hot headed

So, like I mentioned yesterday, I re-did my red hair! It feels so good to be back to vibrant colour and I love the positive attention it attracts. I remain faithful to Life Salon Style; Intense Red which I buy in bulk when on offer- the upside of this new, shorter hair is I once again only need one box. I really like this length for my hair, someone remind me to keep it up?! I’m hopeless at booking in for maintenance.

Wearing floral dress c/o Matalan which won me the very first Style Project well over a year ago now! The tights are from New Look and were a “well done” gift from work, and the boots are c/o Ellos. I’m not sure why I’m wearing boots all of a sudden, I should be making the most of the nice weather and the last chance to wear sandals until next year!

Well, we’re half way through the working week; congratulations on making it so far! How’s it going for you?


29 comments for “hot headed

  1. This post is making long for my bright red hair back. You look gorgeous doll xx

  2. Your hair looks fab!
    I love those boots and the dress is so pretty! xx

  3. Vix

    Your hair is spell-binding, you look gorgeous x

  4. Your hair is loooking super pretty m’lady. as is your dress.x

  5. Love the colour combinations you’ve going on here! x

  6. Beautiful! I love how your hair and those tights bring out the red in the dress too<3

  7. Fantastic hair colour, it looks great on you. x

  8. I remember that dress! love those boots and your vibrant hair x

  9. Oh wow, your hair is amazing! such a fab colour. Loveee the dress too, so pretty. So much love for Matalan! xxx

  10. Your new cropped ‘do’ is too cute!

    The Style Rawr!

  11. Lovely hair colour, i have thought about going red before but dont think i could carry it off. totally suits you .
    love laura, your newest follower x

  12. Laura you look amazing. The length and colour are both lovely, and that dress is gorgeous. xxx

  13. Cat

    Your hair is amazing! I love the cut + color.

  14. Your hair is incredibly beautiful!!

  15. I actually went “wow” when I saw you! You look amazing. I wish I had the courage to go red – I’ve only just plucked up the confidence to dye my hair a bit darker! X

  16. Such a lovely positive post! Like to hear that you’re feeling chipper. Your hair looks amazing, I love it. You definitely need to keep up that style. Xx

  17. Love the tights, such a nice colour as we move into autumn. You look lovely x

  18. you always look ace in coloured tights, love these! your hair looks lovely xx

  19. Your hair looks amazing. You look fab from top to toe, I’m loving those boots. I’m trying to stay out of boots until absolutely necessary!

  20. Your hair colour looks so good on you and the length of your hair really suits you. Loving the florals! xx

  21. Loving the red hair, it looks fabulous.

    X x

  22. Looking beautiful with the new bright hair! I’m currently got red hair dye on as I type but I’m keeping with the natural look. πŸ™‚

    Also love the coloured tights.

    Morag x

  23. you have such amazing hair!

    lovely blog too, following! πŸ™‚

    from helen at // @thelovecatsinc

    ps. i’ve just launched a brand new giveaway where you can win a MAC lipstick and 5 models own nail polishes!

  24. you have such amazing hair!

    lovely blog too, following! πŸ™‚

    from helen at // @thelovecatsinc

    ps. i’ve just launched a brand new giveaway where you can win a MAC lipstick and 5 models own nail polishes!

  25. you have such amazing hair!

    lovely blog too, following! πŸ™‚

    from helen at // @thelovecatsinc

    ps. i’ve just launched a brand new giveaway where you can win a MAC lipstick and 5 models own nail polishes!

  26. Great new hair! I love it and it really suits you. Great dress too! Avril x

  27. You look amazing! Love the new hair πŸ™‚ xx

  28. Love your new hair colour and perfect for the start of a new season xxx

  29. S.S

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