Sit Back, Relax

This is the last of my pre-op outfit posts so there may be a pause with those for a while; there’s not an awful lot of motivation to get dressed properly when stuck indoors but I think from next week I can venture further than the top of my road and should also be more comfortable to stand in front of a camera.
Anyway, this outfit is pretty typical of what I sling on after work, after a morning or day of being smart I love popping on something comfortable and perfect for slouching around in.
Dress: Monki at ASOS | Converse: c/o Sarenza
I wasn’t sure about this dress when I first got it. I’ve become a bit shy of tight fitting styles at the moment and I almost sent it back. After a couple of trial wears around the house I realised it wasn’t so bad and it’s something I’ll put on from time to time. My confidence has dipped lately, mostly due to being inactive. I can’t wait to build up a a bit of strength and fitness again!
Bonus shot of Mae just because she hasn’t appeared for a while. She’s a strange cat to say the least. One minute she’s crawling sideways trying to pounce on feet, the next she’s curled up sound asleep. Unlike Flash she is only affectionate when she wants to be and seems to go through phases of who’s in favour. Right now it’s me and Mae has spent a lot of time by my side. Give it a week and she’ll be clawing my feet or running away at the sight of me. She has a terrible habit of getting up on the table when we are eating too…(and is good at getting out of the room we’ve shut her in). You take your eye off your plate for a second and out comes the paw, scooping up what she can. Her favourite at the moment seems to be jacket potato.
Do any of your pets have quirky habits?
Oh, and Happy Valentines Day!


What’s up pussy cat?

Jumper: ASOS
Skirt: Primark
Tights: Primark
Boots c/o Shoe Zone
Yeah yeah, another cat themed item of clothing…I hadn’t realised my collection was quite so vast, oops! This jumper came from ASOS last year and I had somehow forgotten I owned it. As soon as I re-discovered it I decided it needed to be worn so I popped it on with this Primark skirt which I picked up for a mere £3 a couple of weeks ago. I think it was reduced because the sizing is stupidly small, I had to go up one from my usual size and it’s not because I’ve gained almost a stone as everything else still fits!
Whatever, size is but a number and nobody really cares. I love the skirt and plan to wear it lots. I’ve also found that Primark make the best black tights…£3 for three pairs and they seem to be Laura proof in that I haven’t yet made any holes in the toes!
I’m totally in love with my new boots from Shoe Zone. Their A/W collection has some incredible value on trend styles and it was these with their gold detailing that called out to me most. Their arrival last week could not have been better timed as my sciatica got worse big time and I’ve been unable to wear anything but the flattest of flats on the few occasions I was able to leave the house. Fingers crossed it’s on the mend now. It’s been five very long and painful weeks, I have lost count of the number of times I got stuck in bed, on chairs and other various places last week and I actually cried from pain for the first time in my life.
I digress.
Shoe Zone used to be somewhere I never shopped in. Now they are one of the first places I look when I want affordable shoes and boots. They last well too, I’m still wearing a pair from last year that I’ve truly put through their paces. Value and quality, that’s what I like!
Bonus shot of Mae who will go out of her cat flap but refuses to use it to come in again. She is being so naughty lately, any taming ideas?

sick day selfie

At least now I have a double bed I no longer get pushed out!
This was how I spent most of yesterday. Recovering from a stomach bug in this heat is no fun I can tell you. Thankfully I’m back on my feet and off to work this morning, I’m not very good at enforced doing nothing days, I’ll be glad to be busy (I say this now!)
How do you spend sick days?

dressing up Mae

After a year or so of trying to get Mae to wear (and keep on) a collar the boy succeeded where many before him had failed.
To celebrate the success I decided to treat my little feline friend to a new, super girly accessory and I found this little beauty on ebay for a bargain £3.67 (get one here)
I fully expected that once I had the old collar off of her she’d run away and not let me get this one on but she sat there purring then strutted around the conservatory showing it off.
That’s my girl!
She’s going to end up with a wardrobe of collars soon.

Mae’s cameo + a little giveaway

Next jumper dress
Wedge trainers c/o spylovebuy
Cat- totally one of a kind.
It’s odd, I was just thinking the other day that it had been a while since Mae got in on the photo action; at least the photos don’t show the amount of white fur she left on my tights; she only wants to come near me when I’m wearing dark colours.
This jumper dress is one of my wardrobe “comforts”. I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of it…you’ll find me still clinging on to it’s remaining threads when I’m 80. I’m not sure why I put shoes on as I wasn’t actually going anywhere but now I can wear something other than flats I’m fully embracing it.
I hope everyone had a good weekend? My shopping trip didn’t yield many goods but the gorgeous weather made up for it. Sunday saw me have a mad shoe and wardrobe clear out so clearly another trip in to town is on the cards soon.
It’s the start of another week and a somewhat nerve wracking one for me as I’m off to see some medical students to talk to them about my experience with treatment for eating disorders. It’s a bit surreal actually, even six months ago I never saw myself being in a position to be asked to do such a thing and yet here I am. There is room for improvement on my recovery road but I can hand on heart say I have never been so happy or confident about myself in the ten years illness has blighted my life and it’s amazing how much more life has to offer when every waking thought isn’t taken up by food and calories.
Eh, I got a bit deep there, sorry, how about I make up for it with a little giveaway?
I was sent these cult tattoo design instant nail designs to give away to one of my readers; knowing a lot of you are nail obsessed I thought it might appeal! The nail polishes are limited edition created for this launch and are available from at £3.00 each.
The tattoos are available from Boots,, Urban Outfitters and at £5.99 rrp.
Entering is quick and easy, you just need to leave a comment on this post with your e-mail address (and please be a follower of the blog in some form or another…google, facebook, twitter, hello cotton)
The competition will run for one week, closing at 7pm on Monday 11th Feb.
Open to UK residents only due to postage rules.