Weekends in the Park

Now Ben has moved back in to Bristol I’ve been spending my weekends there for the majority of the time. I’ve discovered more of the city in the last 18 months than I have in the entire 27 years I’ve lived on the outskirts of it and I’m forever falling that little bit further in love with it’s eclectic atmosphere and huge amount of things to see and do. One of my favourite places is St George Park, a huge open space that makes you feel like you aren’t actually in a city at all.
This was kind of intended to be an outfit post but it was too cold that morning to wear my planned outfit and I was in a super grumpy mood so they haven’t come out that brilliantly. Regardless, I love a good jumper dress and this one from La Redoute has that perfect slouchy fit that I love so much and pairs perfectly with my black and gold boots.

I love being outdoors in the Autumn. I’m prone to a touch of SAD once it starts to be dark when you wake up and dark so early in the evenings, but getting outside when there is daylight, rain or shine (and there has been a LOT of rain lately) really helps boost my mood and keeps my sanity there.

What’s your favourite city? Fellow Bristol folk, where do you like to spend your time?


10 comments for “Weekends in the Park

  1. Tell me about SAD! It’s horrid having winter blues. Do you have a daylight lamp? I keep thinking I must invest in one. X

  2. Hi there! Well we do have some similarities , my name is Laura, I tend to suffer from SAD and I too live in Bristol (for the most part anyway) The parks are lovely, especially in the autumn. I think Bristol in general is lovely, especially South Bristol as you mentioned the eclectic feel to it all is just something you can’t really find anywhere else…

    Lovely blog too 🙂

  3. Loving all these autumnal shots. Unsurprisingly, I love London. I call it my home, and I don’t feel I know it properly but I love that despite being the biggest city in the UK it’s also the place that got me outdoors more in 2 years than in 18 in the Lake District.

    Loving the La Redoute- bought a couple of nice looking bits from them myself, and was reassured to see they’ve sorted their sizing out since I last used them.

  4. Rebecca Young

    I too hate the shorter daylight hours.

    I really like Castle Park, where I often have my lunch in the summer and also the Clifton Downs.

  5. Love that you’re rediscovering Bristol.

    Buckets & Spades

  6. Hello! I have been internet-less for a very long time, so I apologise for the comment-fest that I am probably about to embark upon! I love those photos, I am a sucker for a city park. Greenwich is probably my favourite, or maybe Roath Park in Cardiff… xx

  7. I hear lots of good things about Bristol but I’ve never visited…I must!
    Love this dress, sorry to hear you were feeling grumpy.

  8. It’s great that you are exploring more of the city. These pictures are really beautiful and I love those coloured leaves.

  9. That park is massive! I really love Clifton and the Downs area x

  10. Such lovely park photos. I keep meaning to take some local photos as I’m always being told how lovely my town is and never see it for myself.