Work on a Budget

Last week I had an e-mail from sofeminine, inviting me to put together the best bargain outfit that I could come up with under £50 (and they’d foot the bill). The timing of this was fantastic, as I’ve been starting to ponder how to get a decent workwear wardrobe on a budget. I’m lucky because my job is pretty lax when it comes to what we wear, and at first my standard dresses etc seemed to fit in just fine; but now I’m working there more, and I’m more involved in “front of house” I wanted to invest in some more classic “worky” clothes…but didn’t want to spend a fortune.

My outfit came via Topshop. Somewhere I can only ever afford to shop during the sales. The trousers were £20, reduced from £45 and are the perfect fit and length on me. I’m not a trousers girl, except for work, and I am loathe to spend a lot of money on them, especially as they so rarely fit right…but these do…and although not a traditional colour, they are smart, comfortable and (for once) a quality that will last.



The top, I bought in three colours; a paler blue and a white as well. These were an absolute bargain at £5 each down from £15. It gets hot and work, so loose cotton is an instant winner and that that kind of price, I’m not going to say no!

I would have been able to get some flat, sensible shoes within the budget too, but I opted not to purely because I have NOwhere at all left to store new shoes!

My outfit, as well as the other bloggers who took part will be showcased here, so you’ll be able to pick up all our hints and tips for shopping on a budget.

What are your top budget shopping tips?
Mine would be..

-Shop the sales.

-Look for pieces that are good quality, and won’t date.

-If you see basics at a good price, buy in bulk!

-Don’t buy anything you only like because it’s cheap; it’s a false economy!


34 comments for “Work on a Budget

  1. Those trousers are just fabulous on you! 🙂

  2. Those pants are so beautiful! I wish I could pull those off(oh that sounds so very wrong in that context, but that’s not what I mean of course…) but I think I’m probably not tall enough to look as fabulous in them as you do. Though I’ve never actually tried a pair…

  3. great post! I totally agree, deffo shop in the sales! x

  4. I think your tips are great. Too many people are allured by the price without thinking about why they’re able to get clothes that cheap..

    You’ve put together a lovely ensemble. You scrub up well, as they say 😉

  5. Those trousers are amazing! You look great! xxx

  6. Great trousers, you look very chic!

    Top sale tips too.

    X x

  7. I totally agree about buying good quality. I’d rather spend a bit more and know that they’ll last for years instead of a few wears.

  8. I’ve wanted to get this vest for a while, and knowing that it looks lovely on you might just push me into it later today!


  9. Loving those trousers Laura, they look fab.

  10. oooo love this combo it would be perfect for shopping too xx

  11. Mat

    those are strong tips, mine is only buy a sale item if you would have considered it or could see yourself in it at full price

  12. Great trousers.
    I’m with you on buying in bulk. I found the perfect white, crisp, shirt that didn’t gape at my stupidly large boobs. So I bought 4. They’re still going strong and can be worn with so many different things.

    I also stop and make sure I can team the item I’m buying with at least 3 other things in my wardrobe.

  13. I love the combination electric blue + camel, amazing!

  14. Love those trousers they look fantastic!


  15. Looks lovely and very professional without boring as that usually means 😀 You did a great job, and owning great pants and skirts it’s so easy to go with the basic tops and tees to match! xxx

  16. Perfect pants!

  17. Love the top, a very smart purchase and I imagine it would look good in the other colours too.

  18. Anonymous

    I love the colour combo and the trousers look amazing, but I don’t consider sleeveless tops to be workwear so not sure on that aspect. Great outfit though!

  19. LOVE those trousers! xx

  20. Love those trousers – the colours very refreshing from the norm. I try and hunt for bargains in the sale but I think I’m too common a clothe size to find any of the good things left. I haven’t managed to snap up the odd jewellery bargain though when say New Look have an on mass clear out.

  21. those trousers look so great on you! I am so lacking in basics, its just silly.

  22. Oh I fell in love with these trousers in the shop- tempting now at only £20! You look lovely in them and the cute bow on the vest top really makes the top!

  23. I love the cut of the trousers and the blue top looks amazing with them.

  24. You look fab, i have that top in black from last year i think. My top budget tip is definately shop the sales and buy things that go with things you already have! x

  25. The outfit looks great!

  26. Jen

    The trousers are perfection on you. They look great with the blue vest, too. Love this outfit!

  27. I really like that top, and those trousers create a really nice silhouette, they look so soft too! You always look so pretty. I love your tips on shopping on a budget and agree completely with the last tip. I always end up buying cheaper shoes as my family’s on a tight budget and they only last for a few months. xxx

  28. Ah just clocked that I bought that top in the same colour and in black! I’ve worn both and they are so lovely, don’t you think?! xx

  29. Your trousers suit you so much! Beautiful <3

  30. GASP* Had to comment Laura, I LOOOVE THOSE PANTS. PANTS!!!!!!

    The tan and blue combo really works but man, those drape and fall so nicely. Me wants!

    xx00 Lusty

  31. those trousers look amazing on you! the colour and shape are beautiful. they make you look super tall! xxx

  32. love the colour combination, a perfect ensemble 🙂 xo

  33. I LOVE those trousers on you, such a pretty colour!

    Maria xxx

  34. That is really cute! I love Royal blue top and Khaki pants!!! PERFECTION!

    Im your new follower!
