3 Tips For Living Healthy Lifestyle *

To most people a healthy lifestyle encompasses being physically and mentally balanced. While it’s easy enough to talk about healthy lifestyles, living by the principles can be difficult, but if you want to enjoy the things in life longer following healthy habits should be in your mind no matter your lifestyle, so here are the top ways to achieve that.

  1. Follow a Healthy Diet
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

For proper growth and development your body needs to feed on a balanced diet. From adults to infants, humans have different nutritional requirements, for instance an infant needs to be fed every four hours each day until they reach an age that permits them to eat solid food. As time goes on they will adapt to the normal three-square meal plan. Teenagers and young adults on the other hand often take their snacks in between their meals to fuel activity and growth. If you want to stay healthy, stick to the following diet guidelines: Eat three times a day- that’s to say take your lunch, breakfast, and supper (dinner). Your dinner doesn’t have to be too heavy. In the evening eating a lot of food will stress your digestive system since you are about to go to bed. A huge chunk of your meals should contain healthy foods such as beans, fruits, veggies, grains, and milk products with low saturated fat, eggs, and fish. You may also want to avoid sugary drinks because they contain excessive amounts of calories. Three square meals won’t suit everyone so you could try six half sized meals/snacks to keep things more regulated throughout the day

2. Stay physically active (exercise)

Healthy living is deeply connected with physical activity. In evolutionary biology the theory of use and disuse of body parts suggests that if you exercise part of your body, it develops better, but if you don’t effectively use a body part, it atrophies (wastes). Physical exercises build your muscle mass, improve your balance and coordination, make you more flexible, and also enhance your endurance. Health wise, exercise also helps decrease your risk of cardiac diseases, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Fitness freaks who love to hit the gym to do weightlifting routines build their bone density, this means they also decrease their risks of osteoporosis. Even for older people in their 60s and 70s, there is no excuse to be left out of workout activities. Regular exercises also boost your self-confidence, lowers your stress, and gives you a good mood. If you are someone who has weight issues, that can be a threat to healthy living. Consider doing physical activities such as walking, running, weightlifting, yoga, and swimming, to keep fit and maintain a healthy weight.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

3. Say no to negative lifestyles

Excess alcohol, drug abuse and tobacco-smoking are examples of negative lifestyles that can decrease your lifespan. In 2010, tobacco-smoking led to the death of over 443,000 Americans the National Cancer Institute reported. About 90% of male lung cancer-related deaths are caused by smoking, and female deaths account for 80% for the same condition.

Healthy living also means you have to take care of yourself physically and mentally, even in your workplace. For example, if you are a taxi driver you may want to drive carefully and also put measures in place that will not put you in a stressful situation. You can, for example, get a taxi insurance quote for your vehicle for those unforeseen moments. 

Healthy living is a broad subject comprising diet, exercise, and other safe practices. The tips above can be of great help if you try them.

Let’s talk about dental health*

Guys, let’s talk teeth; not the most thrilling subject I admit, but after yet another toothache saga and an ongoing war with my teeth I figure it’s an important issue and one that is often skipped over.
I totally took my teeth and dental health for granted, up until my late twenties, despite years of abuse and general self-neglect I had no trouble with my teeth at all and just assumed things would carry on that way.
I was wrong, so very wrong!
Turns out that over a decade of eating disordered behaviours had stripped my teeth of enamel leaving them super sensitive and prone to breaking and getting infected. I’m now a frequent flyer at the dentist (outside of my 6 monthly check-ups) and if I had my way I’d have the whole lot taken out and dentures fitted just to get rid of the problem.
It’s not hard to take care of your teeth, and here are some simple steps you can take to maintain good dental health.

  1. Brush at LEAST twice a day; yeah it’s a ball-ache, but you’ll regret it in years to come.
  2. Pick your products; I always use this Colgate sensitive pro-relief as it works wonders for me. Long before this blog post this was my go-to toothpaste and I won’t stray. I also use an anti-septic mouthwash as I have a long-term infection in my front teeth and this combination means I can eat and drink without fear of major pain or yet more antibiotics.
  3. Floss; I hate flossing, I really do, but short term pain for long term gain, trust me.
  4. Limit acidic foods and drinks; acid is what destroyed my teeth so now I am really careful to limit how much I consume to protect any enamel I have left.
  5. Befriend your dentist; my six monthly check-ups often reveal problems before they’ve become a problem meaning less invasive treatments and good advice for keep things stable.

What are your top dental health tips and go-to products?

Beauty from Within with ION8*

Water Bottle [gifted]

If you’ve read any of my more recent posts you’ll know I’m determined to overhaul my woeful skincare routine and get myself in to good habits. Of course, it’s not just what you put on to the outside that matters…one of the key components to glowing skin is staying hydrated, and this is where I fall down big time.

I drink plenty throughout the day, but it’s all caffeine and never water. I’m trying to change this as much as I am trying to change my laziness at removing makeup and finding a small, portable and environmentally friendly water bottle I can carry with me everywhere was a good starting point.

This 350ml leakproof water bottle from ION8 (£10.99) fits the bill nicely. It also comes in a 500ml size for £11.99 but I find the smaller bottle more practical; it fits in my handbag and therefore I’m more likely to include it in my daily essentials. The bottles come in several gorgeous pastel shades, and would make great gifts come the festive season.

It’s a pretty little bottle too, with it’s frosted finish and smooth opening mechanism that then locks tight when you’re done drinking. I’ve been using this for the last couple of weeks and I’d say I’ve remembered to fill it/drink from it 75% of the time- from someone that is usually found necking a can of pepsi max every couple of hours this is quite big progress; luckily we have a water cooler at work too so I can get easy re-fills throughout the day.

Does anyone have any tips for drinking more water? Leave them in the comments below.

How to Overhaul Your Beauty, Fashion and Health Regime for a Revitalised You*

When you’re feeling sluggish, unmotivated and anxious is there anything better than a weekend of fixing up? Refreshing your entire wardrobe, indulging in new skincare products and taking some much needed time out for yourself is priceless. When it comes to beauty, fashion and health you will always be looking for ways to improve upon your knowledge and daily routine; whether you’re trying yoga for the first time or splashing out on some new jewellery it can help contribute to happier mindset overall. It’s time to start thinking about switching up your regimes and routines right now and you will soon discover a healthier, happier and more stylish you.

Simple Style Updates

First of all you need to think of simple ways to revamp your style and give yourself a confidence boost. You don’t need to head out to the shops and spend a fortune on a whole new wardrobe, but you can invest in small statement pieces that give you that little bit of self-esteem you’re looking for. H Hogarth Jewellers has a collection of exquisite jewellery that would really add some fresh feeling to your tired old ensembles. From beautiful bracelets to exquisite earrings, you will be able to find a handful of items that make you feel completely renewed.

Photo by Kyle Frederick on Unsplash

Dare to Be Different

Don’t feel as though you need to stick with the same old styles you have always been wearing. Daring to be different can sometimes bring about the positive change you have been looking for, so why not give it a go? Spruce up those plain black jeans with some rips and ruffle up your hair with some styling mousse. Small changes that allow you to loosen up and express yourself will always be more effective that sticking to social norms and fashion trends.

Move and Groove to Feel Good

One of the reasons why you might have been feeling slow and lethargic is because you aren’t moving enough. Even if you aren’t the most athletic person you can still embark upon exercise routines that you enjoy such as walking, dancing or swimming. Getting out of the house when you feel demotivated will help you to increase adrenaline and good endorphins inside your body. You will never regret a workout, so what have you got to lose? Being stuck at a desk 9-5, I really enjoy being able to get out for a stroll, even for just ten minutes.

Beautify From the Inside Out

You can’t expect to look glowing and gorgeous if you aren’t feeding yourself properly. If you have been living on fast food and sugary snacks, then now is the perfect time to make a change. See how good you feel when you indulge in a green smoothie bursting with fruit, veggies and protein for your breakfast in the morning. It’s going to give you much more energy to survive on than a sugar laden cereal. Think about making small swaps to your everyday diet and you will soon notice glowing skin, healthy hair and a positive mindset.

Switch Up Your Skincare

Once you have started to glow from the inside out, you might want to change up your skincare regime to match your new healthy way of life. If you are the type of person who swishes a makeup wipe over their face to cleanse in the evening (guilty!) then now is the time to stop this habit. Use a good quality cleanser to wipe away the day’s makeup and dirt and use an exfoliating brush to get deeper into your pores. Once a week you should think about treating yourself to a face mask so that you can really pamper your skin flawlessly.

Mental Health Matters

When it comes to improving your mental health there are a number of different methods you can adopt. Taking time out for yourself can be one of the most beneficial things you can do every so often. Sometimes you spend so much time putting other people first that you forget about how important your own sanity is. Whether you head out for a walk in the park with the dog or you read your favourite book for the afternoon, these small self-care moments will help keep your mental health in check.

Instead of allowing yourself to feel slow, sad and sluggish it’s time to reignite the passions inside you again. Find out what really makes you click whether it’s a new pair of shoes or fabulous facemask. Overhauling your beauty, health and fashion regimes will not only give you a new lease of life, but it will also give you the motivation to feel great about yourself again. Give these ideas a try and see how quickly you can go from gloomy to glorious in the next few days.

Tightening Your Skin Without Resorting to Surgery*

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

When you look in the mirror and notice sagging skin, it can be an embarrassment; however, it is one you do not have to live with. In fact, if you catch your wrinkles or skin sags early enough surgery may not even be required. There are many other ways to tighten up your skin that should be considered first.

When You May Need Surgical Intervention
There are times when surgery for sagging skin is necessary, however, those times are not as frequent as you may think. If you have severely sagging skin; such as after losing a lot of weight or having a baby surgery may be a good option for you. Otherwise, there are probably other options you can take advantage of that cost less, take less time and come with fewer risks. A skincare professional can advise you regarding whether your skin is sagging severely enough to require surgical tightening.

Clearing Up Skin Wrinkles Using Laser Devices
When surgery is not required but you have moderately sagging skin, clinical intervention is still important as home treatments will not get rid of moderate wrinkles. One of the best clinical treatment types is laser therapy. Professionals have used cosmetic laser machines in clinics to treat many types of skin problems for decades.

Ablative laser machines are devices that are often used to perform procedures called laser peels. A laser peel can help you improve the appearance of your skin quickly by getting rid of undesirable materials on the surface of your skin. However, laser peel procedures cannot immediately get rid of deep wrinkles- they are best for treating mild surface concerns.

Non-ablative laser treatments are more likely to remove moderately deep wrinkles. However, they can take a lot of time to do so. This is because non-ablative laser procedures are predominantly designed to trigger the natural defence mechanisms in your body. One of those mechanisms is increased production of substances that support cellular health, including collagen; that collagen takes time to be produced and distributed properly so you may need several treatments and you will not see results for a while after treatment.

Tightening Sagging Skin with Sound Procedures
It may seem odd, but sound is another common tool in skincare circles. Certain sound frequencies can create cellular vibrations that promote healing. One such therapy is a monopolar radio frequency procedure. It is also known as Thermage therapy in the skincare industry. The Thermage treatment causes your skin cells to move towards each other, the result being widespread tightening of your skin.

Ultrasound procedures are also types of sound wave therapy that can reverse skin sags when they are mild or moderate. Ultrasound is similar to radio frequency treatment in some ways, but it usually treats deeper tissues. Additionally, it is a stronger treatment and can be slightly more uncomfortable than Thermage. However a topical anesthetic can be used to reduce any discomfort you may have.

Deciding Which Skin Tightening Option to Try
There are many factors you must consider when deciding which skin tightening option to try. The first two are the type of skin you have and the severity of your existing skin wrinkles at the time of treatment. You must also consider the costs of each treatment, including costs associated with requiring multiple appointments for some treatments. Additionally, you have to discuss your candidacy for any treatment you are considering with your skincare professional. He or she may tell you that you can’t have a certain treatment after assessing your skin. If so, an alternative may be suggested.

If you’ve had any kind of skin tightening treatments done it would be great to hear about your experiences in the comments.