Bespoke Glasses with Atelier

It’s hard to resent wearing glasses when there are so many awesome and stylish frames on the market these days. That being said, I am quite lazy when it comes to wearing mine, tending only to reach for them when a headache threatens…oops! I was recently contacted by Atelier about their range of glasses and sunglasses and boy was I impressed!

Atelier provides glasses and sunglasses that are handmade to fit your face. I was really intrigued as to how this could possibly work with it being an online service (and the average person probably not knowing their facial measurements) but I was ever so kindly offered a free pair of specs so I could try out the service for myself.

Ordering is super easy, you decide whether you want suglasses or glasses; I went for glasses as I wear them more than shades. You then choose which frame style you want and which colour-way. I loved that all of the frames were available in all of the colours on offer as in the past I’ve had to compromise on colour to find a frame that suits my face. There’s a handy feature on the site that allows you to see how your frames will look in any given colour- I opted for the Fratiina frame in a cool tortoiseshell design.

To order your glasses you need a webcam, this allows you to see what the glasses will look like on you and also for Atelier to get your facial measurements. It was a somewhat bizarre process but really simple and quick. Once you’ve placed your order you do face around a four week wait for your frames to arrive, but trust me, it’s worth it.

I am so in love with everything about these glasses, especially the fact that my name is on them (handy for when I leave them lying around at work!). They don’t come cheap at £245 delivered but you can pay almost that, or more on the high street and there is something incredibly luxurious about having them tailored to fit your face and being in complete control of what they look like.

I’d highly recommend Atelier if you’re in the market for a new pair of glasses or sunglasses, especially if you’re someone who needs to wear them all of the time. Let me know if you do try out the service and make sure you tweet me your new frames when they arrive!


One comment for “Bespoke Glasses with Atelier

  1. Love the idea of personalised glasses especially with your name on. I am off to the opticians in a few weeks so wonder if I will need glasses this time.