Metallic Madness at Mint Velvet

When it comes to accessories I’m not an obsessive, I tend to overlook new collections in favour of dresses or shoes, but sometimes you can’t help but take notice and that’s exactly what happened when I got an e-mail introducing a gorgeous range of metallic pieces from Mint Velvet.
Mint Velvet is a website that is reserved strictly for window shopping. I own a couple of pieces and can confirm they are well worth the price tag, but sadly that price tag is a bit out of my current budget. Accessories however, well those can be a little more justified in my eyes- I don’t own many and therefore it’s totally ok to collect a few more eh?
Ok, so these aren’t the cheapest accessories on the block but they are both beautiful and functional and going on previous quality from Mint Velvet they will last a heck of a lot longer than ones that cost a tenth of the price, probably so much so that their cost per use will actually be cheaper! How’s the for justification?
I’m especially loving the makeup bag and oversized purse, I can think of a million and one uses for both of them and just love how luxe they look without being OTT.
Are you an accessories lover? Do you prefer to splurge or save? I used to be a save/buy the cheapest kind of girl but now I’d rather own less and invest in quality.


8 comments for “Metallic Madness at Mint Velvet

  1. I love that make up bag. Definitely choose quality over cheap alternatives! X

  2. That make-up bag is so cute, I reckon you could use it as a little clutch to keep your money and phone in on a night out, and £39 is definitely reasonable for a clutch, right? 😉 xo

    Rosie | A Rosie Outlook

  3. To be honest, I don’t often buy accessories, I usually get gifted bags and such, I’m all about the clothes, especially dresses!
    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done

  4. That blocked clutch is beautiful! I like to save so I can splurge, quality over quantity. 😉

  5. I love the make-up bag, it’s gorgeous! I tend to wear quite a neutral wardrobe most of the time, so I like to add colour and statements via accessories, so I’d rather spend say £40 on one handbag rather than one dress or top. I’m also trying to invest in long-lasting, wearable staple items. xxx
    The Jolly Fashionista

  6. Sometimes it’s worth paying a little more and then the item lasts longer than two minutes! Love these picks as well. So chic.

    Great post & Haaappy Spring!
    Hailes Hearts Fashion.

  7. That make up bag is lush, you could definitely be able to use it as a clutch!

    Maria xxx

  8. Kelly Lelly (@DayD_DaisyC)

    These look so so so gorgeous!
    Love them, they’re so like sophisticated and stylish!
    Well worth the price tag, payday please!

    Kelly from | Daydreams & Daisychains