old and new

Dress: vintage via ebay
Shoes c/o Sarenza
This dress was one of my first ebay purchases and years later I still love it- it’s pink and floral for starters, not to mention it has pockets! Pockets are always a winner on a dress in my eyes.
It goes perfectly with my gorgeous new bag sent to me via bagable who sell a wide range of well the well loved Nica Bags brand. which might just be my new favourite accessory. By the time I had got home from work I was too hot and bothered to carry on wearing shoes, but the bag had turned up and I couldn’t wait to photograph it, hence the bare feet!
The shoes are another favourite thing though (noticing a theme here?)…bright colours make me happy!
Mid-week again! How are we getting along? Still loving the sunshine? I am and I’m not…I’m stuck at home with a stomach bug and feeling utterly drained because of the heat. At least I can sit in the garden later though, I couldn’t do that if it was cold and raining!

Summer in the City with Bristol’s Shopping Quarter

Who doesn’t love even more of an excuse to shop? This Summer Britsol’s Shopping Quarter is giving us just that with a whole month of discounts, prizes and more…
The event kicked off yesterday and will run through until the 6th August. The events are top secret until the day but I’ve heard on the grapevine that they will include free samples, money off and fantastic money vouchers from the both local favourites like Koolmami & Pepenero as well as national giants like Boots & Debenhams.

To get each daily deal and find out more about the event check out the Summer in the City facebook page.
Let me know if you take advantage of any of these fantastic deals. I’m going to be making at least one trip in.

my favourite apps

Ever since I got my i-pad I’ve been trying to make it my mission to explore as many apps as possible. I’ll admit I have pretty much failed miserably- there are just so many out there these days and probably if I owned an i-phone I would use more of them, my HTC is ok but does tend to be a bit less user friendly.
I do have a few firm favourites though, especially in the fashion/lifestyle category and I’m sharing them with you below…
Pose: I use this mainly for style inspiration (which I then do nothing with bar turn green with envy) but you can also use it to shop the look. It’s updated regularly with new styles which I love- I can’t be doing with things that only get updated once a month. Short attention span!
TopCashback is a must download for any self-respecting savvy shopper. You can use it whilst shopping both online and offline to get voucher codes, earn cash back and more. How much will you save?
My love for ASOS is no secret around these parts eh? My facebook reads like a shopping list and I am a daily checker of the new arrivals. This app makes that easy, too easy when I’m not at home. You’ll often find me on the boy’s sofa pretending to listen to him whilst actually checking what has just landed!
Instagram. Enough said. I use this both on my phone AND my iPad to over share my life.
MyFitnessPal is well known as a diet and weightloss app but I actually use it for the opposite purpose. Being in recovery and currently upping my meal plan consistently in a bid to get healthy and strong I use this at the end of the day to make sure I am on track and not in a deficit for the day. The database of foods on here is vast, and it’s very UK centric setting it apart from many of the other apps out there.
Oh ebay, my other shopping addiction. The ebay fashion app focuses specifically on the clothing side of the site, showcasing millions of listings world wide. I love.
After writing this post and having a browse of both the apple and HTC stores I’ve realised just how many more there are out there. I’m off sick today with a sickness bug and I am tempting myself browsing Dial-a-Phone looking for a fruit themed upgrade so I can get access to even more fantastic apps…I hate to say it but they do do it best.
What are some of your favourite apps?

Craving Clarks

Can you believe all these shoes are by Clarks?
Up until a year or so ago I associated the brand with footwear favoured by the elderly; or on the other end of the scale, memories of trying to find a decent pair of school shoes to fit my flipper feet. 
It seems the brand have moved on though and produced some seriously cool design, with the added bonus of them being made by a brand with true British Heritage who’s main priority remains with comfort.
The top pair of sandals are very similar to a tribal pair I already own, I am really quite tempted by these though as they are in the sale at Bells Shoes for a mere £29.99.
Not one pair of these beauties will cost you more than £60 which is another thing I love about the brand, they use quality leather yet still manage to keep things affordable. Bravo Clarks, bravo.
I can see my collection expanding in the near future- I currently own a couple of heeled pairs as well as some flat leather sandals and some rather snazzy cut out brogues (not to mention the leopard print loafers)
Have you had a look at Clarks lately? What brands have really upped their game recently for you?
For more bargains on branded footwear or to see more of Clarks designs take a peek at Bells Shoes, yet another new to me online retailer. This is getting dangerous!

Introducing "The Boy"

So, I finally have a photo of the pair of us (and permission) to share with you lovely lot. Meet “The Boy”, seemingly a source of great curiosity around these parts!
We’ve had another fabulous weekend spent with friends- a gathering on Friday night,
sun-seeking in a local park of Saturday and more of the same yesterday until I left him to meet up with Birthday Girl Trudi and a couple of dear friends for dinner at the Pitcher and Piano on Bristol’s waterfront. The food there was AMAZING, seriously good but damn the service left a lot to be desired…I am usually pretty patient with food establishments but it wasn’t busy yet seemingly impossible to get anything.
We also did a spot of Gromit hunting and fro-yo eating at AngelBerry (I vote for the coconut flavour)
Now it’s back to work, but how can you be sad about that when the sun is out and it’s roasting hot? It’s getting me seriously in the mood for my holiday- 22 days and counting!
What did you get up to this weekend?