Sarenza shoe of the week- Mad for Melissa

It’s my 26th Birthday today so I think I’m allowed to want these Vivienne Westwood Anglomania + Lady Dragon shoes in two colours, right? At £125.70 a pair they aren’t cheap but from what I have heard they are worth the money and they sure look pretty. With the recent summery weather I’m finally thinking it might be time to pack away the boots and bring out the sandals and a pair of these might just have to be added.
Which colour do you prefer?
Seeing as it’s my Birthday I’ve decided to make a few resolutions for the year ahead. Spring seems a much better time to resolve to make positive change right?
1. Gain a bit more weight so I have more energy and really fit my clothes…I’ve come a long, long way in recovery from anorexia but there is still room for improvement and I just want to be the healthiest and happiest version of myself I can possibly be
2. Drink less coffee and more tea…my coffee consumption is getting stupidly bad
3. Live in the moment and not worry about what may or may not lie ahead
4. Learn to take a deep breath, cast fear aside and just get ahead and do what I want to do 
5. Cook and bake more
6. Learn to do something new
7. Explore and have adventures
And now I’m off to eat a birthday breakfast and spend the day with the people who matter most.
P.S.  I’m off to London tomorrow for the night with my Mum, hello theater and shopping! Expect a probable return to daily blogging when I get back as I have a massive list of posts to share and no doubt there will be many more to come.

38 comments for “Sarenza shoe of the week- Mad for Melissa

  1. Happy Birthday Gorgeous, your resolutions sound great. I could follow a few of them myself. Hope you have a lovely day XXX

  2. These shoes are so cute! Happy birthday – I hope you had an amazing day!

    xo, Meera |

  3. Anonymous

    Happy Birthday! Have a great time. You’ve come so so far in the last year and I’m sure you will continue to do so. Your positive attitude is contagious. Thank you, you’ve helped me a lot too.

    Have a lovely time in London. What show are you seeing?

    Can’t wait to read all about it!!!!


  4. Ah I’ve got two pairs and they’re the best shoes ever! The top ones are calling my heart. Just a name I’m saving for a holiday!

  5. Happy birthday, hope you have a brilliant weekend 🙂 x

  6. I really love these shoes!

    Kelly ||

  7. Hope you have a fantastic birthday. Those shoes are seriously so gorgeous.

  8. Happy Birthday! They’re definitely worth every penny.. I have the pumps (and considering I never wear flats), I live in them! They also smell dreamy too.xx

    The Little’s.

  9. I hope you have lots of fun things planned for today! And I love these shoes<3 In fact, I'd very near kill for that second pair.

  10. Have the most wonderful Birthday Laura <3
    You are amazing, and I will always be in your corner – anything is possible and I think these lists definitely make for some much needed clarity!

    p.s Those shoes are divine

  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! I wish you all the Vivienne Westwood shoes in the world, I’m so proud of what you’ve achieved since I’ve been following your blog, and I know that you will stick to all your resolutions.

    Big hugs

  12. Happy birthday!!! I like the first pair the most, really starting to like this style of shoe at the moment as I have seen more of them around.

  13. Joyeux anniversaire…
    Wouaou! les chaussures sont très belles:
    Gros bisous

  14. Happy birthday lovely- hope you have a great trip to London!
    Ps- I have those shoes in green. They look amazing and are so so comfy- definitely worth the money!

  15. Happy Birthday. I love both pairs of shoes but if I really had to choose perhaps the pink.Love your resolutions too.

  16. Hey lovely! Happy birthday to you!! Hope it has been lovely! Very good resolutions too!xx

  17. A very happy birthday my dear! Hope you’ve had a lovely day!

    I love these shoes and have been wanting a pair myself for so long now! I think I’m leaning slightly more towards the yellow, but they’re both gorgeous.

    Jodie xx

  18. The shoes are love!

    You have come a long way and I am SO proud of you. Just thinking back to where you were 5-6 years ago and where you are now. It has been a long hard road for you but you are an amazing inspiration! There was a point where I honestly thought I would never say these words to you!

    You are wonderful.

    Do you like chai tea? It’s a nice change from tea and tastes lovely!

    Corinne x

  19. Happy birthday! I really love your resolutions, very motivating and inspiring many of which I’d like to accomplish. As for the shoes I say green! 🙂

  20. Belated birthday wishes to you lovely! I hope that you and your Mum have a great time in London, you totally deserve it! Love your aims too!

  21. blimmin hell they are AMAZING!! x

  22. Amy

    I like the mint ones best! I think birthday resolutions are a nice idea! I’m glad your recovery is going well and know you can make it all the way. <3


  23. The color of the shoes are nice but they gave me a plastic feel ( really hard ). Surprised at the price, it’s so expensive! I guess my heart would ache if I wore them out.

  24. Happy birthhhhday (sorry I’m late haha) hope you had a fabulous time with your mum xxx

  25. Happy belated bday!!! Both colors look gorgeous. I love the green ones <3


  26. A very happy belated birthday to you sweetheart! You’re doing so wonderfully with your progress and these are such lovely resolutions.

    Those shoes are rather fabulous! I like the mint of the second but the pink bow is such a cute colour pop on the first.

    I hope you’re having an amazing time in London!

    Florrie x

  27. Happy Birthday! I would totally buy them – I’ve heard lots of fab reviews – and I would go for the green for sure! And now I want a pair too…sigh! Ax

  28. I adore the green one, you should totally treat yourself! Massive happy birthday hope you have a lovely day! X

  29. Happy birthday lovely girl! Those shoes are AMAZING.

  30. I love this post and the mint ones are definitely my fave. I hope you have a great time in London too

    Nice blog, following you now

    xo from San Francisco

  31. Happy Birthday! Hope you got plenty of birthday treats 🙂
    And the shoes are deffo worth it, I have a pair and they are perfect! x

  32. Happy belated birthday Laura! Hope you had a lovely day and I’m so with you on number 4! x

  33. Eek! Love a bit of Westwood in my life!

    Daisy Dayz

  34. Hope you had a brilliant birthday!!

    I will always have a soft spot for these shoes – partly because they’re vegan, partly because they’re so cute!

  35. Happy belated Birthday 🙂

    Lovely shoes! I have the pair with the heart on which I wore for my wedding last year. Unfortunately they killed my feet within 15 minutes xxx

  36. Happy (very) belated birthday! I made some new resolutions recently, I think this time of the year is the perfect time to make them. January really isn’t the time of year when I have enough motivation to change anything… xo