A Fantastic Oppurtunity from Sarenza

As many of you know, I’m a Sarenza Ambassador and I would not be doing my duty if I didn’t direct you toward this fabulous oppurtunity to win a staggering £800 worth of shoes!

“Sarenza wants the fashion Queens of the UK to show their European neighbours what British style is… 😉 The creative, fun and inspiring British style has long been the envy of Europe, that’s why the best reviews and style pictures will be featured on their international sites across Europe, so feel free to include photos of you in your post to illustrate your review!    

Every entrant to the competition will be invited to our very special event on the 28th September in London too, that we are currently organising to give you an exclusive preview on the coming collections and get your feedback on the latest British styles and trends (as well as chatting about our favourite subject…shoes!”

If this sounds like something you’re up for then here are the guidelines:

  • You have until the 30th of September to write a review on your blog about your favourite items from the new Autumn/Winter collection and for a maximum amount of £800…   
  • The theme of your review has to be: ‘pure British style!’ and to make your entry valid, please include the links to the product pages of the items on the Sarenza website in your post.   
  • Sarenza will then select the 15 most exciting reviews and feature them on the Sarenza blog. In this blog post, Sarenza will encourage readers to vote for their favourite review.  
  • The blogger who’ll get the most votes will win £800 of vouchers to buy the items she reviewed, and one of the people who voted for her will receive the same prize, decided by a draw.   

Good luck folks, I can’t wait to read some of your reviews, and mine will be posted here in a coming post!


8 comments for “A Fantastic Oppurtunity from Sarenza

  1. ooh exciting, however I’m pants at reviews!

  2. That is an AMAZING competition, I’ve now bookmarked them, sadly my style is non-existent …. thats why I follow you 🙂

  3. Gahh why must all amazing contests be UK based? Definitely jealous. I’m rooting for you to win it!

  4. OMG! I hope I remember (and have time) to enter this! £800 of shoes! What a dream! x


  5. MJ

    Goodness, I do love Sarenza!

  6. I ought to have a go really, I want £800 of shoooooes!!!

  7. Mat

    that would amount to a lot of shoes!

  8. you posts like these make me wish that I was a fashion blogger, £800 of shoes?! yes please 🙂 can’t wait to see your review