
Yesterday the weather looked SO promising. Promising enough to make me abandon tights and brave the somewhat taboo socks with sandals look.

Sadly, the weather didn’t last and by 10am we had dark skies and pouring rain, but it was fun whilst it lasted and my planned garden lazing day turned in to an impromptu hair trim (at great expense) and I’m booked in to have the colour re-done next Tuesday (at even greater expense).



Other day off adventures (well, I gotta make it sound a little exciting) involved popping round to see how my Nan is settling in at home. Hard to believe it’s been less than a week since she had her new hip! Wonder woman. I want to be like her when I grow up! I also got to see my cousin (hi Sophie) for a long, long overdue catch up!

The next couple of days are going to draaaag. Back at the over time at work…why can’t I have next week off instead?

Out of interest, how much does your hair cut cost you? For a standard wash and trim, and also for anything extra?


34 comments for “Taboo

  1. maybe to have my hair done $80.00 for wash and dry, more for cut etc? love your hair color by the way. i have never been to your blog before, but i will be back! sorry about your work overtime!

    please come and check out my music website, The Internet Garbage, and leave some feedback if you get the chance! I would greatly appreciate it.

  2. maybe to have my hair done $80.00 for wash and dry, more for cut etc? love your hair color by the way. i have never been to your blog before, but i will be back! sorry about your work overtime!

    please come and check out my music website, The Internet Garbage, and leave some feedback if you get the chance! I would greatly appreciate it.

  3. The weather has turned grim up here too .
    Glad your Nan is healing well and back home, she sounds like an amazing lady.

    Hair cuts, hmmm. Well its been 5 years since I last went into a salon as my hairdresser left and went mobile, she lived next door to me so it was really handy! As shes mobile its a lot cheaper. Half head of foils, cut, blowdry costs £41.50, now my hairs short Ive gone back to hair being yanked (ouch) through the cap so its cheaper again at £36.50!
    In the salon it used to cost £45 (5 years ago) and Ive heard its gone up to £55-£60 for colour and cut now. This is the north east of england, but town centre salons cost more like £80.

  4. You’re so cute 🙂

    I have my hair cut once in a blue moon and I pay £30 for just a cut at a cute little salon. I never get exactly what I want and in the past I have used much more expensive places and still don’t get what I had in mind. The only person who’s ever done my hair correctly is the mother of a friend so I try to use her when she’s available. I’m so disappointed by how many professional hairdressers don’t understand ‘my vision’ and try to water it down. Tell them you want a Bettie Page fringe and it’s almost like they don’t believe you’d want something that extreme so they just give you a standard fringe. *sulk*

  5. urgh, the weather is getting crap in the Uk at the mo, although I’ve heard that there’s going to be a heatwave on the way!

    And my hair colour, cut and blowdry gets on to around £100 every 2 months…

    Julia @ Retro Jules

  6. Last week I had a half head of highlights which cost £30 and normally a wash, cut and blow dry is £20.
    I had to tell off my dad last week for wearing socks and sandals but he told me he was comfortable and didn’t care :O) His didn’t look as cute as yours though!

  7. In the UK hair appointments are always much more expensive than in Portuga, so if I can I always do it while here in Portugal (like I did this time!) and also my hair is very difficult to deal with so I don’t trust just anyone to mess with it.

    Your outfit is lovely, everytime you pop in this skirt I regret not getting one when I had the chance!

  8. I don’t pay for my hair, my uncle owns his own salon. But if I did he charged around £30 I think. If I had a colour and a cut it would be about £70.
    Always love seeing this skirt!

  9. If I convert Aussie dollars to pounds I think it would be 30 for a haircut and 60 for a colour and cut.

  10. Don’t you just hate the weather and it’s games? I had the same issues yesterday. I ended up soaked and sore wet feet. Pah!

    I think my hair cut costs £45 and £90 for cut and colour. I can’t remember the last time I had either though. I do both at home…wah, wah, waaaah!

  11. Man, I hate spending money on hair cuts (particularly since I inevitably hate them). Hence the dodgy free trainee cuts and DIY henna. Surprisingly, given this, I am actually liking my hair at the moment!

  12. When i do go to the hairdressers (very rare!), it cost about £40 for cut and blowdry.
    I’ve just spotted another blog called Daisy Chain Dreams. Did you know? There can only be one daisy girl!!!!! (that’s you, btw) x

  13. Your hair is amazing.
    Now that my hair is long I pay like $30 bucks. I’d even go to the chain store cutterys for like $6 but I am loyal to my hairdresser.

    When my hair was short I had to go to a stylist and I’d pay dearly and it was worth it. Like $75.

    Hmmm…Maybe I should go back? After all long hair can be styled, no?

  14. I could swear I had commented on this! I haven’t been in a while, but about £35 for a cut and blowdry.

  15. MadeleineMiranda


    I rarely get my hair cut, I normally try to get it done in France, where I pay around €35.

    I recently had it cut in London though, I purchased a deal on the Living Social site website for £21 instead of £55 for cut, conditioning treatment and blow dry 🙂

    Hope you are well..!

  16. I’m not sure I should really say how much my hair costs… it’s a lot! I have a colour and cut about four times a year, and I spend about £100 a time… I really love my hairdresser though..!

  17. My neighbour used to have a salon and now is a mobile hairdresser. Her charge for a cut is £10 (literally just the cut, you wash it before she arrives and dry it once she’s gone)and about £30 for a cut and colour and she usually dries it off afterward. It’s the cheapest ever hair cut I’ve had and by fair the best, having done a tour of local hairdressers paying between £50 and £100 for trims, cuts, colours etc

  18. Great look!
    I adore the blue skirt on that top 🙂


  19. I am lucky my mum is a hairdresser she has saved me a fortune.

    Love your outfit I know I have said this before that style of skirt really suits you and I love the socks with sandals xoxo

  20. For a dry cut I think it use to be £10 and £15 for a wet cut. When I was getting it dyed in the hairdressers it was £50 for a full colour.

  21. we ahd a great sunny day yesterday! it just rained over night which is fine by me!
    My hairdresser charges 29.50 for a wash cut and blowdry that takes 30 minutes. thats why i cut it myself quite a lot!

  22. I go to one at the end of my road and I think it was £20 or £25 for a wash, cut and blowdry last time.
    I like that bench!

  23. it sets me back £21 for wash, cut, blowdry and straighten. bargain. love the socks and sandals combo but I hven’t braved it yet :s

  24. Love the socks and sandals look, and really glad your Nan is ok, she sounds amazing! My hair normally costs £30 for a cut, but then I get highlights put in too which brings it up to about £70 (ahhh – this is the reason why I hardly ever get it done and always have roots!) xx

  25. I love socks and sandals! Looks so cute together. I get my haircut every 5 weeks and it’s cost me $55.

  26. Emie

    I think the last hair trim and color I got cost $100. So I’ve reverted to coloring at home for $5 and letting my hair grow out. I may have me mum trim it for me at Christmas, she only charges a hug or two:)

  27. Nat

    I pay about £20 for a cut and colour at the local college, but when I move it’ll be around £80 🙁

    Glad to hear your nan’s doing well! Plus, it may be taboo, but I love the look of frill ankle socks with pump heels- kinda like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz! 🙂

    Nat x

  28. cute outfit – love the pink socks! I am getting my hair done next week – it is expensive but nice to treat yourself.

  29. I’ve always wanted to try socks with sandals, but I haven’t had the guts. They look great on you!

  30. Hair cuts here are so cheap.. you can get a good one for 5 euros!

    Love the pink socks!

  31. Hair cuts here are so cheap.. you can get a good one for 5 euros!

    Love the pink socks!

  32. Anonymous

    About £50-55 for wash, cut and dye. With a student discount too 🙂