Introducing the Purrfect Box

Subscription boxes have become big business over the last couple of years- we’ve got the beauty boxes, the food boxes and now pet boxes! Mae and I were sent a sneak preview of the  Purrfect Box to see what it’s all about.
It was exciting times for us both when the courier delivered a bright pink box to the door, Mae was straight at it sniffing and pawing at it and once it was open she decided it made a pretty comfortable bed even with the contents still in there! The Purrfect Box is a monthly subscription which costs £19.90 a month, or £15.90 per month if you take out a years subscription. The contents of the box are guaranteed to be worth at least £30 with 4-6 premium products inside so it’s a pretty sweet deal, especially as each box is catered to your feline’s needs and preferences. The boxes will have a different theme each month too, so kitty won’t get bored ever again! The first box was Summer themed and went down pretty well!
The first item we tested was a laser pen which provides a little red dot for cats to chase. Mae loved this and goes utterly mad trying to catch that little spot of light. I do want to note these must be used with caution and need to be kept far away from eyes, but it’s good fun and I will continue to taunt Mae with this!
Next we picked out a valerian filled heart toy by 4cats. This has been such a huge hit with Mae as we found out recently that she responds really well to Valerian. It’s meant to be a snuggle pillow type of thing but Mae doesn’t realise this and I’m constantly dodging this as she throws it at my feet. For any one with a manic cat, valerian has really helped calm Mae down (most of the time!)
The bag of treats got a firm paws up from my little fiend. She is a bit of a food snob (the look of disgust she gives when you put down certain brands of food for her is classic) and once she’s found something she likes she doesn’t stray. We’re currently trying to wean her off of a dreamies addiction and these filled the gap nicely. She wolfed down a little pile and keeps eyeing the bag wanting more.
The Wasabycat scratching post was presented to Mae and she promptly turned her back on it. She isn’t a scratching post kind of cat though, unfortunately and anyone who visits the house will see the destruction she’s caused to our carpets. I’m hoping that with time, the catnip provided with this will win her over and it’s a great little box and a really good idea, especially for those who don’t have much space in their home. I’m not giving up on this!
We haven’t yet got around to trying the Trixie multivitamin paste as like I mentioned before, Mae is a bit funny about foods. I’m going to put a blob down in her food bowl soon though to see how she responds…I think it’s a really good idea for getting some goodness in to your cat and I hope that she will realise I’m not trying to poison her.
Overall we were really impressed with the box and I will be treating Mae to one from time to time. I was really surprised by how much she loved the contents as she isn’t known for her love of toys, and being able to customise a box in the future we could leave out any scratching related things. I really would recommend this to anyone wanting to treat their feline friend. It might seem a little pricey but for what you get it’s well worth it. There is also a Pawsome Box for those with dogs.
Order your Purrfect Box here…be sure to let me know if you do sign up as I’d love to know what your kitties think as well- why should us humans get all the fun, eh? I’m not sure why Mae refused to leave my converse alone for the photos, but she is a stubborn little thing!


A make for Mae and Giveaway with HobbyCraft

I envy those who can sew, really I do. I struggle to make even the most basic of stitches look neat and I actually got banned from using the machines during year 9 textiles lessons due to my track record of breaking them. Still, I wasn’t going to let that put me off when Hobbycraft got in touch and offered to send me a mini sewing machine to make something to show on the blog with, especially as with that challenge came a second machine to give away to one of my readers!
My Mum is super handy on a sewing machine so I picked her brains for ideas. We settled for making a simple heart template, which we (and by this I mean she) stitched most of the way around before I stuffed it with an old pair of tights and some catnip. The gap was hand stitched closed and Mae was presented with her brand new toy.

I know, I could have made something for myself- a skirt or a little purse perhaps, but being the cat lady that I am I couldn’t resisting making something for my mad moggy first. Watching Mum doing the sewing made me realise that actually, it’s not as hard as I once thought and I have dedicated myself to learning to make some simple things (I am somewhat calmer these days and better at focusing after all) which I will be sure to show on the blog. In the mean time, here are some photos of our exploits and your chance to win below.

(If you have any ideas of things I could make then do feel free to leave them below- being a mini machine I know options are limited but this is so easy to set up and use so it’s perfect for a beginner like me, or for any one who wants to make little gifts without setting up a big machine).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway open to UK residents only, good luck!


feline photobomber

Mae has clearly let appearing on my blog more lately go to her head as now the second the camera comes out for outfit photos she flies up to me and makes a fuss. I know she’s a heck of a lot more photogenic than I am, and I wouldn’t mind at all if she was a less delinquent cat, but growling at leaves and chewing my toes does get a little bit tiresome after the thirtieth time- she also doesn’t stay still long enough for any real nice photos of the pair of us. Still, here is our latest outfit escapade.

Dress: H&M | Shoes: Clarks

This dress was a bargain at £5 in H&M’s sale. Even full price it was only £7.99 and I wish I had picked up the plain black one as well as it’s the perfect cut and length for work. I had thought it was really flattering too, and then I saw these photos- oh well, you can’t win them all eh?!
The shoes were a gift from my friend Leo, my fellow Diva and handily, a manager in a Clarks store. I fell in love with these the second I saw them and I was both gobsmacked and very, very grateful when he said they were on their way to me. The perfect height for work, they are also a great transitional shoe as they can be paired with tights when the weather gets chilly. Cheers Leo, I owe you a cocktail or six!
Oh Mae, my character laden little beastie, she’s the polar opposite of our old cat Flash, who was also a regular on the blog…with him you could dress him up, carry him around and curl up for a nap on the sofa. The one time I tried to dress Mae up I almost lost an arm, she cries if you pick her up and napping isn’t in her daytime vocabulary. Still, the steady influx of mice shows that she loves us after all (I think!) and I wouldn’t be without her, even when she does shred toilet roll all over the house or throw herself out of windows. No doubt there will be more of her on the blog very soon, she’ll be starting one of her own next!


Mae loves: Elsie and Fleur

It’s been a little while since Mae made a proper appearance on the blog, she’s not the easiest of creatures to photograph due to her general dislike of staying still and her general skittish nature. We were recently contacted by Elsie and Fleur, an online market place where everything is made in the West Country (hurrah!) who sent us a herbal felt fish cat toy containing Valerian to help calm her down and focus her attention.
This range of toys comes in a selection of colours, each costing £6.50. Each colour corresponds to the herb they contain and there is something for every feline…for those lacking in affection to those who need something to chill them out (if only they made them for humans too!)
Mae has never really been one for toys, they are something that she’ll sniff at then bash under the sofa never to be seen again…this one had something quite different about it though and it’s barely been out of her paws since it arrived…not only that but it does seem to have had an affect on her behaviour too, there’s been less climbing up the curtains and more chilling on her little sofa in the conservatory…
She even allowed me to snap dozens of photos, even if some where more a blur than anything! What toys do your cats love?

Perfecting the Art of Idleness

Sitting around and doing not much at all does not come easily to me, I’m one of lifes fidgets but over the last five and a bit weeks I’ve had to curb that and learn to relax a bit. Back surgery does not go hand in hand with activity, for the first two weeks even getting around the house was a challenge, things have much improved since then but I’m still under instruction to take it easy and things like lifting and excessive activity are still out of bounds.
Forced inactivity does have it’s upsides. People coming to visit and making me endless cups of tea (with biscuits on the side!) and finally being able to catch up on the magazines that I never usually get time to read. Not having to get changed out of Pjs, or more commonly a onesie if I don’t want to and being able to binge watch Breaking Bad whilst starting and actually finishing some craft projects.
My current favourite loungewear is this onesie (for I am a convert after insisting I never would be) from Universal Textiles. Despite being fleece it’s less stifling to wear than my Onepiece one, as well as a much better fit so I’ve been at far less risk of falling over myself. With the addition of cosy socks I’ve been all set for a day of chilling out with Mae, who I’ve had so much fun laughing at over recent weeks.
My magazine loves at the moment are those shown above. I go through phases with what I buy, sometimes you’ll find Elle or Vogue in the mix but I do find them overpriced and I tend to buy what’s on offer. I have a monthly subscription to Glamour as well, and Marie Claire which comes direct to my iPad.
How do you spend your chill out days? I only have a few days of it left and hope to make the most of it, although now I’m much more mobile and Spring is springing I’m more likely to be found outside, walking or on my bike to get my core strength built back up.
Congratulations to the five winners of my Logitech giveaway! Fiona, sj, Corinne, Rachel Anderson and Monika I have attempted to make contact- get back to me asap!
