05.03 new things

Happy Friday! We’ve made it through to another weekend! Who has exciting plans? I’m off work tomorrow so will be indulging in a little retail therapy with my Mum; fingers crossed the sunshiney but cold weather will hold. I so cannot wait for the temperature to start rising.

This will be one of my last non outfit posts, though I’ll probably try and do more of this type of thing rather than keep posting photos of myself.
I thought I’d show you some recent buys and favourite things.


Dresses! As you can see, I’m still loving florals. Both floral dresses are from New Look and both cost £12. The grey based one is my purchase I mentioned the other day. I can’t wait to wear them.
The cream dress in the middle is vintage and absoultley gorgeous, it is also really versatile as it can be worn in many ways. This came from a giveaway hosted by the wonderful platform princess who is a real sweetheart, so do go and check out her blog.


I’m really starting to get more in to accessories lately. I’m a bit hopeless at remembering to put jewellery and such on when I get ready but I am making a concious effort to change that. Most of these treasures came via a group of lovely ladies, who should know who they are 😉


And these are my current favourite nail polishes. Buying them has become a bit of an addiction of mine, although I am trying to be good and not spend any more on them for a while.

Have a fabulous last day of the week

affordable vintage from covert candy

Hello everyone, welcome to the middle of the week! I hope its been a good one so far? It’s still bloody cold here, but I’m adapting 😉
Finally got in to town Christmas shopping today. Please don’t hate me, but I only have three more presents left to buy
(and no money left!)

I know a lot of us are vintage fans, and I also know it can get very expensive, so I wanted to bring www.covertcandy.co.uk and their vintage shop to your attention as a one stop place for swapping the clothes you don’t wear for credits to buy ones you will, and their seperate online shop for cheap vintage clothes

I’ve been a member of covert candy for some time now and really love the site. I’ve had some great items from there, and have felt better about culling my unworn clothes, knowing they’ve gone to a good home.
The vintage shop is great, with loads of variety for really, really reasonable prices. Where I live, the only vintage shop is a teeny tiny one of the highstreet and it jacks prices up so much, that I often go in there feeling I’ve walked in to Selfridges or something (not that we have such shops in my sleepy little village!)

All the vintage items on covert candy are hand selected from vintage wholesalers in Paris, and they have fresh batches arrive approximatley every month. You can sign up for e-mail alerts of new arrivals as soon as they arrive.

go check it out, and sign up for the clothes swap too. We might end up with each other’s clothes 😉

Outfit wise, I’ve done something I swore I never would and bought a pair of “jeggings” although the ones I got, from New Look are the thickness and quality of a pair of skinny jeans, in my opinion, just with an elasticated waist.




Not bad for £15!



Oh man,
it is COLD today. I really resented having to leave my toasty warm house where only a dress is required, to venture out and about bundled up in cardis, coat, gloves and scarf.

How’s your Monday going? Do you live somewhere warm? (if you do, please kidnap me, thanks)



What are your plans for this week? I don’t think I have any? Weather permitting, hopefully I’ll make it in to Bristol for some Christmas shopping, but otherwise, not a lot. I must get my ass in gear and enrol on the media law course I want/need to do.

Anyone bought anything from the Giles Deacon for New Look range yet? I’m tempted by a couple of things, but want to check them out in store first.

Giles Deacon for New Look; my top picks

Hi guys,
as promised here is a preview of the next Giles Deacon for New Look installment. It arrives in store on Monday, and these are my top picks.








There will also be several more gorgeous pieces, I just didn’t want to spoil the suprise 😉

I’m probably going to have to limit myself to one, if any of the pieces due to being broke,
which one would you pick?

With thanks to Helen at New Look for the pics

first outfit post of the month

I hope everyone has recovered from Halloween festivities by now?
I can’t believe its over and now the countdown to Christmas is well and truly on! I suddenly feel so behind.

Weather here is truly awful today. Black skies and pouring rain, I got soaked on my way out with Mum earlier.

Outfits from Yesterday and Today (someone was too lazy to post yesterday!)



*My arms are behind my back here*


What are your plans for this week?
I’m hoping to go Christmas shopping at some point, but that totally depends on the weather.
Perhaps some online shopping is in order, though I’m saving my pennies for the next installment of Giles Deacon for New Look (out next Monday, preview coming soon!)
