Queendom of Oeuf

So, as you’ve probably realised by now, my blog features more on the highstreet rather than the high-end spectrum of the fashion industry. However, we all have dreams and from time to time you come across something that you simply have to share, even if it is well out of your budget. That was exactly how I felt when I discovered brand new brand Queendom of Oeuf who I just couldn’t resist doing a little blog post on as they are right up my street!
Freshly hatched in April 2014, Queendom of Oeuf is a London Based lifestyle brand specialising in silk blend scarves and 100% cotton jersey tees and vests.
Every piece is defined by the “Love of Oeuf” and the designer, known as “The Queen” weaves her personality in to each and every piece. The pieces all draw inspiration from philosophical and psychological roots and inject elements of fun and fantasty with their quirky prints.
A t-shirt or vest will set you back £95 and the scarves cost £155. I did say these weren’t a budget option but should I ever have a spare £100 to my name I’ll be investing in the “Oeuf Off” which I think will be a brilliant and versatile if somewhat luxurious addition to my wardrobe.
Take a little look and tell me which print you’d invest in if you were in position to do so; I really love this brand and can’t wait to see it grow bigger and better in years to come.


2 comments for “Queendom of Oeuf

  1. The ‘Ouef Off’ one is my fave too! x

  2. I like the Ouef Off one too! X