the not so uniform

Palazzo pants. A fleeting trend, I’m sure. These were cheap and cheerful from boohoo and I really kind of love them. They are so comfy and provide an awful lot more “sitting down dignity” than a skirt.




The photos are somewhat ridiculous. I’m sorry…I just can’t help but flail around like an idiot.

Have you tried Palazzo pants? What are your thoughts?


25 comments for “the not so uniform

  1. I love them! I wore a pair yesterday to work! So comfortable!

  2. I love palazzo pants. But unfortunately as I am really short, they would never suit me. Yours look great though.

  3. They’re cute. I’ve been wondering when it was going to become acceptable to basically wander around in pyjamas and apparently I have my answer ๐Ÿ˜› I want a pair.

  4. I like them but I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to wear them myself. Btw, I WILL be sending you a letter next week, sorry for the delay

  5. I love how a good pair can be just like wearing something really dressy! They’re lovely ๐Ÿ™‚


  6. I’m in the like them camp. Think you need to be tall enough to carry them off correctly mind.

    You look fab in yours. I think they look very glamorous.

    X x

  7. They looks so comfy and I agree with “please May I” you need to have long legs to make them look any good.

  8. Avataramy

    This is SO perfect. I adore the way you’ve paired the pants. You always look sweet, and spunky x

    sweetness xx
    hope to hear from you*!

  9. Whilst you can pull those trousers off faboulously (or however you spell it!), I will look like a beached whale if I tried them on. *sigh*. Plus I don’t like much fussiness “down below”….

  10. Looks funky on you! “Sitting down dignity” – I love that expression! May have to steal it from ya!


  11. I’m with Julia I think you can pull them off but I would look like I am wearing oversized PJ’S ha ha

  12. They look fab on you…think im a little too short for them !

  13. Ilove the look of palazzos, but I think I’m too short to carry them off. You look great in them though!

  14. Damnnn they look comfy!

  15. I think they look great on you! I haven’t got a pair but I’d love to get some, they look so comfy.

    โ™ฅ Leia

  16. LOVE those pants! The print is so lovely and they look so comfy xxx

  17. These look so comfy! I love the print on them too ๐Ÿ™‚

    Maria xxx

  18. Love the trousers! I have a couple of pairs and they are so comfy!

  19. I’m definitely in the love camp. Unfortunately I’m so short that there’s no way I can get away with them. I tried on an amazing pair of Be Beau apple print ones and looked like I was wearing my dad’s pjs!

  20. Those trousers are gorgeous!!

  21. Ahh I love them! I’d look like a huge idiot in them so I’m super jealous of anyone that can pull them off and look stylish! xo

  22. AvatarKim

    I’ve seen so many people pull these off lately. Insanely jealous! xxx

  23. I love them! I’ve been wearing them for years- I remember them last time round! I just love big trousers! I have tended to be mocked for years by male colleagues and friends when I wear them (pajamas, curtains…) but my girly friends tend to love them! They are so comfy and I can’t bear tight trousers! (bought some 2 weeks ago and already driven me round the bend wearing them!)

  24. I’m not keen at all I’m afraid, they look like pyjama bottoms (no wonder they’re comfy)!

  25. oo they look adorable! I’ve seen so many people in these or the pj style pants but never in a million years could I pull them off!