Keeping Caffeinated with Rombouts

My love of coffee is well known amongst my friends, family and colleagues. Whereas in the past I’ve been of the “get as many as possible down my neck” approach, not really caring about quality, these days I’m much more fussy about the coffee I drink- I’ve pretty much halved my consumption but with that has come the expensive habit of popping in to a coffee shop at least five times a week to get my fix of something that isn’t instant.
I really need to cut this down but up until now I haven’t found an alternative that I can make at home that I love enough to forgo my cafe habit. I was recently sent a box of coffee from the folks at Rombouts and whilst I knew it would be good based on prior experience, I really didn’t expect for it to replace my beloved double shot Americanos.
The one cup filters from Rombouts have massively impressed both myself and my equally dedicated to decent coffee boyfriend a lot. Both the Colombian and Italian style varieties have become firm favourites for their smoothness, depth of flavour and complete lack of bitterness. They make a great Americano when topped up with hot water and also provide the perfect base for lattes, cappuccinos and iced coffees.
I normally steer well away from any kind of decaf coffee but gave these a go on the back of how impressed I was with the caffeinated versions and it looks like I might have finally found an acceptable coffee that won’t keep me up all night when the evening coffee cravings strike.

The little travel cup included in the package has been great for the walk to work. Given that I pass two branches of Costa most days and can rarely resist the lure, this has saved me a huge amount of money in a short space of time- for the price of one takeaway coffee you can get an entire box of one cup filters (£2.69 for 10) with change left over.

Should the mood strike I can even take a biscuit or two with me on my walk thanks to the individually wrapped cafe biscuits- you know how really good coffee shops serve a speculoos biscuit to go with your drink? There’s something very satisfying to get that same experience at home, feel smug about saving money and still getting to enjoy one of your favourite luxuries.
The ground coffee is, as you’d expect, equally as good. Both blends are single origin and fair trade- the Cuban one has notes of cacoa and caramel in it making it my favourite of the two and perfect to go with a lazy weekend breakfast.You can get Rombouts products direct from their website (as well as all of the accessories and biscuits you could ever need!). If you’re looking to cut down on your coffee shop habit then I highly recommend them as the brand to try- let me know if you try any of the coffees and which one is your favourite.

The changing face of petrol stations*

Well, here’s an off the wall idea for a post- especially given that I don’t drive! Hear me out though, having spent 30 years being driven around by other people and spending a lot of time as a passenger at petrol stations listening to other people muse this was, and is actually a really interesting subject to try and get some thoughts down about.

I also love to people watch at petrol stations, with so many idiots on the roads you really do get to seem some sights! And with things advancing at all times it’s no wonder that insurance is a big business (petrol station insurance from Forum Insurance here). Covering everything from fire risks to other people’s stupidity through the means of employee and public liability.

(Photo by Caryle Barton on Unsplash)

It always amuses me when we drive past an old school filling station- you know the ones with attended pumps, where someone else does the hard work? It’s a rarity these days and I think the only place I ever still see them is when I’m down in Devon or Cornwall. Things have come a long way. These days you can pretty much do your weekly shop when stopping for fuel- I quite often pop out of the car and in to the shop whilst my chauffeur for the day is filling the tank (especially if it’s an M&S simply food kind of place) and some of them are seriously fancy these days! When I was a kid popping in to the grotty Esso garage near school for some sweets for the walk home was about as good as it got, now you can pick up artisan biscuits, picnics that require a bank loan to afford and all manner of random non-edible items.

Car washes are a big thing too- from the super fancy all singing, all dancing machine washes (not gonna lie, they creep me out) to the do it yourself jet washers, there’s not much you can’t do at a petrol station now- it’s almost a wonder anyone spends less than half an hour at one!

Cost seems to be a common source of conversation among friends though, when planning a long journey they seek out the station with the cheapest fuel and do their upmost to ensure they won’t need to top up on the motorway as, well, 20p a litre price difference soon adds up! Luckily where we live petrol seems comparatively cheap and the prices are equal between the two stations that we have. Venture in to the city though and it is not only more expensive in general but depending on where you go- it’s not unheard of to fill up at one station only to drive two miles down the road and see it considerably cheaper. Cries of “I’ve been ripped off” are common.

Of course, as things advance safety is a big concern for many. Just having so much flammable material in one compact space is a risk in itself- you know, I once saw a lady light a cigarette whilst still at the pump and honestly did begin to despair for the human race! Seems like common sense does not always prevail!
I’ve also lost count of the amount of times I’ve almost been run over by people not paying attention as they move from the pump. The pattern appears to be get back in car, put foot down no matter who or what is in the way. My road sense isn’t the greatest and the forecourt really puts it to the test.

Does anyone else share these random fuel station musings? Honestly, I spend a lot of my time waiting for whoever I’m with to fill their tank wondering about this- I’m fully aware this makes me sort of odd but it’s amazing where the mind can wander at times!


Dressing up flats: a guide*

Whilst heeled shoes are well known for being glamourous, formal and stylish, comfort however isn’t something we would associate with our favourite party shoes. We have probably all sworn never to wear them again, but along comes the next big night out and your favourite stilettos come out to play again. Can flat shoes ever be stylish enough for a big night out?
With brands such as Melissa shoes hitting the footwear market by storm it appears comfort might finally be at the forefront of designer’s minds. Daniel Footwear investigates:

(shoes from a selection at Daniel Footwear)

Formal flats: backless loafers
Whilst they look good, your office heels aren’t the most comfortable shoes you own. If you’re looking for a stylish alternative then take a break and opt for a pair of backless loafers. A great choice that rids you of blisters and discomfort whilst still oozing formality. Originally made popular by Gucci, other brands have since replicated the trend making the loafer one of this season’s must-haves. Choose a black pair and wear with plain-coloured culottes and a chic sleeveless blouse.
You can call them an investment as you can also wear them as part of your off-duty style — a light-coloured loafer works great with loose-fitting, light wash ripped jeans and slouchy t-shirt. Bring the look together with a chic tailored blazer for a look that successfully bridges the gap between smart and casual.

Glamourous flats: embellished sandals
Say hello to embellished sandals! A summer must-have that adds glitz and glamour to any outfit. Many A-listers have walked the red carpet in their sparkly flats. The worst thing about them is that they can only be worn in the summer — step out in them in the winter and prepare for some strange looks and exceptionally cold toes!
Whether you are on vacation or just at your local beer garden they’re perfect for channelling that beach-to-bar look. Keep the rest of your outfit formal or smart-casual at the very least — wearing them with jeans is too casual for a night out with friends. Instead, choose feminine dresses and skirts in cool colours and delicate prints.

Stylish flats: the pointed flat
Ballet flats are our forever friends – a pair of shoes that have been life savers for years now. From work to play, is there anything this super-versatile shoe can’t do?
It’s time to step it up a notch. The pointed pump is the ideal choice for a night out as it is not just comfortable — it’s this season’s must-have shape. For extra evening glamour choose an embellished or lace-up pair to add detail to your look.

I’m a big advocate of flat shoes for any occasion- I can’t even remember the last time I wore heels to work and I always get instant regret if I venture out for the night in a pair. Whilst personally I’m not a fan of the backless loafer on me (how other people pull it off I don’t know) a pair of pointed ballet flats are high on my wish list!


Your summer beauty regime, sorted!*

Whether you’re jetting off on holiday or prepping for a summer wedding perfecting your skin will be high on your list of priorities. After all, there’s no place for tired, dull skin — or worse still, spots in the wedding photos or holiday snaps!
To help, Dermalogica retailer Pure Beauty has shared these tips for perfecting your summer skincare routine.

(Photo by Isabell Winter on Unsplash)

Silky smooth skin
Getting your legs ready for summer is important. To ensure your pins are perfectly polished exfoliate before you shave or get waxed. Use an exfoliating scrub across your legs, moving in circular motions. This helps to open pores and remove dead skin minimising the chances of in-growing hairs.

Swap your moisturiser

In the winter, it’s all about thick nourishing creams that protect your skin from low temperatures. However, in the summer a lighter moisturiser is much more suitable. This doesn’t mean that your skin will be any less hydrated —it just makes absorption easier.
It’s worth choosing a moisturiser with an SPF factor to protect your skin as you go about your day-to-day activities.

Sip a shiraz
Even with precautions in place sunburn can happen to the best of us (says the girl who burns through factor 50!). It sounds too good to be true but drinking red wine can help to reduce redness in acute sunburn. It’s all to do with resveratol, a naturally occurring phenol found in red grapes that are known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Of course, take it easy with this tip — always drink responsibly!

Take cold showers
The thought of taking a cold shower may send shivers down your spine but they can be really beneficial after a day in the sun. Hot showers can further damage and dry your skin after a long hot day, so soothe your skin with a cold shower.
They’re especially important if you have been sweating a lot as they unclog pores and decrease the risk of those dreaded acne breakouts!

Don’t forget your pout
While the cold leaves your lips dry and chapped in the winter the summer sun can also can dry out our lips leaving them sore. Thankfully lip sun protection products are available with a built in SPF factor — look for SPF 15 as a minimum although a higher factor will offer greater levels of protection.

Do you have any top Summer beauty tips to add? Leave them in the comments below.


Recovery Update: Smashing Goals*

It’s been a while since I did an update on my journey through anorexia recovery and given that things are going well I thought it was an opportune time.

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of progress…I don’t know how, or what has suddenly changed inside my head but the goals that once seemed insurmountable are now well within my grasp.

The whole way through this I’ve had goals in my mind that I’ve wanted to achieve. To other people they might seem tiny, normal, everyday things that you wouldn’t even think twice about. To me and the way my illness manifests itself though they are huge and at times felt like they might never be tackled.

I’ve invested in a “positive mental attitude” approach to all meals and snacks. Instead of putting up a fight and resisting it I’ve decided to try and get excited and it’s such a liberating feeling. Looking forward to trying something new and not dreading it? How novel! It’s made normal chores like the food shop so much easier (and quicker) and I’m now regularly enjoying things like pizza, something that I love but would never had admitted to even a few weeks ago.

I’m also letting go of rules and ideals about what I eat. Meat is becoming a bigger part of my diet as the weeks go on- vegetarianism has always been an excuse for me up until recently I tied myself up in knots about whether I was avoiding meat for proper, founded reasons or if I was just looking for an excuse to exclude a food group. I’m not the biggest meat eater in the world and never have been but allowing myself chicken, pork, turkey, ham (and more) again has opened up so many new avenues for me and I’m excited to expand my culinary horizons more.

One other goal I had was to eat something I had baked myself. We all know that I love to bake but up until now it’s only ever been for other people. I decided to change that recently, I eased myself back in by making something healthy- carrot and pineapple muffins which were packed full of fresh ingredients, nuts and healthy oils and enjoyed them, both the making and the eating process.

Of course it’s not all sunshine and rainbows and the struggles are still very much there on a daily basis, especially around weight gain (why does it always feel so fast and so noticeable?) and often the amount of food I eat/what percentage is “good” food vs. “bad” food (although I don’t really believe there is any such definition) and there are many things I want to be doing right now that I just can’t and that frustrates me no end. But I’m more positive and happier than I’ve been in a good couple of years- both mentally and physically. I’ve made more progress in the last three months, co-incidentally since I met my boyfriend, than I made in the last twelve months put together. I’m on an intense but constructive course of therapy and I finally believe that a) I am capable of getting better and b) that for once I’ll be able to sustain good health when I get there.

I’m 30 years old. I can’t keep going through the up and down rollercoaster of recovery and relapse. I for once have things I want to achieve in life, and believe I can achieve. I’m developing my self worth and I’m bloody excited for the future.

I’ll pop in more sporadic updates as the journey progresses, it just felt like the right time to pour all of these thoughts out in to this very public space. All along my blog has been a sort of record of achievement and if nobody minds then I’d quite like to keep it that way.
