone brought caramel sweeties into work and they’ve been so addictive, that and eating way too many cherries x

  19. ooh I need to keep an eye out for these in my local m&s! I am always on the look out for new snacks for in work.

  20. My favourite snack… hmm, I LOVE cheese cubes, hahaha.

    x Michelle |

  21. Tor

    I love the idea of a swap! I work in an oriental supermarket in Loughborough, so I could easily send some snackfoods from our stock (we have all these dried fruits, flavoured crisps, little chocolates and things). Plus I’m a health nut, and we have a health food shop across the road from us.

    I’ve not tried the M&S wasabi peas, but I’ll give them a go if I can! We have some wasabi nori strips (with tempura on, I think), peanuts and broad beans. I love wasabi broad beans, they’re just a little bit crispier! 🙂

  22. Lil

    I LOVE Wasabi Peas. I can’t get enough. Even when the tingle on my Tongue turns into mouth ulcers – I still can’t stop eating! I love them xx