The Culotte Jumpsuit

The other object of my affections this season has been culottes (the first being denim, obviously). Having not added to my collection for ooh, at least four weeks I set eyes on the perfect pair in the New Look sale whilst browsing with my Grandad- and lucky me got to bring them home…at £12 I did worry they’d be one of those “one wear wonders” as these culottes happen to be attached to a jumpsuit but I needn’t have worried as by now their cost-per-wear is somewhere under £1.

Jumpsuit: New Look (plain black version) | Shoes: House of Fraser | Fedora: Florence and Fred

I have mentioned several times that I am basically incompetent when it comes to accessories and either a) never remember to photograph them or b) don’t remember to wear them in the first place so it’s a rare occurrence that I thought to pop on a hat on the day I wore this and rarer still that I thought to include it in the pictures. I do love a good hat though, and this floppy fedora sets the outfit off perfectly (in my humble opinion).
Life seems to be returning to a steady pace, I’ve had a week off and a few days away with friends. I’m back at work full time and it’s a case of moving onwards and onwards in all areas of my life. I have so many hopes and goals for the next few months and I refuse to be the only thing standing in my way of achieving them…remind me of this when I’m having a whine on Twitter, yes? Sometimes I wonder about going a bit more in depth to what is happening in my personal life but I’m not sure anyone actually wants to read that.
Have you picked up any unexpected bargains in the Summer sales? Also, as part of my resolve to move onwards and upwards, what can I do to improve the blog? Answers on a postcard please…


6 comments for “The Culotte Jumpsuit

  1. I’m LOVING the culottes!!!! Truly, despite their being part of a jumpsuit (toilet going in public is my chief anxiety!). Of course, we/I’d be interested to know more about your personal life. Even if you didn’t want to go into it on the blog, I’m always happy to find another penpal! 🙂

  2. You look gorgeous here wifey! I do love finding out more about the people behind blogs so please do share!

    Maria xxx

  3. I really like reading posts where bloggers open up a bit more. This looks so awesome on you, the fit is dreamy and I really want one myself!

  4. Looks great on you 🙂 I’ve been eyeing up culottes in the shops for a while but haven’t taken the plunge yet! Glad to hear that your working towards your goals, I really hope that things go well for you. Sending you lots of hugs! Liz x

  5. Looking oh so very beaut as always lovely Laura! The fedora looks stunning on you and I love the stand-out simplicity of your gorgeous New Look jumpsuit. Forever looking fierce. As for your blog, call me biased but I think it’s perfect as it is my dear <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  6. Love love love this jumpsuit! It looks amazing on you 🙂 xx