Up the Amp

Another one of those outfits where I need to get used to things fitting differently…it’s not easy but I am starting to appreciate a healthier body and accept that I still have a way to go until I reach my personal goal so my body may change further still. I’ve given up being scared, this is an adventure and can only lead to bigger and better things.

I love this dress, £16 well spent in Matalan last year I think. Worn with posh (but cheap) Calvin Klein tights and Georgia Rose boots c/o Sarenza.

The mug shot is to demonstrate that I FINALLY got round to sorting my hair colour out, goodbye roots! They were pretty shameful! I’ve also really got in to lipstick lately and last week picked up Up the Amp from MAC which I’ve worn pretty much non-stop since. If anyone has any lipstick suggestions for me then feel free to say so!

Thank you for the foot well wishes, it wasn’t the best of news and I have more waiting to do and more time on the crutches until we get a solution but I’m not going to let it get me down. Not now. That was the “old” Laura…the one who wasn’t really me.
It’s the work Christmas party tonight and I think I will spend my lunch break hunting down some battery operated fairy lights so string around the sticks…they’ll go quite nicely with my planned outfit…may as well turn myself in to a walking novelty!

Happy Friday folks,
we’ve gone and completed another week! How has it been for you?


9 comments for “Up the Amp

  1. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Consider this the biggest, tighest hug ever coming your way…Your determination is amazing!

    That dress looks lovely on you and I really like that lipstick! I wish I could get away with colours like that, bright colours seem to suit your skintone (which is probably why your hair looks so good that colour)

    I was actually laughing out loud when I read the bit about fairy lights for your crutches, Mr Bertie asked me what I was laughing at and he had a chuckle too, he said good idea and I agree. Learning to work with the sh*t that life throws at you and turning it into a positive is what will get you through all this Laura (the sticks, the challenges ahead for you and just life in general). The more you laugh at life and keep up this positive attitude the better things will become, you already see that.

    Enjoy today and your party later, I will think about you whilst I am on mine 🙂

    Janine xx
    PS sorry for length of comment I just had a lot to say as all your posts lately inspire me to tell you just how amazing you are!!!!


  2. yu are a fighter chick… and i bet you’re crutches make a fab xmas accessory!
    i love MAC too, i have a great lipstick called Pink Nouveau which is like a pale but still obvious pink. i als love their “lady danger” red… it always adds some va va voom to a outfit 🙂

  3. You can do it, you gorgeous girl, you! Looking lovely here! Heee hee, love the idea of the crutches!!!x

  4. You look great – the dress is super pretty on you 🙂 x

  5. Sorry to hear the foot is not better yet, but like you say new Laura can cope! I never ever wear lipstick I’m just not the lipstick sort but you have made me want to but some, looking fantabulous honey! x

  6. So proud of your fighting spirit Laura :o)

    LOVE the dress!

    Hope youre having fun at the party xxx

  7. Keep up the good attitude gal! Hope your foot gets better soon. Looking fab, love this dress and those boots, wow wow wow xxx

  8. That dress has always been one of my favourites of yours! Sorry to hear about the crutches, but like you said it’s not going to set you back. I’m taking some good vibes from your positive attitude to life 🙂 xxx

  9. Loving the lippie- looking fierce as ever. I really like the MUA £1 lipsticks, particularly if you want to experiment with colour, and if you’re after something lighter in a lip colour, the ELF mineral moisturising lip tints are awesome.

    Sad to hear about the foot, and I’m sure you don’t want to hear this, but with injuries, patience really is a virtue, trying to move too fast, too soon or ignoring the advice can land you in more problems than you started with. Take it from the girl who ended up with a twisted pelvis and a problematic IT band after thinking that the torn ligament in my ankle would ‘of course be fine’.