Red Hot

Red is a colour I really don’t wear very much. I spent years being a little afraid of it, fearing it a little too bold for my shy nature. As my confidence grew I began to feel a bit braver about wearing it (and other bright colours) but then I dyed my hair red and have since mostly avoided it for fear of a major colour clash. Sometimes I do like to branch out though and only red will do…

Jumper: New Look | Skirt c/o ASOS (tall range) | Shoes c/o Rainbow Club | Ring: Pandora

I might have deemed these shoes the “perfect party shoe” but I couldn’t resist wearing to add a sparkly twist to a daytime look as well. I love the combination of red and silver and I think they go wonderfully with my flared out midi skirt- always a winner for adding a touch of sophistication to an outfit.
I’m 100% in love with my little bow ring from Pandora, a Christmas present from Ben. It’s not left my finger since he gave it to me- I love silver rings but haven’t got that many in my collection any more as most of the ones I had an loved are far too small. This one is just perfect for wearing alone or stacking with others…I’ll be dropping a few Pandora related hints when it comes to my birthday, too!
Hair colour aside I’ll be making more effort to wear more of the colours I avoid, such as red and orange- I think they are perfect for this time of year especially- cold, wet and grey days need an injection of bright colour! The lack of sunshine and constant dampness might explain my grumpy face in most photos taken of me recently, I’m just not cut out for Winter!


The Cat Lady Wish List

I think the whole world knows how obsessed I am with our feline friends- it’s something I’ve inherited off my mother and try as I might I just can’t resist anything even vaguely cat related! I want to start doing more wish lists on the blog as I love seeing what other bloggers are currently coveting and what better way to start things off than one that I know will appeal to many.

Without further ado, here are some of the cat themed fashion items I’m currently wondering how I can afford…

Claws Tee by Adolescent Clothing at ASOS | Velvet Bag from ASOS | Cat Jumper by Paul & Joe Sister at ASOS | Nica Purse at House of Fraser | Cat Dress from Missguided | Cat Print Dress at Oliver Bonas | Kitty Pumps by Charlotte Olympia at Selfridges

I’m thinking that if I can save £1 per day then by this time next year I could own those Charlotte Olympia pumps! On a more realistic note I have a serious need for the Missguided dress and Adolescent Clothing tee in my wardrobe right now!

What’s on your current wish list? Have I missed any awesome cat pieces during my online trawl?


On Setting Goals

So here we are, somehow 9 days in to 2015 already and I’m yet to post my resolutions for the year; something I had intended to do days ago. It’s taken me up until now to realise that for me, I’m actually better off not setting resolutions- things that seem like a good idea as the year ends but soon transpire in to a list of resentment that does more harm that good. Anyone who knows me will say I am my own worst enemy and I set standards for myself high- time after time I’ve set a goal or made a resolution and inevitably failed. Some people might be able to shrug their shoulders and move on, but I can’t and having spent 2014 learning to appreciate myself a bit more, I want to start 2015 in the most positive way possible, with no targets to reach.
That’s not to say there aren’t things I’d like to achieve over the course of the year, or I’m giving myself free reign to indulge in bad habits, not at all! I’m just giving myself a blank canvas, to see what happens day upon day and deal with it in a way that I see fit.

Some people thrive with a list of goals set out in front of them and this gives them the drive to achieve those goals, I’m not one of those people. I get stressed at the sight of a list that says “eat better, stop smoking and save money” and whilst pressuring myself to do these things all at once, to the extreme I end up getting myself ill, irritable and burning out too soon. Up until last year I didn’t really accept that I wasn’t a goals person, but the second I let go of that “I must or I’ve failed” mentality I started to achieve more.

I know I’m not alone in this, and neither are those that do set themselves a resolution or six to stick to,
I’d love to know your stance on this and how you plan to deal with the year ahead.

I spent 2014 learning how to finally live my life how I want to live it and I’m excited to see where 2015 takes me…no pressure.


With a Smile on your Face

Oh January, a month where inevitably my spirits drop just a little and I basically just want to hibernate until the month passes. I’m getting better at finding ways to counteract this though- seeking out a good book, wearing clothes that make me feel good and making plans for the months ahead. This outfit was what I wore on one of the days where I was feeling slightly blue- it might even have been Boxing Day…my solution? A vintage kilt and a good old dose of Frozen, curled up on the sofa with Mum!

Jumper: Primark | Skirt: ebay | Shoes: Topshop | Hair Bow: Crown and Glory | Necklace c/o Henryka

I never seem to get very lucky on ebay, I think I lack the patience to find the real bargains and always forget to bid on watched items at the last minute. I did manage to strike gold with this skirt a couple of years ago though, having gone through an intense craving for a proper kilt I stalked and stalked one evening until I secured this one at £11.99 including postage. It’s a dream, proper thick, quality wool and the perfect fit- I don’t wear it nearly often enough.
Tell me your secrets to staying cheerful in what must be the most depressing month of the year- as someone who is prone to bouts of low mood it can be a struggle from time to time, but making plans and taking time out for myself always helps.

Also share your ebay secrets, I’m sure I’m missing out on so many good things!


Farewell to the Festive Season

The decorations are down, the chocolates have long ago been eaten and today is the day where most of us will return to normal after the crazy, hazy couple of weeks that Christmas brings. I’m a little sad to see it all go to be honest, despite an up and down love of the season…there’s something so magical about the anticipation building throughout December, and the New Year is a bit of an anti-climax. Still, there’s plenty to look forward to in 2015 and I do have a final set of Christmas jumper photos to share so it’s not all bad!

Jumper: Topshop (at least three years ago) | Skirt: Primark | Boots c/o Ikrush

I remember feeling a huge amount of guilt over spending £42 on this jumper from Topshop a few winters ago. That guilt has long since diminished as out of my Christmas jumper collection this is hands down the most worn and most loved and it’s the kind of jumper that actually gets better with age. Plus it’s a penguin, in a santa hat…I needed it! I wore this outfit for work on Christmas Eve which now feels like a lifetime ago. The skirt was £3 in Primark last January and it’s been hanging up waiting to be worn ever since I bought it home. I was clearly swayed by the sequins and bargain price tag- it was originally £14…now I’ve taken the plunge and worn it I fully intend to wear it as often as possible, it’s never the wrong time of day/month/year for sequins!
I hope everyone had a truly wonderful Festive season. Mine really was lovely, spent with family and friends, with my trust buddy Mae to keep me entertained- there’s never a dull moment when she’s around even if it does sometimes involve live mice being chucked in to the house!
I’m still finalising my goals for the year ago- goals, not resolutions. I have a head swimming with thoughts but have yet been able to translate them on to a written page. Watch this space- and do share yours below, inspiration welcome!
