The perks of being an early riser #EarlybirdChallenge

Long gone are the days where I can sleep late, I’ve actually never been much good at it but there was a brief spell toward the end of my teenage years where you’d still find me in bed at lunchtime, dreading getting up and starting the day ahead. I always feel much calmer and in control of the day if I’m up and about at an hour that might seem ridiculous to some, but hear me out and consider the benefits for yourself…I’ve teamed up with Free Office Finder and their #Earlybirdchallenge to bring you this post.
I do appreciate that not everyone is a morning person- my boyfriend for example would rather sleep in until gone noon and then not go to bed until 3am. I’ve tried, time upon time to do that when we’re together at weekends but I end up still awake by 7am, if not before and horrendously grumpy for days after.

On a morning where I’m working (so, five out of seven) I find that by setting my alarm for an hour earlier than strictly needed I arrive at work calm and ready to start my day. I can make a coffee and take it back to bed whilst I check e-mails, read a chapter of whatever book I’m reading, eat a leisurely breakfast and still be out of the house with a bit of time to spare ensuring I’m not legging it in to a clinic at the last minute. I’ve tried doing it the other way, getting up at the last possible minute but I just end up irritated and stressed out before I’ve even left the house!

At weekends I like to make the most of the free time I have. I’m usually awake by 7am and back in bed with a coffee by 7:15 (much to Ben’s disgust). I’ll read a book, or blogs for an hour or so before making some breakfast, which I take the time to enjoy looking out in to the garden and hop in the shower. Generally I am ready to leave the house by 10am meaning the entire day stretches ahead without a need to rush, and although I do make exception, I can be back home and in bed by 10pm.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not a night owl, late nights don’t suit me where early mornings do. I’m always at my most productive first thing in the day whereas if I sit down to do some blogging or work for Riddle after a day at the office, or strolling around town I cannot focus because little things from the day have irritated me, or just got me in a non-work frame of mind. I find it hard to relax once I’ve been out all day and my energy levels are too depleted to do much.

I think early rising brings the perfect opportunity to make yourself relaxed and prepared for the day ahead. Whether it be 20 minutes of yoga before work, or even a short run it can really help get you in the right frame of mind and release any tension from the day before. Breakfast is a meal that shouldn’t be rushed in my eyes and having the time to eat a balanced one sets me up for the day ahead. This may all change by the time I’m a bit older again, but for now I’m enjoying my life as an early riser- there’s something so serene about walking through empty streets or being the only one awake in the house- why don’t you give it a go to? It keeps my mental wellbeing in check and I get a heck of a lot more done!

Let me know if you do give it a go and how you got on in the comments, or on twitter with the hashtag #EarlybirdChallenge so Free Office Finder can see how you get on too.


2 comments for “The perks of being an early riser #EarlybirdChallenge

  1. Katie

    I wish I was more an early person. I’m not a late person either to be fair. I do really rock midday though! Still, I get up at 7 on weekdays and around 8ish most weekends, so not too bad. I’ll try getting up a bit earlier, it’d give me more time in the gym

  2. I gotta say I rock the late morning/midday lark. I suck at waking early and falling asleep by 10:30 – oh the days of being able to stay awake until 2am!