Variation on a Theme

In other words, this is my third day of wearing a floral dress.



Awful photos, sorry, sorry. Combination of the sun not yet having some out to play…and my camera being well, old. Ah well, Birthday at the end of April, I know what I’m asking for!

I used the Frizz Miracle conditioner that Aussie sent yesterday and woke up with hair like this


Aussie…Miracle is an understatement!

Now I need to brave a hair cut, it’s been a year…eek, and straight, my hair is below my bra level. I hate having my hair cut, HATE it. Someone in my personal space for what feels like years?! No thanks…
and also the indecision over what to have done! Subtle? Drastic? Longer? Shorter? Shave it all off? Whatever I pick, I’m guaranteed to hate it after a few days no matter how good the cut is.

Oh help.
Someone sedate me and get me to a hairdresser

((that might be Mum’s next tactic!))

Happy Monday my lovelies!


P.S. to all you who say I have long legs…I say

56 comments for “Variation on a Theme

  1. You look beautiful πŸ™‚ And your legs seem pretty long to me! x

  2. The colour of those tights are amazing! Love them!

  3. You def have long legs, shoes or nay! lol I think I recognise those tights… πŸ˜‰ I never know what to get done at the hsirdressers either. Need a trim soon too!

  4. aussie stuff rules! and just get a trim if u don’t know what to do with your hair!! xx

  5. Augh I hate it too – the thought of having to sit looking at yourself in a mirror for a couple of hours, with hair all wet or in foils and looking washed out – πŸ™

  6. I love all this blue !

  7. i love the dress and nice tights ^^ and im the same im normally really unhappy with my hair cut afterwards unless its a tiny trim :p

  8. haha, you can’t deny the long legs laura- they look endless even without shoes! And don’t be scared of the hairdressers, i always love it – it makes you feel so refreshed…shiny and new πŸ™‚ just be firm in telling them what you do and don’t want – with emphasis on the latter! x

  9. You are beautiful, inside and outside and one of my all time favourite blogs πŸ™‚ x

  10. Love the outfit and you have long legs even without shoes!! I’m the same I don’t like having my hair cut it hasn’t been done in ages and is desperate for it! Good luck! xxx

  11. I love this outfit, the tights are lovely. I hate having my haircut too, I just always have done and I don’t think that’s ever going to change!xx

  12. You look lovely, and I was afraid of going to the hairdressers, too, but last week I did. Pics in a few days, promise! I’m sure it’ll end up lovely πŸ™‚

  13. I hate going to hairdressers too! Probably has something to do with the childhood trauma of being tricked into having a pixie cut by mum when I was 5. Dreadful doesn’t even begin to describe it and no, I still haven’t forgiven her.

  14. Whenever I get a haircut I always look through magazines and find a celeb with hair I love- then I google them haha.. But yeah, I always always just hate my hair after its cut, I think that’s normal

  15. ha, I still think they’re pretty long sexy πŸ˜‰

  16. ps what about a long bob, like kate bosworth and abbby lee are rocking? You have quite fine hair no? all one length and straight is the way to go!

  17. The colour of those tights are fanatstic! They look stunning as do you. Still think you have lovely long legs even without shoes on!

    Your hair is beautiful in these pictures. I’ve not had mine cut for over a year too, but mine looks nowhere near as healthy as yours!

    X x

  18. I never really like how the hairdressers cut my hair either! I’m pretty sure there version of an inch is a mile to me!

  19. Florals do invite summery feelings… first you think it, then you experience it. Like many other things.

  20. Kat

    Gorgeous floral look πŸ™‚ Im lucky that my sister is a hairdresser so she always does my hair and I can trust her- think that is the key! Find someone you can trust and let them help decide what would suit you πŸ™‚


  21. i love gettin my haircut! for me its like havin a facial instantly i feel better and feel like i look better πŸ™‚ x

  22. Dear Laura,
    About haircuts, I already had good and bad experiences. I think the best tip I can give was already said here: You have to say exactly what you DON’t want, so you don’t get a heart attack later. I love your hair anyway ^^ Just see what’s more practical and wearable with your lifestyle and what you like to see the most in you.
    BTW – just saw the previous post, your brother’s band is truly amazing*

  23. I loooove the blue tights. I’m getting obsessed with colour because of this stupid potential spring weather.


  24. feel a bit more adventurous! risks can lead you somewhere farther πŸ™‚ good luck on the haircut. hehe


  25. What a harmonic combo, darling Laura! You look so great!


  26. Ive heard of this aussie stuff before but have never given it a second look *must buy some*.

    =] x

  27. Lea

    I like the mix of different blues in your outfit!

  28. what does your necklace say? i loooove it.

  29. Laura we have a billion new coloured tights in the shop, saw them this morning, olives and burnt oranges, lots of autumnal ones! x

  30. yay for floral dresses, and i love the tights! plus i’m in need of a good haircut too :/ x

  31. Oh I too dread going to the hairdresser but I’m going on Saturday, and having what I consider to be a drastic change. Nervous already and not sure exactly what I’m going to ask for.

  32. I LOVE this outfit and your hair looks gorgeous πŸ™‚ I LOVE having my hair cut, I find it so relaxing but then I never really have anything drastically different done to it!

    Maria xxx

    P.S. Your legs are exceedingly long you lucky thing! πŸ˜€

  33. oh these tights & dress are a match made in heaven

  34. I have that dress, but it’s never looked that pretty on me πŸ™ Must be the tights!

    Thanks for the comments m’love – sorry I’ve been so rubbish at replying – but I’m back now (hopefully!)

  35. you look gorgeous! i love you in floral dresses.. and hello legs! yeesh woman you have the longest legs on the planet!

  36. Such a beautiful floral dress. I could wear florals every single day.

  37. aw, I like Your outfit, so cute, btw You’re very pretty πŸ™‚ Nice blog, I`m going to read it from now.
    Kisses xoxo

  38. Looking lovely as always – those tights are the perfect colour for your dress! I hate getting my hair done too, I always feel so awkward staring at myself in the mirror for an hour haha.

  39. are you kidding? your legs fabulously long! Aussie frizz miracle no worky on my frizzy hair πŸ™

  40. Hey! Hee hee, love the tights colour- I bought some like those yesterday! Your hair looks preetty!! I dread hairdressers also and also dread the conversation- it seems so mundane to go through the ‘So what do you do? Up to anything nice this weekend?’ comments, especially since the nice Latvian hairdresser who did mine so nicely has now left the salon and her replacement didn’t do it so well for my 10month-12month shameful shuffling in to cringe as they wash my hair!
    How about just having a little off the length- shoulder level, so it’s not too much of a shock?
    (as a fellow daddy-long-legs- they do seem to be pretty long!)

  41. You look lovely :).

    Sadie xx

  42. love the first photo most. and there is nothing wrong with an excessive amount of floral attire lol

    Vi from Cali

  43. Love this outfit, the tights are cool and make me want ice cream ?! haha I love Aussie such a great brand I use it when my hair get’s out of control πŸ™‚ looks lush x

  44. Love this outfit, the tights are cool and make me want ice cream ?! haha I love Aussie such a great brand I use it when my hair get’s out of control πŸ™‚ looks lush x

  45. Love this outfit, the tights are cool and make me want ice cream ?! haha I love Aussie such a great brand I use it when my hair get’s out of control πŸ™‚ looks lush x

  46. Love this outfit, the tights are cool and make me want ice cream ?! haha I love Aussie such a great brand I use it when my hair get’s out of control πŸ™‚ looks lush x

  47. love the dress and bright tights! your hair is so pretty. you should color it dark to make your eyes pop and get it cut in soft layers with like side bangs (I’m thinking Liv Tyler-y)

  48. You are so pretty!!! I would hate you if you weren’t the sweetest and coolest blogger in the world. πŸ˜‰

    I love your dress. It is so lovely and so PERFECT for spring. The tights are equally fabulous. xoxo

  49. You look beautiful as always! And haha, I wear a floral dress practically everyday!

    Hey, I just released my own magazine. The links on my blog, I’d appreciate it if you took a look! πŸ™‚

  50. Oh pretty florals! and love the tights, so cool. How many dresses do you own as you seem to wear a different one all the time recently, Im jealous! On the hair front I am in the same boat about not knowing what to do (not hating hairdressers, I love going!) Mine is getting so long, I havent had it this long since I was about 14! and I havent cut it much for about 2 years as I was growing it for the wedding I havent been able to decide what to do to it since then, I think a new colour may be the key!

    Daisy Dayz Home
    Cross-Jones-Photography Home

  51. Pretty dress. I wear floral dresses many times of every week because I love them and I think there can be many to the floral dress. In relation to hair, I am the same. I hate the hair dresser so much. THis is because I have had many bad experiences (but lately it has been better). So I understand how you feel. As you know, I finally built up the courage to go for the bob cut at the beginning of the year and it has been such a great decision for me so sometimes I think a drastic change can be good.

  52. HAHAH! I hate HATE hairdressers too! πŸ™

    You look great.

  53. you do hv long legs! i wish you could share some length to me!! im only 159cm? πŸ™

  54. Really love the tights with the dress. Goes really well πŸ™‚

  55. those tights are such a lovely bright colour πŸ™‚