jeans for genes

Jumper- Monki at ASOS
Jeans- Next
Doc Martens via Sarenza
So, Friday was Jeans for Genes day and my workplace registered to take part so it was on with the denims…after wearing smart clothes to work, or uniform for the last couple of years it was quite surreal to be surrounded by a sea of denim! I was delighted to be able to wear my bubblegum pink DMs having not worn them at all last winter due to a swollen, broken foot. I had forgotten how comfortable they are, and how much attention they attract, my patients in my clinic said they were a great distraction from the needle.
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I had a very low key one with the boy having being struck down with a migraine on Friday evening. I’ve never really had one before and I hope to goodness I never get one again. Still, it was a good excuse to be totally lazy, eat ready meals and chocolate and curl up to watch a film on the sofa (after earth with Will Smith, pretty good!)
Onwards and onwards to another mad week. It’s flu jab season in my workplace which means the phones are five times as busy as usual…at least the time flies. I also have a couple of appointments and some nice family and friend time planned. Not bad at all.
What’s on your agenda this week?
I’m hoping to catch up with everyone’s blogs this week, sorry I have been so absent!

4 comments for “jeans for genes

  1. Migraines are the worst and you never really understand the pain in till you have had one before, fingers crossed you never get one again. Loving the pussycatto top X

  2. I too love the pink DMs. Looking good Laura!

  3. I love your jumper – Monki again!! If my nurse could distract me by wearing pink boots I would be overjoyed, I bet your patients loved you for that 🙂 sorry to hear about your migraine, I was recently struck with my first one ever too – perhaps it’s something in the air (or in the water as someone older would say haha). I hope you have a good week lovely. My week entails work and revision mostly, though me and my boyfriend are hoping to use up some Bella Italia vouchers we got in the Nectar point exchange! xx

  4. Love the idea of wearing jeans to work. we do have a dress down day on Fridays but I always feel like jeans would be too dressed down! Loving you cute cat jumper.