back to what I know

Dress c/o Peacocks
Shoes by Tamaris
It doesn’t seem such a long time ago that I lived in floral dresses- but looking back through the blog archives suggests otherwise with recent times seeing an increase in my confidence to broaden my horizons and experiment both with styles and prints. That being said, the second I saw this floral number on the Peacocks website I knew it’d be mine, deep down some things will never change. I wore this way back when we had a super sunny week, although if  yesterday was anything to go by it could be making a second appearance soon. Is Summer finally here? It was rather lovely to finish work and hop on a sweltering bus (that part wasn’t so lovely) to see the boy’s new flat and sit in his garden which is a right little sun trap- I can’t wait to spend more time there as well as my own garden. I’m on the early start today so fingers crossed the weather is as good when I finish at 1pm so I can make use of it.
I’m STILL feeling stuck in a blogging rut, it’s the same old same old and I need to adopt the same sense of fearlessness that I have with how I dress and with other areas of my life. Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can do that, or what gave you the boost to change the way you blog?

13 comments for “back to what I know

  1. I love a floral dress, such a classic summer piece. I found the turning point for my blog was when I kind of moved more into a niche. I suddenly felt like I had loads to say and it became more enjoyable and less of a chore.

  2. Yay for sunny weather!! That’s such a pretty dress, I love the neckline, it has such a vintage feel. I find it so hard to develop my blog but I have found that blogging about what I know and love has helped me to move forward…if slowly. Style eyes has some great advice! x

  3. Beautiful, totally my style. Love florals forever and those shoes are perfect.

  4. I love that dress it looks so pretty for you, as for blogging just look at other blogs and brainstorm what you like and what you don’t then try out a couple of test posts to see if they work or not. xoxo

  5. Liz

    This is such a pretty dress, I love it. This would also make a great wedding guest outfit. I feel completely out of touch with blogging at the moment, I just don’t have the time, and when I do I don’t feel very inspired… I love your blog though, it’s one of the only ones I check regularly when I’m not bothering with checking my bloglovin. xx

  6. We demand a blog about this mysterious boy who has cropped up in your life!!! x

  7. Anonymous

    personally I love it when you blog about your recovery and your life in general. I love the fashion tips too but there is something really good and real about reading someones life experiences, you know?

    You are such an inspiration to so many and I bet there must be others out there that are curious to know more about the things going on in your life, such as ‘The Boy’ and how you feel about your recovery and any fun things you are up to etc.

    I also can’t wait to read about your holiday when you go in August!

    Maybe you could try a question and answer blog for something different? or just taking photos when you are out and about would be lovely to see too! xxxx

    Hope some of those ideas are useful.

    Keep smiling lovely!

  8. Ohh this dress looks stunning on you, lazy!

    In what way are you wanting to change the way you blog? I guess the main boost for me was getting my Nikon. I really don’t feel like your blog is the same old same old!

    Corinne x

  9. Oooh, you look lovely!
    I know the feeling of being in a blogging rut! Hope you find some inspiration soon!
    p.s. I have a giveaway on my blog for a dress, would look lovely on you! 🙂

  10. Gosh that outfit makes you look gorgeous! So classic and stylish!

  11. Jem

    The dress looks fantastic on, I just love the print!

    Blogging bravely . . it’s so tricky! I tend to make lots of notes – a little note on my iPhone or in my notebook any time I have an idea. Obviously they then languish there until I’m brave enough to post/utilise them . . but at least they’re written down. It’s a good starting point!

    Jem xXx

  12. With my blog I think I was going along thinking ‘I won’t blog about that, it’s boring’ but then I realised that even the smallest things that happen are worth blogging about, and once I get going I actually find I have a lot to say about it!