strictly’s question of the week visit the website for more info

I also wanted to add,
thank you very much, all of you for the thoughts and well wishes about Ron, the guinea pig.
He passed away last night/this morning, and yes, I am incredibly upset, but there is relief too, after seeing him suffering yesterday (oddly, he went downhill after visitng the vet, I think the car journey stressed him out).

I’ll answer at least some of the questions you lot asked tomorrow, I may have to split it in two post!

You also might be interested to know that after sorting through my tights drawer, I have 25 pairs of tights, plus the three pairs I picked up today in Primark (50p each, I couldn’t refuse!)


10 comments for “strictly’s question of the week

  1. I’m sorry about Ron.
    Hope you feel better.

  2. I’m so sorry to hear about Ron! IT is always hard losing a pet.

  3. E

    I’m so sorry to hear about your guinea pig!

    I aspire to have as many tights as you do 🙂

  4. I’m so sorry for your loss. Hugs!

  5. I hope you feel better and it’s past to stay happy! cheer up darling.

    xx fromm hong kong

  6. RIP Ron. Hope you’re ok lady. x

  7. A cat! =)

    I always say a bird.. can we be friends?


  8. I just saw this and wanted to say I’m so sorry about yout piggie 🙁 I have two guineas myself, Patch and Smudge and I know the feeling you get when a pet dies, I’ve lost two guinea-pigs before my current bubbas.
    *hugs* Sorry I know how upsetting it is.

  9. Ah, poor you, and Ron, bless his heart

    nicola xx