New Look + Idol = heaven

As regular readers of my blog you guys must know by now how much I love New Look. I shop there pretty much all the time, and have done for years. I’ve become increasingly impressed with the value and quality of the clothes and even when I vow I’ll go somewhere else for a new outfit, or pair of shoes 75% of the time (at least) I end up with a New Look bag in hand.

So, when I got the Press Release for the new range, Idol, I was beyond excited.

“This premium brand is fresh and dynamic bringing a vibrant vintage rock vibe to a select number of stores internationally. Aimed at the style savvy shopper,
the girl who wants to rock the trends of the moment in her own unique way.
Packed with must–haves: sequin boyfriend blazers, funky jumpsuits, denim
and effortlessly cool, printed tees and dresses. Also featured is Idol footwear, gladiator style stilettos, spike heel peep toe and chain adorned ankle boots.
The directional accessories continue with chunky necklaces, statement cuffs and much–loved bags.
“Idol is for the girl who wants to own her look rather than dress like everyone else”, say Shoreditch-based designer Donovan Pascal who along with his partner marketeer Mark Herman have spent many years as key figures in the fashion world evolving a signature style for many of the coolest labels around this earning them a host of A–list fans.
Inspired by ‘80s rock icons such as Debbie Harry, the 32 garments and 36 accessories of the first collection are woven together by a series of intricate details – with the signature ‘Idol print’ running through dresses, jackets and
bag linings. Beautifully–made, every piece of the Idol collection comes with
a hand-crafted, customised feel that encourages women to wear it in their own, individual way. Idol will drop six collections a year with the second collection hitting stores in November”.

I’ll keep you posted on more updates!

New Dress


chosen by and paid for by my Grandad, bless his heart.
I think he loved the new Primark almost as much as I do!

As well as the dress I got a new grey boyfriend cardi and a denim shirt, which will be featured on the blog soon.

I am extremely lucky to have such a loving and supportive and very generous family as well as some of the most incredible friends.

I don’t have much to say for myself today, it’s been a quiet weekend with lots of reading and sleeping (and of course x-factor!)



In complete contrast to my crappy week last week, this one has been quite wonderful.
I’ve spent a lot of time with my Mum, as Dad has been away and things have been very relaxed in our house (that’s not to say I haven’t missed Dad, he’s home tonight and I can’t wait to see him!) but it’s lovely to do things at our pace.



I’ve pretty much lived in jeans this week, complete relaxation wear. And for once it was because I wanted to and not because I didn’t feel like wearing anything else. This outfit is from Tuesday and includes an awesome vintage blazer/bolero stolen from Mum. You can’t see so well in the picture but it’s velvet, midnight blue with metallic details. I adore it.

I got to spend a good amount of time with Trudi on Monday and Tuesday which was lovely,
and yesterday Mum and I had a good old girly day that (of course) involved shopping! I took her to the new Primark where she got some bits for the house and I got some leggings that aren’t really leggings..if that makes sense?! They are thick black and ribbed with knee detail and I think I’ll get away with them as trousers.

Mum treated us to lunch at Pret (chicken and avocado, yum!) and then bought us both a new bag from Next (she is awful for spoiling me)


Her bag is amazing but I don’t have a photo, I’ll try and get one as it’s certainly blog worthy!
We kind of out did ourselves with the amount we bought actually, and could barely carry it back to the car! Most of my shopping was presents for others though 😉


Awful picture of todays outfit, but to be fair it was 8am and I was rushing to get to the dentist!

My check up was fine…mostly, a few minor things but not bad considering I’ve not had one for over three years (awful awful oops!)
Stumbled accross an amazing health food shop in the same town as our Dentist surgery and bought some treats then we along to another nearby town where we had coffee in very chic cafe and noseyed around the little trinket shops there.

I treated myself to this ring


which I am oh so in love with
and then we did boring food shopping before heading home so Mum could go to work.

more adventures tomorrow as I’m going shopping for A/W clothes with my Grandad, bless him.

I hope everyone is having a fantastic week
sorry if this post is long/boring/non-sensical!

Strictly Trailer

Don’t pretend your not excited!

My only problem…
do I watch Strictly or X-factor on Saturday
(and record the other for Sunday, of course)

Blazer of glory.

Happy Sunday all, I hope your having a fantastic weekend!
I am, now, yesterday was a bit hellish with work but it improved vastly once that was out the way 😉

Leah of What Indie Nights tagged me, so here are my answers:

10 Random Things about Me

1. I am both stubborn and a total perfectionist, this works to my advantage when it comes to things like college but not so much when it comes to anything else.
2. I flit between various food obsessions- last month it was tofu and popcorn, this month it is raw carrots and jelly (not together, I hasten to add)
3. I cannot sit down and watch a whole movie in one go. Well, rarely. Taking me to the cinema always results in me behaving like a child; fidgeting and wriggling with endless toilet trips.
4. I am really incredibly self consience. Starting a blog was a huge thing for me, but the comments I recieve and the process of posting my outfits has helped me so much with how I view myself (so, thank you!)
5. I make obsessive lists. Then lose them
6. I love crafts, all crafts. The only one I’ve stuck at for any length of time has been making jewellery though.
7. I find it highly amusing to plonk Flash on the scales! Haha, he’s gone from 7lbs when he was sick back in April, to 12lbs today (he was 21lbs when we got him due to his previous owners feeding him too much human food)
8. I prefer shopping alone, I am very indecisive and like to take my time trying things on and getting a feel for materials before buying. I also love random conversation with shop assistants and I think some of the Bristol ones are now convinced I am insane.
9. Life is better when covered in glitter. Always.
10. Buy me a packet of sweets and I’ll be your friend for life.

After much consideration, I have no idea who to tag (suprised, much?)
so as usual…go ahead and tag yourselves!

Outfit today involves my new blazer. It was meant to be, when I went back yesterday there was one left in my size and it was carefully hidden waiting for me to find it.

I’ve gone from Blue to Grey with my outfits this weekend.



Blazer: New Look
Dress: H&M a few years ago…another of my £3 dresses
Tights: yet another pair of my black thermals!
