14 comments for “Wikio Top UK Fashion Blog ranking

  1. woohoo!! Congrats 🙂 You fully deserved at least top 5 in my opinion though 😉

  2. good stuff. i know for a fact that there’s a couple missing there.

  3. Congratulations on being on the list. You definitely deserved it. I hope they place you higher on the list next year.

  4. Wow – what an honour for you.
    I will check out some of the others. There are so many fabulous blogs out there.


  5. Nat

    Congrats! Although I’d put you much higher personally 🙂

    Nat x

  6. Congratulations! x

  7. Congratulations! x

  8. Hi 🙂 Nice blog you got there, I was wonderin if we could be friends and follow each others blogs? ^__^ Thank youuuu.~

  9. Fantastic! I love discovering new blogs. (Although Style Bubble should be right at the top, obviously 🙂 )

  10. Congratulations Laura! Your blog is #1 on my list:) I’ll definitely check out these blogs. xx

  11. That’s so exciting, congratulations!! Totally deserve to be higher though xx

  12. Love those shoes, I did a blog post about them ages ago!

  13. Congratulations! I’ve been following few of the blogs in the list and found some great fashion blogs here. Thanks for the list 🙂