Introducing "The Boy"

So, I finally have a photo of the pair of us (and permission) to share with you lovely lot. Meet “The Boy”, seemingly a source of great curiosity around these parts!
We’ve had another fabulous weekend spent with friends- a gathering on Friday night,
sun-seeking in a local park of Saturday and more of the same yesterday until I left him to meet up with Birthday Girl Trudi and a couple of dear friends for dinner at the Pitcher and Piano on Bristol’s waterfront. The food there was AMAZING, seriously good but damn the service left a lot to be desired…I am usually pretty patient with food establishments but it wasn’t busy yet seemingly impossible to get anything.
We also did a spot of Gromit hunting and fro-yo eating at AngelBerry (I vote for the coconut flavour)
Now it’s back to work, but how can you be sad about that when the sun is out and it’s roasting hot? It’s getting me seriously in the mood for my holiday- 22 days and counting!
What did you get up to this weekend?

21 comments for “Introducing "The Boy"

  1. Look at you two – you look great together! (Love that dress too!)

  2. Vix

    What a gorgeous couple you are! xxx

  3. Aww what a lovely picture! You look so happy! Sounds like a lovely weekend x

  4. Aww, such a cute photo *waves* This weekend was great wasn’t it? I went on a camping trip and it was fab πŸ™‚ x

  5. Gorgeous couple! Glad you had a good weekend x

  6. Sounds like a gorgeous weekend! Great photo of you two…you look super happy πŸ™‚

  7. AAAWWWW. That is all. x

  8. squee! adorable. <3 love your dress! i spent my entire weekend painting my soon to be house! i am so.sore haha.

  9. Aww you guys are so cute. X

  10. Lovely photo of you both! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend too. I caught up with friends and spent Sunday drawing in the garden, soaking up the sun. – Tasha xxx

  11. Awww it’s so sweet & you look so happy! X


    love it πŸ™‚

  13. SUCH CUTIES! And you look mega happy too πŸ˜‰

  14. This blog post made me so happy! You deserve every ounce of happiness Laura. Good luck for the future & enjoy your holiday!

    Amy x

  15. Liz

    You look so happy in that photo, love it! Online dating FTW πŸ™‚ xx

  16. I saw this piccie on FB, you guys look so happy! You also look really good together. πŸ˜‰

    Tara xo

  17. FINALLY! We get to meet him! He looks lovely and the two of you look cute together (NICE dress btw!) xx

  18. Oh you guys are so cute! πŸ™‚ xx

  19. Such a sweet photo! You both look so incredibly happy, lovely to see xxx

  20. What a cute couple πŸ™‚ So nice to see you all settled and happy x

  21. This makes me SO happy. I’ve seen you blossom into a beautiful young woman and when I think about strength and courage amongst bloggers – I always put you at the top Laura. You have always been a true fighter and I have always admired your courage to share your journey online. You deserve happiness – and this to me finally cements happiness and fulfilment for you – I am so genuinely pleased for you. The boy is so lucky to have you – and likewise, what a beautiful couple you make xxx